Devin Nunes there is enough evidence of Russian collusion with Hillary


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Republican Rep. Devin Nunes of California shared some startling news about the Russia investigation Saturday, claiming there was clear evidence of collusion on Fox News’ “Cavuto Live.”
Devin Nunes: There Is Evidence Of Russian Collusion — With Hillary

We keep getting all the dirt on H. Clinton but with all the money she has there is no way they will prosecute this lying skank. Money talks and Bs walks is probably where that saying came from the rich and elites bastards who are our slave drivers. They live in million dollar homes while the rest of the population lives in cubicles so to speak.
I saw this.........this is the scandal that will be the greatest political scandal in American goes all the way to obama...
Republican Rep. Devin Nunes of California shared some startling news about the Russia investigation Saturday, claiming there was clear evidence of collusion on Fox News’ “Cavuto Live.”
Devin Nunes: There Is Evidence Of Russian Collusion — With Hillary

We keep getting all the dirt on H. Clinton but with all the money she has there is no way they will prosecute this lying skank. Money talks and Bs walks is probably where that saying came from the rich and elites bastards who are our slave drivers. They live in million dollar homes while the rest of the population lives in cubicles so to speak.
Nunes is incompetent, useless and probably in a whole heap of shit himself. If Mueller finds Clinton collusion, he WILL indict.
Mueller hasn't the stones to link the Clinton mafia to Tennessee, which is both the British Intelligence and the CIA links at Oliver Springs. Mueller is a coward to look closer to that, because it also links to religion. When the CIA goes to church, it's certainly not to pray, Basketball Breath.
Mueller hasn't the stones to link the Clinton mafia to Tennessee, which is both the British Intelligence and the CIA links at Oliver Springs. Mueller is a coward to look closer to that, because it also links to religion. When the CIA goes to church, it's certainly not to pray, Basketball Breath.
Tell me, cocksuck, do you have a dd214? Did you ever serve in combat? Were you ever wounded? Medals? Mueller has proven his courage repeatedly, unlike CIC Bone Spurs. You asshole cowards trying to defame a good man are all alike. Yellow cowards all.


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Republican Rep. Devin Nunes of California shared some startling news about the Russia investigation Saturday, claiming there was clear evidence of collusion on Fox News’ “Cavuto Live.”
Devin Nunes: There Is Evidence Of Russian Collusion — With Hillary

We keep getting all the dirt on H. Clinton but with all the money she has there is no way they will prosecute this lying skank. Money talks and Bs walks is probably where that saying came from the rich and elites bastards who are our slave drivers. They live in million dollar homes while the rest of the population lives in cubicles so to speak.
Infowars. Ha ha ha hahahaha
Imagine having the gall to use that farthest right conspiracy web site and think you'll be taken seriously.
Alex Jones admitted in a court hearing for custody of his kids that Info Wars is " purely an entertainment " site and not to be taken seriously.
Btw... he lost custody of his kids because of how unstable he is.

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