Diabolical Whitey And His Infinite Cunning

My apologies

I firmly believe any first world society with a robust welfare system must project an expectation and standards to be met by the citizenry.
Okay, and? How does that change what I said?

Such principles lies at the foundation of our founding.

Liberty is THE founding principle- that makes it the foundation- liberty to "succeed" also means the liberty to fail- society doesn't have the authority to determine "success" for anyone other than ones self- a "standard", as you're implying is a must- in others eyes-

Anecdote: I'm not financially *well off*- but, I get by, yet I consider myself very successful because I helped raise 2 good kids (now 40 and 35) - "I" define success for me- lived my life, the best that I could, not really bad, just not real good- all the stuff left behind won't matter anyway, what really counts is backing up what I say-
I played the hand I was dealt, forgot what their rules say, and I'm winning cause, I live life my own way-

Those 2 kids are way better off financially than I- but, they accept that Pop is happy with what he has and don't lord it over me that they have more- good kids! They don't try to force their beliefs on others as a "standard"-

LIBERTY- the right to do as you please as long as you don't infringe on others rights- the pursuit of Happiness- determined by the pursuer, (the individual), not the audience (society)- Succinctly: Live and let live. Show respect to earn self respect to earn respect from others-
So you feel that it's unjust that some people value material wealth but is this the only criticism of another person you find intolerable?
Criticism? Personally, I critque, I refrain from criticizing unless/until I'm criticized. Verbal abuse is often worse than physical abuse, especially long term.
Using it as a tool to determine "success" for someone else, yes. Or, to divide citizens for an agenda like politicians do- unjust is establishing a "standard" based on personal criteria and trying to force others to live up to that standard-
These supposed attacks on Asians are not happening.

They're setting it up. It's like the knockout games. Not happening.

They're setting it up. So when they kill or shoot random blk ppl. It'll be justified on the grounds of the lies of these attacks.

It's the oldest trick in the book.
You are so full of shit-----they are happening over and over again. Black mostly males are targeting jews, asians, and the elderly whites for random attacks for no apparent reason other than being violent for the sake of being violent. There are videos of these attacks---and I wonder how many fail to make the video or that the lib media just ignores. California and New York seem to be the favorite areas for such attacks.
So you feel that it's unjust that some people value material wealth but is this the only criticism of another person you find intolerable?
Criticism? Personally, I critque, I refrain from criticizing unless/until I'm criticized. Verbal abuse is often worse than physical abuse, especially long term.
Using it as a tool to determine "success" for someone else, yes. Or, to divide citizens for an agenda like politicians do- unjust is establishing a "standard" based on personal criteria and trying to force others to live up to that standard-

You mentioned the following: "LIBERTY- the right to do as you please as long as you don't infringe on others rights" Do I have the right to object to contributing towards someone else's lack of responsible behavior? ie: welfare for fatherless children, ....

Do I have the right to object to contributing towards someone else's lack of responsible behavior? ie: welfare for fatherless children, ....
Of course you do- but you're moving the goal post- go back and read all I've posted. Please.

Let me help with an apparently over looked part

LIBERTY- the right to do as you please as long as you don't infringe on others rights

No matter how you slice it or dice it- using the color of law, for any activity that infringes on another is unjust- not to mention immoral- and it works both ways- the initiation of force is immoral, no matter what excuse is used- even under the color of law- the rule of law is to help prevent unjust law(s) from infringing on the rights of all- (think; Liberty and justice for all- there are no caveats in all) not just the standard setters- in fact, standard setters want *something* to be done and then cry the loudest when "something" is done (on the left and the right)- that's what happens when something is demanded from someone else who pretends to be something they ain't. i.e., politicians believing themselves omnipotent-

Originally, laws were meant to punish for a crime committed- when there is no harm no foul activity punished it (laws) get out of hand exponentially and punish based on what if, or this happened when so and so did this, that or the other, so we're going to punish everyone, because, revenue- which infringes on everyone's rights- including the standard setters (except the politico's who are above the law, based on the color of law, not the rule of law)
Do I have the right to object to contributing towards someone else's lack of responsible behavior? ie: welfare for fatherless children, ....
Of course you do- but you're moving the goal post- go back and read all I've posted. Please.

