Developing! Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Labs Received Tens of Millions of Dollars in DOD Contracts – Experimented with Bat Viruses in at least One Biolab

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
It's all coming to a head.

Nathan Wolfe is founder of Global Viral (previously GVFI) and Metabiota, a company that specializes in microbiological research, products and services, and the Ex-Chairman of Global Viral, a non-profit that promotes understanding, exploration and stewardship of the microbial world. Dr.

Nathan-Wolfe - Global Viral​ › nathan-wolfe


Metabiota is a San Francisco startup that compiles data from around the world to predict disease outbreaks. The company is a partner with USAID's PREDICT and PREVENT programs. Wikipedia
Founder: Nathan Wolfe
Founded: 2008
The laptop doesn't exist.
If it does exist, it certainly isn't Hunters.
If it is Hunters, it has been loaded with Russian Disinformation.
Hunter is not really related to Joe.
In fact, he may not even really exist, Republicans may have just made him up.
There is no Ukraine.
If there is a Ukraine, there are certainly no biolabs there.
If there are Biolabs there, there is no connection to the US.

Gateway Pundit
Gateway Pundit.
The laptop doesn't exist.
If it does exist, it certainly isn't Hunters.
If it is Hunters, it has been loaded with Russian Disinformation.
Hunter is not really related to Joe.
In fact, he may not even really exist, Republicans may have just made him up.
There is no Ukraine.
If there is a Ukraine, there are certainly no biolabs there.
If there are Biolabs there, there is no connection to the US.

Gateway Pundit
Gateway Pundit.

I forgot:

January 6th Insurrection!
The laptop doesn't exist.
If it does exist, it certainly isn't Hunters.
If it is Hunters, it has been loaded with Russian Disinformation.
Hunter is not really related to Joe.
In fact, he may not even really exist, Republicans may have just made him up.
There is no Ukraine.
If there is a Ukraine, there are certainly no biolabs there.
If there are Biolabs there, there is no connection to the US.

Gateway Pundit
Gateway Pundit.
Gerrymandering.! :)
It's all coming to a head.

What's coming to a head??? The pimple on the end of your nose????

Why do you come here every day and post Russian propaganda????? Who's paying you to undermine the government of the USA. Why are you publicizing Putin's lies?????
OP's report shows the letter from Mary Guttieri. We linked Guttieri with Robert Garry for both sharing patents and her work at Ft. Detrick. Lugar center in the Republic of Georgia links Obama's faked "moratorium" with his trip to Russia with Lugar.

If Zelenskiy ordered scrubbing of Metabiota links, it's too late. The Russians supposedly have 20,000 documents, and we have already linked African coronaviruses to Metabiota.

4 Dec 2022 Posts #1,499, 1,488, 1,489
Metabiota's African coronavirus spike protein remains unpublished, but it links to California epidemiologist, Anne Rimoin. Has Anne met Hunter yet? Is Guttieri's letter in the OP dated before or after the coronavirus was collected on 25 Mar 2014?

3 Aug 2022 Post #54 Malone Says Monkeypox May Have Been Engineered
'....Anne Rimoin....Metabiota....'

So two entities that have been anal retentive is 1.) Metabiota for the African coronavirus spike sequences and 2.) Ralph Baric's UNC bat lab for the Appalachian Ridge coronavirus spike.
It's all coming to a head.

Guttieri's Ukraine letter is dated 4 Ap 2014, less than two weeks after the African coronavirus was collected. Because the Lugar Research Center (Obama went to Russia with Lugar) was also engaged in Phlebotomine vectors of leishmaniasis, the leishmaniasis links to (ethnic differences in susceptibility [italics]), precisely Russian ethnic differences.

There are other reasons why Metabiota would be anal retentive about African coronaviruses. The Lyme disease ticks found on Long Island, New York, in 2008, were infected with phleboviruses. These particular New York phleboviruses contained furin cleavage sites identical to the communist virus, SARS-CoV-2. In addition, Guttieri having worked at Ft. Detrick would be well aware of furin cleavage sequences in anthrax.
The laptop doesn't exist.
If it does exist, it certainly isn't Hunters.
If it is Hunters, it has been loaded with Russian Disinformation.
Hunter is not really related to Joe.
In fact, he may not even really exist, Republicans may have just made him up.
There is no Ukraine.
If there is a Ukraine, there are certainly no biolabs there.
If there are Biolabs there, there is no connection to the US.

Gateway Pundit
Gateway Pundit.
Nyctereutes (raccoon dogs), reservoirs of SARS-Cov1, were slowly becoming more numerous in Europe, and they will eat the ticks they find on themselves, which includes the Lyme disease tick genus, Ixodes.

9 Dec 2022 Posts # 1,509, 1,510, 1,511 Bats, Brucella, Rabies, etc.
OP's unclassified document is undated. One reason for anal retention of coronavirus sequences would be cancer.

'He knew that mRNA "vaccine" was never tested in cancer patients....Jiang and Mei showed obliteration of p53 by spike protein.'
Jikky and DoorlessCarp make the Metabiota connection, though don't seem to yet realize it. That's because they missed the Metabiota link to BRCA1 from the African giant swamp rat, Malacomys.

DoorlessCarp substack
'....Spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.'

Metabiota's anal retention by not publishing the Malacomys coronavirus spike becomes more understandable. Jikky and DoorlessCarp have helped the reader to understand why Metabiota chose to sequence the BRCA1 gene from Malacomys:

3 Aug 2022 Post #54
'....Malacomys BRCA1....'

This is damning evidence against Hunter Biden's Metabiota. The apparent monkeypox from Malacomys was never verified from Antwerp University, so Dr. Malone linking the Wuhan lab to monkeypox synthesis is a worthwhile hypothesis.

Dr. Malone may not know about Metabiota's link to Antwerp, The Netherlands, though the report for the Ukraine bird flu biolab at Kharkiv links to the recent Netherlands report for an E-to-K mutation in H5N1 avian influenza that causes it to infect the brains of carnivores.

Russia was right to intercept experiments at the Kharkiv bird flu lab, which may have already produced a neurotropic H5N1 strain.
It's all coming to a head.

Your head has nothing but air in it.
Metabiota knew about BRCA1 from the African swamp rat as early as 2007, even if they were not organized at that time. Ironically, the pig virus (PEDV) that causes sudden death in a natural infection also targets (inhibits) cancer-suppression pathways:

It may take a while for cancers to appear. In the meantime, "vaccinated" may be able to give the unvaxxed cancer by shedding, which would align well with a depopulation agenda.

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