DHS: Over 800 Immigrants Due to be Deported Granted Citizenship, Mistakenly

This is just breaking today.. How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted.. the article even states they had no fingerprints to prove who these people were, FROM VERY HIGH TERROR LEVEL AREAS.. WTF???????????????? Liberals and their FUCKING APPEASEMENT policies are going to get Americans killed.. YOU FUCKING OWN EVERY ATTACK, every death.. None of you would listen.. all you cared about were new voters for power.. FUCK security.. I'M OVER IT..


More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

Not a mistake, it's deliberate, mistakes such as this don't happen.
This is just breaking today.. How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted.. the article even states they had no fingerprints to prove who these people were, FROM VERY HIGH TERROR LEVEL AREAS.. WTF???????????????? Liberals and their FUCKING APPEASEMENT policies are going to get Americans killed.. YOU FUCKING OWN EVERY ATTACK, every death.. None of you would listen.. all you cared about were new voters for power.. FUCK security.. I'M OVER IT..


More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

Not a mistake, it's deliberate, mistakes such as this don't happen.

DHS admits they had NO FINGERPRINTS to vet these possible terrorists and STILL GRANTED them citizenship.. THIS WAS ON PURPOSE.. No fucking one does that shit.. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WE CAN VET THIS PEOPLE???? LIARS
This is just breaking today.. How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted.. the article even states they had no fingerprints to prove who these people were, FROM VERY HIGH TERROR LEVEL AREAS.. WTF???????????????? Liberals and their FUCKING APPEASEMENT policies are going to get Americans killed.. YOU FUCKING OWN EVERY ATTACK, every death.. None of you would listen.. all you cared about were new voters for power.. FUCK security.. I'M OVER IT..


More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

The Ten Big US Government Failures Of The 21st Century
This is just breaking today.. How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted.. the article even states they had no fingerprints to prove who these people were, FROM VERY HIGH TERROR LEVEL AREAS.. WTF???????????????? Liberals and their FUCKING APPEASEMENT policies are going to get Americans killed.. YOU FUCKING OWN EVERY ATTACK, every death.. None of you would listen.. all you cared about were new voters for power.. FUCK security.. I'M OVER IT..


More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

The Ten Big US Government Failures Of The 21st Century

WTF does that have to do with OBAMAS Homeland Security Dept putting every fucking American at risk?? Want to talk about the other failures?? Start your own fucking thread.
This is just breaking today.. How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted.. the article even states they had no fingerprints to prove who these people were, FROM VERY HIGH TERROR LEVEL AREAS.. WTF???????????????? Liberals and their FUCKING APPEASEMENT policies are going to get Americans killed.. YOU FUCKING OWN EVERY ATTACK, every death.. None of you would listen.. all you cared about were new voters for power.. FUCK security.. I'M OVER IT..


More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

The Ten Big US Government Failures Of The 21st Century

WTF does that have to do with OBAMAS Homeland Security Dept putting every fucking American at risk?? Want to talk about the other failures?? Start your own fucking thread.
I was replying to your question....

"How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted."
This is just breaking today.. How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted.. the article even states they had no fingerprints to prove who these people were, FROM VERY HIGH TERROR LEVEL AREAS.. WTF???????????????? Liberals and their FUCKING APPEASEMENT policies are going to get Americans killed.. YOU FUCKING OWN EVERY ATTACK, every death.. None of you would listen.. all you cared about were new voters for power.. FUCK security.. I'M OVER IT..


More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

The Ten Big US Government Failures Of The 21st Century

WTF does that have to do with OBAMAS Homeland Security Dept putting every fucking American at risk?? Want to talk about the other failures?? Start your own fucking thread.
I was replying to your question....

"How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted."

Bernie Madoff and the other shit PALES in comparison to literally putting this entire nation at risk.. NOTHING compares to this..
This is just breaking today.. How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted.. the article even states they had no fingerprints to prove who these people were, FROM VERY HIGH TERROR LEVEL AREAS.. WTF???????????????? Liberals and their FUCKING APPEASEMENT policies are going to get Americans killed.. YOU FUCKING OWN EVERY ATTACK, every death.. None of you would listen.. all you cared about were new voters for power.. FUCK security.. I'M OVER IT..


