Diabolical Whitey And His Infinite Cunning

I think what you're describing is considered a form of White supremacy by many liberal dweebs these days,
If you're saying that based on what I wrote I have to question your reading comprehension- I believe, and live; all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no color (or any other) caveat in that "principle"-

The fact is:

"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today."

Thomas Sowell
I think what you're describing is considered a form of White supremacy by many liberal dweebs these days,
If you're saying that based on what I wrote I have to question your reading comprehension- I believe, and live; all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no color (or any other) caveat in that "principle"-
I take it you're not familiar with the new philosophy among many Democrats that consider neatness, punctuality, efficiency and even proficiency at math to be signs of White supremacy.
Your shit is way too deep and far too anecdotal. I usually like playing word games but circle talk takes its toll.
Again, life in America is simple, the manual on how to succeed and achieve here was written long ago, it has been proven to work over and over again...ask your Asian neighbors how simple it is.
“Some people” are just too lazy and or incompetent to follow the manual.

Really? And whose fault is that? I'm not talking in circles- I directly made assertions, by which I stand-

My Asian neighbors might not appreciate your "principle" of using them in your "anecdotal" analysis- which, kinda illustrates what you decry as my shit is way to deep- you don't think- you react. That is training- not thinking. It is what you're trained since grade school to do- as is most of the US- simple isn't spelled easy- is that too deep?
These supposed attacks on Asians are not happening.

They're setting it up. It's like the knockout games. Not happening.

They're setting it up. So when they kill or shoot random blk ppl. It'll be justified on the grounds of the lies of these attacks.

It's the oldest trick in the book.
I think what you're describing is considered a form of White supremacy by many liberal dweebs these days,
If you're saying that based on what I wrote I have to question your reading comprehension- I believe, and live; all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no color (or any other) caveat in that "principle"-

That is absolutely 100% the TRUTH.
As we exit the vagina we are all EQUAL (neat word)
AND THEN our behavioral traits kick in and we are no longer equals....Simple shit huh?
Your shit is way too deep and far too anecdotal. I usually like playing word games but circle talk takes its toll.
Again, life in America is simple, the manual on how to succeed and achieve here was written long ago, it has been proven to work over and over again...ask your Asian neighbors how simple it is.
“Some people” are just too lazy and or incompetent to follow the manual.

Really? And whose fault is that? I'm not talking in circles- I directly made assertions, by which I stand-

My Asian neighbors might not appreciate your "principle" of using them in your "anecdotal" analysis- which, kinda illustrates what you decry as my shit is way to deep- you don't think- you react. That is training- not thinking. It is what you're trained since grade school to do- as is most of the US- simple isn't spelled easy- is that too deep?
More circle talk?
There is nothing anecdotal about Asians achieving in America...the data is everywhere.
Go to www.google.com for proof.
"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today."
I don't "judge" THAT is MY point- I come to conclusions based on evidence I see and I look at all evidence presented- Sowell is an intelligent man- no one said any different- well not here anyway- but, the quote is kinda immaterial to what I'm saying- I'm not a liberal, I'm not a racist and I don't try to force my standards- I present evidence in the form of conclusions based on being 73 years old and an observer, by nature, with an analytical mind with some formal training in Failure Analysis- but, if I'm too deep, I guess that speaks to the reader- not me.
AND THEN our behavioral traits kick in and we are no longer equals....Simple shit huh?
Yes, behavioral traits- based on environment- I guarontee our ancestors weren't saints- but, the environment they lived in affected their behavior- that they chose to be different than their ancestors is from individual desire- not someone forcing assimilation-


I like my coffee black-
I take it you're not familiar with the new philosophy among many Democrats that consider neatness, punctuality, efficiency and even proficiency at math to be signs of White supremacy.
I've seen the headlines- the msm is not a reliable source of information-
"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today."
I don't "judge" THAT is MY point- I come to conclusions based on evidence I see and I look at all evidence presented- Sowell is an intelligent man- no one said any different- well not here anyway- but, the quote is kinda immaterial to what I'm saying- I'm not a liberal, I'm not a racist and I don't try to force my standards- I present evidence in the form of conclusions based on being 73 years old and an observer, by nature, with an analytical mind with some formal training in Failure Analysis- but, if I'm too deep, I guess that speaks to the reader- not me.

