Devout Christians should not be prevented from engaging in NCAA sports.

The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail

I have read Romans. I think Paul has a LOT of issues, and he never once spoke with Jesus. I'm not a fan.

If homosexuality is such a grave sin in the eyes of God, why is there no mention of it in the 10 Commandments? Why do radical right wing evangelicals place such an emphasis on banning homosexuality, and yet barely mention Adultery, upon which there is a prohibition in the 10 Commandments?

God says nothing in the Big 10 about homosexuality, and everything about lying, adultery, stealing and murder, and yet evangelicals don't seem to have a problem with any of these things. Only something which God didn't consider important enough to mention when he set down his laws.

Bakers aren't refusing to bake wedding cakes for Adulterers, liars, thieves, or blasphemers. Yet God considered these sins to be the WORST sins imaginable. Other than adultery, there were no prohibitions on other "lustful" or "shameful" behaviour.
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail
Paul condemns it. Jesus never did.

The Bible is God's word, Jesus lived by it.

No it is NOT. It is written by MEN, inspired by God, but their personal prejudices abound.

In addition to which, the English language versions of these Biblical texts weren't even translated from the original texts. They were translations of translations, that had passed through numerous translators' hands, each of whom added their own personal interpretations to their translations of the originals.

Especially when speaking of sexual matters, the language is seldom direct, except in the 10 Commandments - Thou shall not Commit adultery.

So I ask again, if evangelicals are SO consumed with unforgiveable sins, why are they so obsesses with homosexuality, and not the behaviours which are outright banned in the 10 Commandments?

I've been a Presbyterian Church Elder for more than 20 years, and was a Sunday School teacher for 10 of those years. Let's talk about the Biblical references to sexual behaviour, the beginning of life, and other religious matters shall we?
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.

Sex within marriage to someone who has been divorced (except outside of rare circumstances) is adultery also. Evangelicals largely backed a serial adulterer.
To whom are you referring to as this "serial adulterer? Probably it is someone that you don't like that someone has alleged that he/she is an adulterer.

I suspected that it was President Donald J Trump that you were referring to. Simple allegations of adultery don't make him guilty!

The fact that you're even suggesting he's not an adulterer show what a gullible idiot you Trumpkins truly are.
As a Christian, conservative, Trump supporter I can say that most people like me don't expect our leaders to be saints and are willing to forgive a sinner when he confesses. I am a sinner that has been saved by the grace of God.

Trump hasn't "confessed" his sins. He continues to deny them, thereby lying and bearing false witness.

I don't expect my leader to be a saint either, but I certainly don't want a leader who has raped women and bragged about it, who routinely lies about and denigrates others, and who made his money cheating people and refusing to pay his bills or honor his contractual obligations. It denotes a lack of morals and character, and I do expect both in my leaders.

When it comes to personal matters, such as adultery, where Trump differs from other Presidents, is his self-admitted penchant for sexual assault - confirmed by more than 20 such victims who confirmed the behaviours he bragged about in the Access Hollywood tapes.

Trump has a long, long history of financial malfeasance and outright fraud, and yet conservative Christians refuse to vote for Democrats who support a woman's right to choose. Where you make your stand is telling indeed. Against God given free will - every single time.

Conservative Christians continue to support a man whose policies have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans through his covid response; who deliberately and cruelly separated children at the Southern Border - killing 7 children; who lied daily tens of thousands of times; and who promoted hate and racism. All while demonizing members of the Democratic Party.

Christians outside of the United States of America look at the right wing conservative Christian movement in the USA and say that Jesus was really fucking clear about keeping politics out of spirituality. Jesus steadfastly refused all attempts by his followers to turn his movement into an anti-Roman political movement, saying that his Kingdom is not of this world.

You cannot call yourself a Christian and vote for the policies of Donald J. Trump. You cannot vote for cruelty and death, and say you follow Jesus' teachings, because you don't. Not for a second.

Democrats who spent four years lying about every Trump quote and action whiting about lying is classic, fascist liar

Once again, everyone in the entire world is lying to you except Donald Trump. Democrats are lying to you, the media is lying to you, the foreign press is lying to you. Only Donald Trump is telling you the truth.

You cannot possibly be that stupid and that gullible after four years of the worst Presidency in American history. And if you are, there really is no hope for you or your country. If you want to live by racism, bigotry, and cruelty to non-whites around the world, your nation doesn't deserve to survive and it won't. You'll end up a second or third tier country, non unlike South Africa.

1) You're completely full of shit and you made that up

2) Obviously you're a Democrat worshiping brainless zombie

3) So give examples of Trump racist quotes that are not Democrats misquoting him. Do it. You said Trump's the liar, but first and foremost, you're the liar

It's not my job to find you proof that you will only reject completely.

Since Trump was thrown out of office, you lot have been even pissier than you were when Trump was in the White House. You have behaved like an utter jackass throughout this thread. Furthermore, since you continually call me names, claim I'm lying, and behave like a complete asshole towards me, I wouldn't cross the road to piss on you if you were on fire.

We're not putting up with YOUR bullshit and lies. You lost. Get it over.
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail

I have read Romans. I think Paul has a LOT of issues, and he never once spoke with Jesus. I'm not a fan.