More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

The Ten Big US Government Failures Of The 21st Century

WTF does that have to do with OBAMAS Homeland Security Dept putting every fucking American at risk?? Want to talk about the other failures?? Start your own fucking thread.
I was replying to your question....

"How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted."

Bernie Madoff and the other shit PALES in comparison to literally putting this entire nation at risk.. NOTHING compares to this..

If its that pale you may be correct but I was trying to answer your question.

The biggest government ‘oops’ of 2011
Jones told the Boston Herald that Rahami appeared to change his demeanor after a visit home to his native Afghanistan. “At one point he left to go to Afghanistan, and two years ago he came back, popped up out of nowhere and he was real religious, and it was shocking,” he said. “I’m trying to understand what’s going on. I’ve never seen him like this.”

The POS who just tried to slaughter NYers and in New Jersey... HE WAS AN AFGHAN REFUGEE allowed in....

VOTE, don't walk.. RUN..
This Muslim Brotherhood President who sent IRAN HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of $'s in unmarked bills, IN CASH , taxpayer money, HELPED topple Mubarek in Egypt to install the Muslim Brotherhood, IGNORED the pleas of the Iranian freedom fighters in the Arab Spring, they died, used taxpayer money to fund foreign election (FUCKING ILLEGAL AS HELL) to beat Netanyahu- refuses to call out Islamic terrorism...

Obama doesn’t mention terror in remarks on bombings
Obama doesn’t mention terror in remarks on bombings

MANCHURIAN PRESIDENT.. God only knows the damage he has done..
Last edited:
Trump is our only hope for securing our border and rebuilding Obama's dismantling of our Immigration System. Clinton has already vowed to continue Obama's awful policies. So i have to support him.

We should start with a suspension of all immigration from known Terrorist-haven nations. We should start with nations like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. But others should be considered too. And then we'll have to tackle the border mess. It's time to act.
This is just breaking today.. How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted.. the article even states they had no fingerprints to prove who these people were, FROM VERY HIGH TERROR LEVEL AREAS.

The willingness of Scandinavia, France, Germany and, increasingly, the U.S. to permit such gratuitous immigration of young Muslim males is not only baffling to me, it's given me cause to wonder what is behind it. What is motivating the leadership of these nations -- including our own?

We know what specific ethnic category is actively and increasingly engaged in efforts to kill, injure and abuse our citizens. We know that a substantial percentage of these Muslims are fanatical and that they hate us. They have plainly demonstrated it time and time again, yet the ultimate response of our government is to allow more of them to come and live among us.

While the attack on Pearl Harbor was conducted by the Japanese Empire I am not aware of any Japanese/Americans or Japanese immigrants living in America having demonstrated or expressed any form of hostility toward America or its people. In spite of this absence of expressed or demonstrated malice on the part of any Japanese individual living in the U.S. our government acted to intern all ethnic Japanese in concentration camps for the duration of the War. Yet, although the 9/11 attack was conducted by Muslims who were living in the U.S., and that a number of subsequent terrorist attacks have been conducted by Muslims, both citizens and immigrants, and that a number of influential Muslims, including some who are living in the U.S., have openly condemned all non-Muslims as "infidels" -- enemies of Islam who should be killed, our present government not only has taken no steps to isolate what is an obvious internal threat, its response has been to admit more of this plainly menacing ethnic category.

What can come of this?
This is just breaking today.. How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted.. the article even states they had no fingerprints to prove who these people were, FROM VERY HIGH TERROR LEVEL AREAS.

The willingness of Scandinavia, France, Germany and, increasingly, the U.S. to permit such gratuitous immigration of young Muslim males is not only baffling to me, it's given me cause to wonder what is behind it. What is motivating the leadership of these nations -- including our own?

