DHS has reinvented itself as a secret police unit to spy on political activists


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012

The Department of Homeland Security feared that the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations would turn violent during their height last year, according to a leaked document obtained by Rolling Stone Magazine.

Whether you support the goals of Occupy Wall Street or not, this is yet another example of how the federal agency, which was created under the auspices of protecting the United States from terrorist attacks, is primarily concerned with keeping tabs on citizens who express their First Amendment rights.

“The five-page report – contained in 5 million newly leaked documents examined by Rolling Stone in an investigative partnership with WikiLeaks – goes on to sum up the history of Occupy Wall Street and assess its “impact” on everything from financial services to government facilities,” writes Michael Hastings. Continued

Comment: DHS and TSA were never meant to protect us from terrorists. After all the bankers who run us see normal americans as the terrorists. The war on terror is a war against the american people via the international bankers who are destroying us.
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