Devils Night! Oct. 30 2017 Which is tomorrow.....


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Did you know Devils Night aka "Mischief Night" is practiced in parts of the United States and other parts of the World. Did you know it was chiefly associated with the serious vandalism and arson seen in Detroit Michigan from the 70s-90s.

I found that interesting, as I had no idea. I just thought a group of friends would go out that night an TP houses, egg cars, and cause mischief.

When I was a kid in my early to mid teens I would go out that night with a group of friends and cause mischief, nothing major. TP houses and cars, spray paint walls and the street, and one year we egged local cop cars with about 8 dozen eggs.

Any one else have a devils night story they would like to share?
Any one else have a devils night story they would like to share?
That's nice of you to create a cathartic thread.....Some people, though perhaps few Roman Catholics, may make use of it. ;)
Lol. Come on everyone was a kid at some point, if you never caused any kind of mischief as a kid I'm sorry but you had a lame and boring childhood. Missed out on being a kid, and that sucks. I had some of my best times as a teenager. I took chances, nothing real major, and had a lot of fun. I did however get in a lot of trouble when I was 17 and went to boot camp for 2 years, but that's for another thread.
Did you know Devils Night aka "Mischief Night" is practiced in parts of the United States and other parts of the World. Did you know it was chiefly associated with the serious vandalism and arson seen in Detroit Michigan from the 70s-90s.

I found that interesting, as I had no idea. I just thought a group of friends would go out that night an TP houses, egg cars, and cause mischief.

When I was a kid in my early to mid teens I would go out that night with a group of friends and cause mischief, nothing major. TP houses and cars, spray paint walls and the street, and one year we egged local cop cars with about 8 dozen eggs.

Any one else have a devils night story they would like to share?

link to it being related to vandalism and arson in Detroit for 20 some-odd years.
Did you know Devils Night aka "Mischief Night" is practiced in parts of the United States and other parts of the World. Did you know it was chiefly associated with the serious vandalism and arson seen in Detroit Michigan from the 70s-90s.

I found that interesting, as I had no idea. I just thought a group of friends would go out that night an TP houses, egg cars, and cause mischief.

When I was a kid in my early to mid teens I would go out that night with a group of friends and cause mischief, nothing major. TP houses and cars, spray paint walls and the street, and one year we egged local cop cars with about 8 dozen eggs.

Any one else have a devils night story they would like to share?

link to it being related to vandalism and arson in Detroit for 20 some-odd years.
Google: Devils Night and the Wikipedia link should be at the very top
Any one else have a devils night story they would like to share?
That's nice of you to create a cathartic thread.....Some people, though perhaps few Roman Catholics, may make use of it. ;)
Lol. Come on everyone was a kid at some point, if you never caused any kind of mischief as a kid I'm sorry but you had a lame and boring childhood. Missed out on being a kid, and that sucks. I had some of my best times as a teenager. I took chances, nothing real major, and had a lot of fun. I did however get in a lot of trouble when I was 17 and went to boot camp for 2 years, but that's for another thread.
Come on everyone was a kid at some point, if you never caused any kind of mischief

I made no intimation that I did or did not, as a young person, engage in assorted acts of maleficence that I'd prefer be construed as mere mischief. What I did intimate is that the "confessional" that is your thread comes too late for those of us who've long ago atoned for our youthful miscreance.

Missed out on being a kid

Having raised four children and having siblings, I can assure you that one does not "miss out on being a kid" by dint of not having, as a kid, been routinely or intermittently a derelict one.

Way back when, I dabbled in witchcraft and reading Tarot cards. I had something happen to me that could not be explained rationally. It was enough to scare me away from both.

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