We know what specific ethnic category is actively and increasingly engaged in efforts to kill, injure and abuse our citizens. We know that a substantial percentage of these Muslims are fanatical and that they hate us. They have plainly demonstrated it time and time again, yet the ultimate response of our government is to allow more of them to come and live among us.

While the attack on Pearl Harbor was conducted by the Japanese Empire I am not aware of any Japanese/Americans or Japanese immigrants living in America having demonstrated or expressed any form of hostility toward America or its people. In spite of this absence of expressed or demonstrated malice on the part of any Japanese individual living in the U.S. our government acted to intern all ethnic Japanese in concentration camps for the duration of the War. Yet, although the 9/11 attack was conducted by Muslims who were living in the U.S., and that a number of subsequent terrorist attacks have been conducted by Muslims, both citizens and immigrants, and that a number of influential Muslims, including some who are living in the U.S., have openly condemned all non-Muslims as "infidels" -- enemies of Islam who should be killed, our present government not only has taken no steps to isolate what is an obvious internal threat, its response has been to admit more of this plainly menacing ethnic category.

What can come of this?

Does make you believe it's being done intentionally, and with malice in mind. Personally, i feel we need to immediately suspend all immigration from known Terrorist-haven nations. We should start with nations like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. But others should be considered as well.
This is just breaking today.. How the FUCK do you mistakenly grant citizenship to people you've not even vetted.. the article even states they had no fingerprints to prove who these people were, FROM VERY HIGH TERROR LEVEL AREAS.

The willingness of Scandinavia, France, Germany and, increasingly, the U.S. to permit such gratuitous immigration of young Muslim males is not only baffling to me, it's given me cause to wonder what is behind it. What is motivating the leadership of these nations -- including our own?

We know what specific ethnic category is actively and increasingly engaged in efforts to kill, injure and abuse our citizens. We know that a substantial percentage of these Muslims are fanatical and that they hate us. They have plainly demonstrated it time and time again, yet the ultimate response of our government is to allow more of them to come and live among us.

While the attack on Pearl Harbor was conducted by the Japanese Empire I am not aware of any Japanese/Americans or Japanese immigrants living in America having demonstrated or expressed any form of hostility toward America or its people. In spite of this absence of expressed or demonstrated malice on the part of any Japanese individual living in the U.S. our government acted to intern all ethnic Japanese in concentration camps for the duration of the War. Yet, although the 9/11 attack was conducted by Muslims who were living in the U.S., and that a number of subsequent terrorist attacks have been conducted by Muslims, both citizens and immigrants, and that a number of influential Muslims, including some who are living in the U.S., have openly condemned all non-Muslims as "infidels" -- enemies of Islam who should be killed, our present government not only has taken no steps to isolate what is an obvious internal threat, its response has been to admit more of this plainly menacing ethnic category.

What can come of this?

Does make you believe it's being done intentionally, and with malice in mind. Personally, i feel we need to immediately suspend all immigration from known Terrorist-haven nations. We should start with nations like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. But others should be considered as well.

When you add up everything Barack Obama has done, IT STINKS.. BEYOND STINKS.. Unfuckingmarked bills in the billions to Iran, secretly paid in cash.. that shit sounds like money laundering MAFIA crap.
The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud who had pending deportation orders, according to an internal Homeland Security audit released Monday.

The Homeland Security Department's inspector general found that the immigrants used different names or birthdates to apply for citizenship with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and such discrepancies weren't caught because their fingerprints were missing from government databases.

DHS said in an emailed statement that an initial review of these cases suggest that some of the individuals may have ultimately qualified for citizenship, and that the lack of digital fingerprint records does not necessarily mean they committed fraud.

The report does not identify any of the immigrants by name, but Inspector General John Roth's auditors said they were all from "special interest countries" — those that present a national security concern for the United States — or neighboring countries with high rates of immigration fraud. The report did not identify those countries.

More Than 800 Immigrants Mistakenly Granted Citizenship

Yet Clinton claims tens of thousands more refugees who cannot be adequately vetted should be brought into the US. America needs Trump to come in and clean up this mess Obama and Clinton have created.
That's funny, I've heard we have such a good vetting system. How is that even possible?

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