Is asking that people act in a responsible manner too difficult? I've known many people that lived through very difficult childhoods. Some succeeded and others didn't. The only difference that I can point to for those who succeeded was their determination to succeed. It was never a question of race, financial status or whether they were loved by others or not.

AND THEN our behavioral traits kick in and we are no longer equals....Simple shit huh?
Yes, behavioral traits- based on environment- I guarontee our ancestors weren't saints- but, the environment they lived in affected their behavior- that they chose to be different than their ancestors is from individual desire- not someone forcing assimilation-

I’m not sure where you’re going with your implication...Are you asserting that we shouldn’t hold people accountable who may have been ‘victims’ of their “environment”?
These supposed attacks on Asians are not happening.

They're setting it up. It's like the knockout games. Not happening.

They're setting it up. So when they kill or shoot random blk ppl. It'll be justified on the grounds of the lies of these attacks.

It's the oldest trick in the book.

lol yea the little vietnamese man is setting it all up hahahaha

them and those shifty koreans planned it?

How fucking delusional to you have to be about your own young? Per capita they're fucking animals compared ot the rest of us.
Is asking that people act in a responsible manner too difficult? I've known many people that lived through very difficult childhoods. Some succeeded and others didn't. The only difference that I can point to for those who succeeded was their determination to succeed. It was never a question of race, financial status or whether they were loved by others or not.
I don't believe I said that- so, are you seeing what you want to see? AGAIN: success is determined by the actor, not the audience- material possessions and place on the ladder are materialistic. Period. How about just doing the best you can with the hand you were dealt? And who are you, or I to judge the best that they can?
Is asking that people act in a responsible manner too difficult? I've known many people that lived through very difficult childhoods. Some succeeded and others didn't. The only difference that I can point to for those who succeeded was their determination to succeed. It was never a question of race, financial status or whether they were loved by others or not.
I don't believe I said that- so, are you seeing what you want to see? AGAIN: success is determined by the actor, not the audience- material possessions and place on the ladder are materialistic. Period. How about just doing the best you can with the hand you were dealt? And who are you, or I to judge the best that they can?

Under achievers, those whom either can’t, won’t or refuse to meet the standards of a first world society backed by other people’s money must really appreciate you making this argument on their behalf.
On behalf of us positive contributors, I’d like to ask that you don’t talk too many people into measuring their success by how much oxygen they convert to carbon dioxide daily please. That’s full blown 100% Lib shit right there.
On behalf of us positive contributors, I’d like to ask that you don’t talk too many people into measuring their success by how much oxygen they convert to carbon dioxide daily please. That’s full blown 100% Lib shit right there.
I speak for myself ONLY- stop putting words in my mouth and labeling me based on your shallow thinking-
Is asking that people act in a responsible manner too difficult? I've known many people that lived through very difficult childhoods. Some succeeded and others didn't. The only difference that I can point to for those who succeeded was their determination to succeed. It was never a question of race, financial status or whether they were loved by others or not.
I don't believe I said that- so, are you seeing what you want to see? AGAIN: success is determined by the actor, not the audience- material possessions and place on the ladder are materialistic. Period. How about just doing the best you can with the hand you were dealt? And who are you, or I to judge the best that they can?

You seem to have a problem with material wealth. Look people have control of where they expend their energy irrespective of their environment. I knew guys that joined the military to learn a job and get out from under the shit they were buried in and they hated the military. To say that people are locked into a situation based on environment is simply bullshit. I also believe that the individual level of success is measured by what the person sets out to achieve and whether they fulfill their ambitions. We need more ambition and less moaning about how unfair the world is.

On behalf of us positive contributors, I’d like to ask that you don’t talk too many people into measuring their success by how much oxygen they convert to carbon dioxide daily please. That’s full blown 100% Lib shit right there.
I speak for myself ONLY- stop putting words in my mouth and labeling me based on your shallow thinking-

My apologies...I firmly believe any first world society with a robust welfare system must project an expectation and standards to be met by the citizenry.
Such principles lies at the foundation of our founding...it’s what makes the American citizenry exceptional.
You seem to have a problem with material wealth.
No, I have an issue with using it as a tool to put others down. It's not a difficult concept.

So you feel that it's unjust that some people value material wealth but is this the only criticism of another person you find intolerable? Like ignorance, poverty is curable through effort and hard work.


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