Let me help with an apparently over looked part

LIBERTY- the right to do as you please as long as you don't infringe on others rights

No matter how you slice it or dice it- using the color of law, for any activity that infringes on another is unjust- not to mention immoral- and it works both ways- the initiation of force is immoral, no matter what excuse is used- even under the color of law- the rule of law is to help prevent unjust law(s) from infringing on the rights of all- (think; Liberty and justice for all- there are no caveats in all) not just the standard setters- in fact, standard setters want *something* to be done and then cry the loudest when "something" is done (on the left and the right)- that's what happens when something is demanded from someone else who pretends to be something they ain't. i.e., politicians believing themselves omnipotent-

Originally, laws were meant to punish for a crime committed- when there is no harm no foul activity punished it (laws) get out of hand exponentially and punish based on what if, or this happened when so and so did this, that or the other, so we're going to punish everyone, because, revenue- which infringes on everyone's rights- including the standard setters (except the politico's who are above the law, based on the color of law, not the rule of law)

I did go back and read your earlier posts and you in fact started with this gem: "materialism is a cultural deficiency everyone shares and is used as a tool to measure success by those who pretend superiority-" Not sure how this last post relates to anything you've written to this point.

I did go back and read your earlier posts and you in fact started with this gem: "materialism is a cultural deficiency everyone shares and is used as a tool to measure success by those who pretend superiority-" Not sure how this last post relates to anything you've written to this point.
I did go back and read your earlier posts and you in fact started with this gem: "materialism is a cultural deficiency everyone shares and is used as a tool to measure success by those who pretend superiority-" Not sure how this last post relates to anything you've written to this point.

Turtlesoup @ Juicin
You are so full of shit-----they are happening over and over again. Black mostly males are targeting jews, asians, and the elderly whites for random attacks for no apparent reason other than being violent for the sake of being violent.

Black people are not attacking asians you as a white person are the last people to talk about violence to Asians when whites bombed Hirsoshima and Nagasaki in WW2, killing close a quarter of a million Japs in one go and many more years to come.

Black people are not attacking jews or old white people. It's not happening.

A few random criminals who happen to be black perpetuate violent acts on Asians & all blacks are racist against Asians? I put it to Asian proprietors & the community at large that black Americans are their biggest non Asian customers & consumers.

There are videos of these attacks

The few videos shown of blk ppl in conflict with Asian, are out of context. No one is asking "What caused this"? It's probably one of those "Hurry up and buy, "I feel sorry for your mother" moments

and I wonder how many fail to make the video or that the lib media just ignores. California and New York seem to be the favorite areas for such attacks.

Black people are NOT plotting attacks on Asians. At all.

There was ONE immigrant dude in Los Angeles going around randomly pushing Asian people (and many people suspect he was paid to do this) while conveniently being “caught” on random security cameras committing these acts


This guy was paid to commit these acts directly in front of security cameras. These acts make ZERO sense whatsoever. And the fact that it’s done directly in front of security cameras seems very convenient

But by your logic, 1 dude = 1900% Increase in Asian directed violence.

There is going to be a Democratic organized wave of anti-Black propaganda of them making Black people the face of attacks on Asians. And this is going to lead to another Biden Crime Bill against Black people

This asian hate thing is a whole scam, they're just mad that less of us are shopping at their stores and eating Less Chinese food. Let's keep up the good work and run their businesses out of our hoods for being anti-Black

If anything it's them being violent to black people



Show me videos of black people going into china doing this ? Should be easy if we are so hateful towards asians
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

Climate change is racist also!!!!
These supposed attacks on Asians are not happening.

They're setting it up. It's like the knockout games. Not happening.

They're setting it up. So when they kill or shoot random blk ppl. It'll be justified on the grounds of the lies of these attacks.

It's the oldest trick in the book.
You are so full of shit-----they are happening over and over again. Black mostly males are targeting jews, asians, and the elderly whites for random attacks for no apparent reason other than being violent for the sake of being violent. There are videos of these attacks---and I wonder how many fail to make the video or that the lib media just ignores. California and New York seem to be the favorite areas for such attacks.
Blacks attack the old for sport. It's fun. Isn't pursuit of happiness a guaranteed right? The old and frail do not or cannot fight back. Some are so frail that one good kick in the head kills them.

It is obviously only instances of white supremacy that would begrudge a black a chance for a little bit of joy in their oppressed lives. The old are beyond their contributing years anyway. Let their passing bring someone a bit of enjoyment.
Tipsycatlover, post: 26572636, member: 59451"]
Blacks attack the old for sport. It's fun. Isn't pursuit of happiness a guaranteed right? The old and frail do not or cannot fight back. Some are so frail that one good kick in the head kills them.

A black man will generally win in a fight with any white man, any Asian man, any native American in unarmed 1 on 1 combat

What are you talking about ?

We don't attack the old. That's white people sh*t. They are the cowardly ones. They're the ones on the dark web trying exhange and meet and exploit kids. There is nothing more cowardly than that.
They're the ones who need guns and tanks and a militarized police to feel confident in squaring up to a black man.