If homosexuality is such a grave sin in the eyes of God, why is there no mention of it in the 10 Commandments? Why do radical right wing evangelicals place such an emphasis on banning homosexuality, and yet barely mention Adultery, upon which there is a prohibition in the 10 Commandments?

God says nothing in the Big 10 about homosexuality, and everything about lying, adultery, stealing and murder, and yet evangelicals don't seem to have a problem with any of these things. Only something which God didn't consider important enough to mention when he set down his laws.

Bakers aren't refusing to bake wedding cakes for Adulterers, liars, thieves, or blasphemers. Yet God considered these sins to be the WORST sins imaginable. Other than adultery, there were no prohibitions on other "lustful" or "shameful" behaviour.
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail
Paul condemns it. Jesus never did.

The Bible is God's word, Jesus lived by it.

No it is NOT. It is written by MEN, inspired by God, but their personal prejudices abound.

In addition to which, the English language versions of these Biblical texts weren't even translated from the original texts. They were translations of translations, that had passed through numerous translators' hands, each of whom added their own personal interpretations to their translations of the originals.

Especially when speaking of sexual matters, the language is seldom direct, except in the 10 Commandments - Thou shall not Commit adultery.

So I ask again, if evangelicals are SO consumed with unforgiveable sins, why are they so obsesses with homosexuality, and not the behaviours which are outright banned in the 10 Commandments?

I've been a Presbyterian Church Elder for more than 20 years, and was a Sunday School teacher for 10 of those years. Let's talk about the Biblical references to sexual behaviour, the beginning of life, and other religious matters shall we?
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.

Sex within marriage to someone who has been divorced (except outside of rare circumstances) is adultery also. Evangelicals largely backed a serial adulterer.
To whom are you referring to as this "serial adulterer? Probably it is someone that you don't like that someone has alleged that he/she is an adulterer.

I suspected that it was President Donald J Trump that you were referring to. Simple allegations of adultery don't make him guilty!

The fact that you're even suggesting he's not an adulterer show what a gullible idiot you Trumpkins truly are.
As a Christian, conservative, Trump supporter I can say that most people like me don't expect our leaders to be saints and are willing to forgive a sinner when he confesses. I am a sinner that has been saved by the grace of God.

Trump hasn't "confessed" his sins. He continues to deny them, thereby lying and bearing false witness.

I don't expect my leader to be a saint either, but I certainly don't want a leader who has raped women and bragged about it, who routinely lies about and denigrates others, and who made his money cheating people and refusing to pay his bills or honor his contractual obligations. It denotes a lack of morals and character, and I do expect both in my leaders.

When it comes to personal matters, such as adultery, where Trump differs from other Presidents, is his self-admitted penchant for sexual assault - confirmed by more than 20 such victims who confirmed the behaviours he bragged about in the Access Hollywood tapes.

Trump has a long, long history of financial malfeasance and outright fraud, and yet conservative Christians refuse to vote for Democrats who support a woman's right to choose. Where you make your stand is telling indeed. Against God given free will - every single time.

Conservative Christians continue to support a man whose policies have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans through his covid response; who deliberately and cruelly separated children at the Southern Border - killing 7 children; who lied daily tens of thousands of times; and who promoted hate and racism. All while demonizing members of the Democratic Party.

Christians outside of the United States of America look at the right wing conservative Christian movement in the USA and say that Jesus was really fucking clear about keeping politics out of spirituality. Jesus steadfastly refused all attempts by his followers to turn his movement into an anti-Roman political movement, saying that his Kingdom is not of this world.

You cannot call yourself a Christian and vote for the policies of Donald J. Trump. You cannot vote for cruelty and death, and say you follow Jesus' teachings, because you don't. Not for a second.

Democrats who spent four years lying about every Trump quote and action whiting about lying is classic, fascist liar

Once again, everyone in the entire world is lying to you except Donald Trump. Democrats are lying to you, the media is lying to you, the foreign press is lying to you. Only Donald Trump is telling you the truth.

You cannot possibly be that stupid and that gullible after four years of the worst Presidency in American history. And if you are, there really is no hope for you or your country. If you want to live by racism, bigotry, and cruelty to non-whites around the world, your nation doesn't deserve to survive and it won't. You'll end up a second or third tier country, non unlike South Africa.

1) You're completely full of shit and you made that up

2) Obviously you're a Democrat worshiping brainless zombie

3) So give examples of Trump racist quotes that are not Democrats misquoting him. Do it. You said Trump's the liar, but first and foremost, you're the liar

It's not my job to find you proof that you will only reject completely.

Since Trump was thrown out of office, you lot have been even pissier than you were when Trump was in the White House. You have behaved like an utter jackass throughout this thread. Furthermore, since you continually call me names, claim I'm lying, and behave like a complete asshole towards me, I wouldn't cross the road to piss on you if you were on fire.

We're not putting up with YOUR bullshit and lies. You lost. Get it over.

It's not your job to prove you aren't a liar. Of course it is. You can't because you are in fact a liar and you just proved it .... again.

And you're so full of shit. Obviously if you could quote Trump accurately and back it up with video of him saying what you said he said that would be a compelling argument. But you can't because the video tape would show you lied about what he said, so you're making up shit to evade it


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