Dianne Feinstein Your typical lying Left winger.


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
So I just watched a clip of this Bitch claiming she does not see any Believable Market Reasons for Gas Prices in Cali and she wants an Investigation.

She is responsible for the gas prices. She and others like her who put Cali on it's own more stringent standards than even the rest of the country, and made it so Cali can not import Refined gas from Other States. Meaning when several Cali Refineries were off line earlier this month it pushed State Prices to this new Record high.

If The Producers could simply refine fuel elsewhere and ship it to Cali it would not be so expensive right now.

When will lefties like her ever admit to the effects of their own Policies?

My apologies for misspelling her name, Was in a hurry :)
Libs questioning libs own policies and than asking confuse when they find out its due to their own policies, you cant right this crap.
Feinstein knows the investigation stuff is all bullshit, but it sounds good to CA voters she wants to vote for her in a few days, most of whom are too detached to realize she's part of the problem rather than solution. It's posturing, plain and simple, made possible by her dimwit constituents.
I was talking to my Husband earlier this morning about this.
I asked him, I wonder what she is going to do when she finds out it's the liberal policies that are causing the high prices.
It's going to hit her right square between the eyes.
Will she be a typical liberal and go into fantasy excuses, or will she own up to the lefty policies that are causing the problems.
She's doing her typical bloviating and chest-thumping. We native Californians of the conservative persuasion have had our fill of both her and the other two parts of the "Batshit Trinity" (Boxer and Pelosi). No wonder Cali is turning into a pathetic cesspool.
If Frankenstein had a (R) by her name, she would've been run completely out of office after getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar, with her steering of military contracts to her husband's corporation.

Easily one of the top five most corrupt politicians in the District of Criminals.
Californians are about the stupidest people in this country. They create all of their own problems by electing politicians who implement all of these inane policies. They get exactly what they deserve. I don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for those morons.
She will never realize it's her policies that caused this.

That takes more integrity than she has.
Californians are about the stupidest people in this country. They create all of their own problems by electing politicians who implement all of these inane policies. They get exactly what they deserve. I don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for those morons.

Hard to feel sympathy for people who keep electing flamming idiots to run their State.

Cali used to be the place we all wanted to move to. Not anymore.

You can bet Feinstein will have an investigation. What a crock. As if she doesn't know why gas prices are so high in Cali. Even she can't be that stupid.
She's doing her typical bloviating and chest-thumping. We native Californians of the conservative persuasion have had our fill of both her and the other two parts of the "Batshit Trinity" (Boxer and Pelosi). No wonder Cali is turning into a pathetic cesspool.

Nice to hear from a CA endangered species.
She's doing her typical bloviating and chest-thumping. We native Californians of the conservative persuasion have had our fill of both her and the other two parts of the "Batshit Trinity" (Boxer and Pelosi). No wonder Cali is turning into a pathetic cesspool.

Nice to hear from a CA endangered species.
Well, when Fornicalians have the chance to vote on the issues, they generally reject lolberal collectivist orthodoxy.

Problem being that the courts are so over-the-top lib fruitcake, that they regularly nullify the wishes of the electorate.
So I just watched a clip of this Bitch claiming she does not see any Believable Market Reasons for Gas Prices in Cali and she wants an Investigation.

She is responsible for the gas prices. She and others like her who put Cali on it's own more stringent standards than even the rest of the country, and made it so Cali can not import Refined gas from Other States. Meaning when several Cali Refineries were off line earlier this month it pushed State Prices to this new Record high.

If The Producers could simply refine fuel elsewhere and ship it to Cali it would not be so expensive right now.

When will lefties like her ever admit to the effects of their own Policies?

My apologies for misspelling her name, Was in a hurry :)

I can see where this is going. The left never owns up to the disastrous effects of their feel-good policies. By launching a fake investigation, she will look for a way to blame this on the right. If, and that's a big if, the left wanted to help Californians by lowering prices, they'd simply rescind some of the ridiculous policies they created. Admitting they are responsible is not an option, so they are looking for a scapegoat.

She'll waste time and money in a bogus attempt to get to the bottom of this. Maybe they will even loosen some of the unreasonable restrictions they imposed just so they can look like heroes. Anyone want to bet that gas goes down in time for people to drive to the polls on election day?
Californians are about the stupidest people in this country. They create all of their own problems by electing politicians who implement all of these inane policies. They get exactly what they deserve. I don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for those morons.

Hard to feel sympathy for people who keep electing flamming idiots to run their State.

Cali used to be the place we all wanted to move to. Not anymore.

You can bet Feinstein will have an investigation. What a crock. As if she doesn't know why gas prices are so high in Cali. Even she can't be that stupid.

Well, we have an insanely high number of illegals here, which certainly helps get these fuckos elected/re-elected. And two or three of the big cities is all you need around these parts. L.A. and Frisco seem to have this state in a stranglehold as far as Democrap control. The "Champions of the Downtrodden" keep promising to help lift the oppressed from under the rule of the big bad evil republicans, yet the same poor people are in the same poor neighborhoods with each election cycle. They'll never figure it out.
Californians are about the stupidest people in this country. They create all of their own problems by electing politicians who implement all of these inane policies. They get exactly what they deserve. I don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for those morons.

Hard to feel sympathy for people who keep electing flamming idiots to run their State.

Cali used to be the place we all wanted to move to. Not anymore.

You can bet Feinstein will have an investigation. What a crock. As if she doesn't know why gas prices are so high in Cali. Even she can't be that stupid.

Well, we have an insanely high number of illegals here, which certainly helps get these fuckos elected/re-elected. And two or three of the big cities is all you need around these parts. L.A. and Frisco seem to have this state in a stranglehold as far as Democrap control. The "Champions of the Downtrodden" keep promising to help lift the oppressed from under the rule of the big bad evil republicans, yet the same poor people are in the same poor neighborhoods with each election cycle. They'll never figure it out.

Yup. As Californians grow more and more miserable and crushing under the weight of the government dependents, illegal aliens flocking to the sanctuary cities and tax payers fleeing the state in droves, the left seems to think they need more of what caused this. The more leftist policies that are created, the worse it gets. They will blame others, especially Republicans in other states, for their misery. They bought this on themselves and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that liberal rules and regulations will destroy a state faster than wildfires.
Spent 10 years in CA. Moved away to a red state two years ago. One of the best decisions I've made.
So I just watched a clip of this Bitch claiming she does not see any Believable Market Reasons for Gas Prices in Cali and she wants an Investigation.

She is responsible for the gas prices. She and others like her who put Cali on it's own more stringent standards than even the rest of the country, and made it so Cali can not import Refined gas from Other States. Meaning when several Cali Refineries were off line earlier this month it pushed State Prices to this new Record high.

If The Producers could simply refine fuel elsewhere and ship it to Cali it would not be so expensive right now.

When will lefties like her ever admit to the effects of their own Policies?

My apologies for misspelling her name, Was in a hurry :)

Never. They will never admit that they are the cause.

Not only are you correct on standards imposed which are budget busting for the average family, but then the states make out like bandits bleeding their own citizens dry all the while blaming big oil instead of blaming themselves for being money grubbing douche bag liberals sucking out the financial blood of their citizens.

New York taxes gasoline at the highest rate at 49.0 cents, and the current average price of gas stands at $3.87 per gallon, the eighth highest in the country.

h California and Connecticut levy a 48.6-cents per gallon tax, as gas prices there stand at $4.26 and $3.89 per gallon, respectively. California has the fifth highest average price of gasoline, while Connecticut has the seventh

NY, CA, and CT Levy Highest State Gasoline Taxes in Nation | CNSNews.com
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