DHS preparing for Roe v Wade violence

The States can get it wrong. Duh. Did you think you asked a deep, tough question, there?
LMAO Dems constantly bloviate about democracy, the will of the people and mandates from the people. But when the will of the people disagrees with the Dem's world view Dems run to the courts to overturn the will of the people and democracy. Explain the Dem's double standards and hypocrisy.
Only in response to the simpleton idea (tabled by you in very important fashion) that SCOTUS can overturn precedent. Yes, duh professor, any 14 year old knows this. One can look at the record and see that it has been tested for 49 years through all manner of conservative and liberal governments and courts.

And the important part was the numerous, modern tests of the decision, not the time required for them to happen. But you ignored this in favor of your focus on "49 years". Pretty weak sauce.

Your extraneous, fantasy commentary on liberal overreach is rendered absurd by these simple facts of the matter. What you call "liberal overreach" is central, accepted empowerment of women, in the first world. You are a fossil.
You continue fabricating BS.

Over a 200 year period Roe was a 50 year blip in time.

It was only upheld on the basis it would cause too much turmoil if overturned and of course because pro abortion justices would do anything to keep it law.

Roe was bad law from day one even if you agree with abortion on demand and that bad precedent is about to be undone as it should have been decades ago.
We aren't like you. We don't let our morals and ethics be decided by which way the wind blows or by what drools out of the mouth of an orange pile of shit.





We won't be weeping for them like you did for the insurrectionists who had to sit in jail because they violated their bail terms.
If you weren't so retarded you'd be almost stupid
Yes and your fellow Conrad's are threatening to burn the court house down. How civil of you.
Remember the "tourists" who rampaged thru the capital on 1/6, cheered on by The Orange Cro Magnon Man?

Keep clutching at those pearls.
Yes indeed. But let's recognize a slight difference between fighting for a constitutionally protected right that empowers half the population and overturning a free and fair election.

The demleftists and their media wing have told you for 60 years abortion is a constitutional right and you still haven’t figured out they lied to you.
Too funny.
It doesn't. Abortion up to 24 weeks is a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right. It has been for 49 years and will remain so unless and until SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade.

Jesus christ man, did you even go to high school? This is pretty basic stuff.

Hahahahaha . You don’t even know what the decision says.
Some will, no doubt.

But what's important is the vote. Think people might turn out on this one? We saw what happened after Barrett the handmaiden was rammed through. Trump got squashed. Important States flipped.

The states were stolen dipshit.
"The apple is red!" is a fact. Good for you.

Yes, Roe v Wade is a right 'fabricated' by the SCOTUS. I will grant you this semantic choice for the sake of discussion (and so you will not get stuck on it like a triggered parrot), because we have accepted the 'fabrication' of unenumerated rights by the SCOTUS for a long, long time. It's one of the things the SCOTUS does. Children learn this in high school.

So the question remains....

So what if it is 'fabricated' by the SCOTUS?

When justices are appointed that make decisions by the rule of law and not emotions it can be in un fabricated.
Yes indeed. The sleepy liberals learned that lesson and turned out to squash the orange pile of shit in 2020. Let's see how quickly they forget that lesson.

Well, with voter integrity laws in 18 states, you won't be able to repeat 2020. No doubt your Reich will have some sort of Covid "surge" or possibly use another biological weapon against America - but the bullshit you did in 2020 was a one-time fraud. It will never work again.

you told jokes while portland burned. :) i remember you.
Those were peaceful protesters at CHAZ..


These are insurrectionists..


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