DHS preparing for Roe v Wade violence

Yea, the impeachments where the Trump Party swamp creatures let him off the hook knowing full well he was guilty as hell.

The "swamp" that you rant about.

Trump was "guilty" of Joe Biden taking bribes?

Impeaching Trump because Joe Biden took bribes was genius in the same way as Putin declaring Donabas independent before he invaded was genius. Evil, sick genius.
It doesn't. Abortion up to 24 weeks is a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right. It has been for 49 years and will remain so unless and until SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade.

Jesus christ man, did you even go to high school? This is pretty basic stuff.
Roe never made abortion a right, you leftys just took that and ran with it. Roe was about the right to privacy. As far as I'm aware , scotus can't grant rights, and I don't see how they have the authority to force states to perform medical procedures.
LMAO Dems constantly bloviate about democracy, the will of the people and mandates from the people. But when the will of the people disagrees with the Dem's world view Dems run to the courts to overturn the will of the people and democracy. Explain the Dem's double standards and hypocrisy.
Oops, you confused yourself again. Overturning roe v wade is not the will of the people. That's why the Trump judges lied about it in their confirmation hearings.
Roe never made abortion a right

It made abortion up to 24 weeks a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right.

If you don't even understand the basic material, you should not even be commenting. You're just going to embarrass yourself.
Roe never made abortion a right, you leftys just took that and ran with it. Roe was about the right to privacy. As far as I'm aware , scotus can't grant rights, and I don't see how they have the authority to force states to perform medical procedures.

The 4th is silent on "privacy." It protects the right of people to be "secure in their person and papers from unreasonable search and seizure." Which the Nazis shit all over in their attacks on Donald Trump, which is why the NY contempt ruling was dropped, because Laticia James violated the United States Constitution with her witch hunt.
So what?

You must argue why are other constitutionally, unenumerated rights "not fabricated", but the right to abortion up to 24 weeks is "fabricated". Else, all you have said is that all constitutionally protected, unenumerated rights (as decided by SCOTUS) are fabricated. Which hasn't really said anything. So what if it is fabricated, then?

The SCOTUS 'fabricates' (via due process) unenumerated rights. We know this. It has been so for a long, long time.

In the end, you just pointed at an apple and said, "That's red!". Okay, good for you.
It's not about whether or not a right is enumerated, what makes it fabricated is abortion activists took a decision that wasn't specifically about abortion, and made it specifically about abortion.

Scotus is not trying to make abortion illegal, they are just saying they don't have the power to make it the law of the land. That's all.

It made abortion up to 24 weeks a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right.

If you don't even understand the basic material, you should not even be commenting. You're just going to embarrass yourself.
No, it didn't. Roe was not about abortion, it was about privacy.
Oops, you confused yourself again. Overturning roe v wade is not the will of the people. That's why the Trump judges lied about it in their confirmation hearings.

Ah, lying as always.

Well, you're a Nazi - lying is what you do.

It made abortion up to 24 weeks a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right.

If you don't even understand the basic material, you should not even be commenting. You're just going to embarrass yourself.

Bull fucking shit.

You're as ignorant as you are dishonest.
what makes it fabricated is abortion activists took a decision that wasn't specifically about abortion, and made it specifically about abortion.
100% wrong again. Both Casey and Roe were about abortion, as anyone knows. You are saying dumb, false shit.

And abortion is and will remain a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right unless and until Roe versus Wade is overturned.
, lying as always.
Ah, an ignorant, squealing moron who didn't read it doesn't understand his own link, as always.

"About two-thirds of Americans say they do not support overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal in the United States, according to the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

Seven-in-10 U.S. adults, however, say they are in favor of some degree of restrictions on abortion rights. That includes 52% of Democrats."

Ah, an ignorant, squealing moron who didn't read it doesn't understand his own link, as always.

"About two-thirds of Americans say they do not support overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal in the United States, according to the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

Seven-in-10 U.S. adults, however, say they are in favor of some degree of restrictions on abortion rights. That includes 52% of Democrats."



I'll go with Marist - which I linked.

{According to a new Marist poll out today, more than three-quarters of Americans support significant restrictions on abortion, including a majority of Americans who describe themselves as pro-choice.}
I'll go with Marist - which I linked.
Which would make you a moron as usual, since your poll didn't actually poll Americans on whether Roe v Wade should be overturned. When Americans are asked if there should be restrictions on abortion, they pretty much say yes. We do have restrictions on abortions already. You are not providing any new or useful information whatsoever. Especially since you don't read your links anyway jackass.

And every time Americans are polled on Whether roe v wade should be overturned, the majority answers no.

Suck it up ya little baby.
100% wrong again. Both Casey and Roe were about abortion, as anyone knows. You are saying dumb, false shit.

And abortion is and will remain a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right unless and until Roe versus Wade is overturned.
Where does the supreme court get the authority to grant rights and force states to allow medical procedures? Are you suggesting that scotus has the authority to create and grant rights in other situations?

So, if scotus deems that people have the right to shoot up heroin in the privacy of their homes, you're OK with that? Or, if the court deems that "shall not be infringed" means that gun owners should have national reciprocity and the states cannot do anything about it?

Your view of scotus gives them wide latitude to essentially legislate from the bench, something they were never intended to do, and most wouldn't want.

You're celebrating the supposition that the court made abortion the law of the land, and then upset that the same court is saying maybe they were wrong about that decision. What makes them right back then, but wrong now?
100% wrong again. Both Casey and Roe were about abortion, as anyone knows. You are saying dumb, false shit.

And abortion is and will remain a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right unless and until Roe versus Wade is overturned.
Abortion will still be legal in states that don't ban it. Overturning roe isn't a nationwide ban on abortion.
Oops, you confused yourself again. Overturning roe v wade is not the will of the people. That's why the Trump judges lied about it in their confirmation hearings.
God you're dumb. The people put Trump and Senate Republicans in charge. Trump nominated the SCOTUS justices and the Senate confirmed them. That's the will of the people dummy.
Trump was "guilty" of Joe Biden taking bribes?

Impeaching Trump because Joe Biden took bribes was genius in the same way as Putin declaring Donabas independent before he invaded was genius. Evil, sick genius.
Who said anything about anyone taking bribes, mouth breather? But considering you brought it up where's your evidence that Biden took bribes & spare me the bullshit you saw on YouTube from some moron posting from his basement.

How could there possibly be violence? The Left is the peaceful side, right? All those white domestic terrorists sound like they are going to be upset when Roe v Wade gets modified.

Hope they're not as violent as trump and his goons were on January 6th.

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