And what's make black people so special is that we are outgunned, out numberred and out financed but we are still the only race of men who get's out here and say "Hell no !! We ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"

The black man's bravery is recorded in history and has been that way for 400 years. Any weak ass b*tch can drop a bomb on people.
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

What bullshit. I can’t imagine the mental gymnastics one has to go through to justify this crap in their minds as legitimate
Tipsycatlover, post: 26572636, member: 59451"]
Blacks attack the old for sport. It's fun. Isn't pursuit of happiness a guaranteed right? The old and frail do not or cannot fight back. Some are so frail that one good kick in the head kills them.

A black man will generally win in a fight with any white man, any Asian man, any native American in unarmed 1 on 1 combat

What are you talking about ?

We don't attack the old. That's white people sh*t. They are the cowardly ones. They're the ones on the dark web trying exhange and meet and exploit kids. There is nothing more cowardly than that.
They're the ones who need guns and tanks and a militarized police to feel confident in squaring up to a black man.

And what's make black people so special is that we are outgunned, out numberred and out financed but we are still the only race of men who get's out here and say "Hell no !! We ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"

The black man's bravery is recorded in history and has been that way for 400 years. Any weak ass b*tch can drop a bomb on people.
Thank you for explaining why blacks hunt old people. It makes them feel superior. At least until some old geezer kicks their ass. This guy just wasn't old enough. Next time the brave black man should pick on someone over eighty.

Call the ammalance.
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

Having people of color treated equally doesn’t diminish white people. Unless of course, one is white trash.

I agree. You are white trash however, so now what?
Tipsycatlover, post: 26572636, member: 59451"]
Blacks attack the old for sport. It's fun. Isn't pursuit of happiness a guaranteed right? The old and frail do not or cannot fight back. Some are so frail that one good kick in the head kills them.

A black man will generally win in a fight with any white man, any Asian man, any native American in unarmed 1 on 1 combat

What are you talking about ?

We don't attack the old. That's white people sh*t. They are the cowardly ones. They're the ones on the dark web trying exhange and meet and exploit kids. There is nothing more cowardly than that.
They're the ones who need guns and tanks and a militarized police to feel confident in squaring up to a black man.

And what's make black people so special is that we are outgunned, out numberred and out financed but we are still the only race of men who get's out here and say "Hell no !! We ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"

The black man's bravery is recorded in history and has been that way for 400 years. Any weak ass b*tch can drop a bomb on people.
We don't attack the old. That's white people sh*t. They are the cowardly ones.
Is that why a black murdered a frail 87 year old Asian?
Tipsycatlover, post: 26572636, member: 59451"]
Blacks attack the old for sport. It's fun. Isn't pursuit of happiness a guaranteed right? The old and frail do not or cannot fight back. Some are so frail that one good kick in the head kills them.

A black man will generally win in a fight with any white man, any Asian man, any native American in unarmed 1 on 1 combat

What are you talking about ?

We don't attack the old. That's white people sh*t. They are the cowardly ones. They're the ones on the dark web trying exhange and meet and exploit kids. There is nothing more cowardly than that.
They're the ones who need guns and tanks and a militarized police to feel confident in squaring up to a black man.

And what's make black people so special is that we are outgunned, out numberred and out financed but we are still the only race of men who get's out here and say "Hell no !! We ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"

The black man's bravery is recorded in history and has been that way for 400 years. Any weak ass b*tch can drop a bomb on people.
We don't attack the old. That's white people sh*t. They are the cowardly ones.
Is that why a black murdered a frail 87 year old Asian?
One kick to the head from the brave black man. That's all it took. Here is another BRAVE 19 year old black man just enjoying himself.
Is that why a black murdered a frail 87 year old Asian?
I didn't kill him. So what's it to do with me ? So a random criminal who happen to be black perpetuate violent acts on and Asian & all blacks are racist against Asians? I put it to Asians. You would not be able to eat without the black community because we are their biggest non Asian customers & consumers.

This asian hate thing is a whole scam. They're just mad that less of us are shopping at their stores and eating Less Chinese food. Let's keep up the good work and run their businesses out of our hoods for being anti-Black
Is that why a black murdered a frail 87 year old Asian?
I didn't kill him. So what's it to do with me ? So a random criminal who happen to be black perpetuate violent acts on and Asian & all blacks are racist against Asians?.......

This from the shameless racist who CANNOT discuss anything about himself personally without insisting that everything to do with him has to do with ALL black Americans? You fucking hypocrite.
Thank you for explaining why blacks hunt old people. It makes them feel superior. At least until some old geezer kicks their ass. This guy just wasn't old enough. Next time the brave black man should pick on someone over eighty.

Call the ammalance.

That clips is from 2010. Old as F. The way Asian think that they should be immune from getting robbed. People get robbed. That's how it is. You're not immune from getting robbed wong

Let's just run with your B.S argument. If black people are targeting Asian people. What is the solution to this ?

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