Dicaprio Owns 5 Luxury Homes, Rented The World's 5th Largest Yacht, Now Marches To Save Planet


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
We all know that the left's apparently biggest argument is hypocrisy. If something is brought up about anything liberal they will scouer the universe to find something similar the right did, thus proving hypocrisy and thus thinking they won.

Well doesn't DiCaprios actions and his sudden deafness clearly show hypocrisy?

Here is another liberal hypocrite: The multi-millionaire then declared he will not stop using a phone or a car because he does not believe that quality of life should be sacrificed for the environment.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2765461/Robert-F-Kennedy-Jr-loses-cool-grabs-mic-reporter-pushing-carbon-footprint.html#ixzz3E8qRijVX

And more on the sheer hypocrisy of the new liberal left. Does anyone think that DiCaprio or Kennedy got to the march by any means other then by private jet?

Climate change skeptics call out marchers’ ‘hypocrisies’

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Yeap. Liberals folks. They stand for nothing. They seek out acceptance from each other, they want to know where the party is, and most of all where their next orgasm is "coming" from.

The funny thing is watching them speak as though any of them have any clue what they are talking about. Actually, it is not funny. It is more pathetic, than anything else.

When a 5 year old does it, then it is funny. When an asshole like the stat asshole (who really seeks the approval from the liberal women who post here) posts things and they are completely wrong (even statistically) it just typifies really every liberal.

Yes, there is not one thing that liberals are not completely hypocritical about. Occupy wall street, and protest big corporations as they all enjoy the products from those evil corporations and chant how great Obama is doing in regards to the stock market as the market is artificially inflated in order to get the fat cats a pay off who donated to the democrats. Oh naaaaaah, he would not do that. Of course not.

Liberals, are the absolute scourge on this earth. As they enable terrorism to get stronger and stronger as they claim Christians are more dangerous than fundamental islamists. As they celebrate "art pieces" like piss Christ. Still waiting for one of these brave liberals to title a piece piss mohammed and shove a picture of the false prophet in their own piss. How long should I wait for one of them to do that?

Are they still pretending to care that we water boarded 3 of the terrorists who masterminded 911? Wait, that is right they are all truthers.
Damn cold this morning in these parts. I was kinda looking forward to my climate changing to a tropical climate not an arctic climate.
After shopping around for a bit, award-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio has finally decided on a home in New York City’s Greenwich Village. The star is known for embracing the eco-lifestyle (as evidenced by his love affair with Citi Bikes and previous accommodations at the LEED gold-rated Riverhouse), so it only makes sense that his new pad be green as well. In addition to sustainable materials, the exclusive Sixty-Six East Eleventh Street also boasts health-centric amenities such as vitamin-C infused showers.
DiCaprio is just your typical 1% limousine liberal hypocrite who lives like a King while claiming solidarity with the downtrodden poor. .... :cuckoo:
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And this Facebook tycoon is in the news for buying a 10 million dollar spread and driving the neighbors nuts with massive construction work going on nonstop. For 10 million dollars he couldn't find a place he liked?
Can you believe they are still pushing the climate thing? I mean, really. I really thought this issue went the way of global cooling they pushed in the 70s.

Typical Liberal Double Standard; "Do as I say not as I do"
Especially prevalent with the Liberal Climate Change Fanatics.
He does put his money where his mouth is....one of the top ten GREEN celebrities....especially with his homes....so no, I don;t see the hypocrisy with him..... with plenty of others, yes, but not with him....not with Brad Pitt either, not with a handful of them.... but the others that don't put their money where their mouth is...sure, they are hypocrites.
After shopping around for a bit, award-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio has finally decided on a home in New York City’s Greenwich Village. The star is known for embracing the eco-lifestyle (as evidenced by his love affair with Citi Bikes and previous accommodations at the LEED gold-rated Riverhouse), so it only makes sense that his new pad be green as well. In addition to sustainable materials, the exclusive Sixty-Six East Eleventh Street also boasts health-centric amenities such as vitamin-C infused showers.

Do you not realize that his consumption and footprint on the environment is likely 100 times that of any normal person?

I hope you understand exactly how ignorant and hypocritical it is for these insanely rich assholes to go around preaching that the rest of us need to give shit up for the environment all the while flying around in private jets. Gore is one of the most egregious offenders in this area. It pathetic.
He does put his money where his mouth is....one of the top ten GREEN celebrities....especially with his homes....so no, I don;t see the hypocrisy with him..... with plenty of others, yes, but not with him....not with Brad Pitt either, not with a handful of them.... but the others that don't put their money where their mouth is...sure, they are hypocrites.
Yes, with his himes'S because consumption is not connected with environmental waste now, is it....
This wealth envy story again?

The cons like to make their points by confusing two different issues that have nothing to do with each other. Like caring about the environment and owning homes.

Or caring about the environment and renting a yacht.

Or opposing pollution and driving a car
This wealth envy story again?

The cons like to make their points by confusing two different issues that have nothing to do with each other. Like caring about the environment and owning homes.

Or caring about the environment and renting a yacht.

Or opposing pollution and driving a car

According to you , consuming far more than anyone else, creating more garbage and more pollution is just fine and dandy while complaining about pollution...

Of course it is.
This wealth envy story again?

The cons like to make their points by confusing two different issues that have nothing to do with each other. Like caring about the environment and owning homes.

Or caring about the environment and renting a yacht.

Or opposing pollution and driving a car

According to you , consuming far more than anyone else, creating more garbage and more pollution is just fine and dandy while complaining about pollution...

Of course it is.

You can imagine if they were TEA PARTY

these lame excuses wouldn't be flying around then
This wealth envy story again?

The cons like to make their points by confusing two different issues that have nothing to do with each other. Like caring about the environment and owning homes.

Or caring about the environment and renting a yacht.

Or opposing pollution and driving a car

According to you , consuming far more than anyone else, creating more garbage and more pollution is just fine and dandy while complaining about pollution...

Of course it is.
How does he do, compared to the other people in his same field of occupation and level of wealth? Of course the Hilton's are going to use lots of resources with all of their mansions, or Tom Cruise, or Tom Hanks, Barbara Streisand, or Charlton Heston or the notorious of any kind at that level of notoriety.... How does he do, compared to others at the same level, with their footprints?

Much better
This wealth envy story again?

The cons like to make their points by confusing two different issues that have nothing to do with each other. Like caring about the environment and owning homes.

Or caring about the environment and renting a yacht.

Or opposing pollution and driving a car

According to you , consuming far more than anyone else, creating more garbage and more pollution is just fine and dandy while complaining about pollution...

Of course it is.
How does he do, compared to the other people in his same field of occupation and level of wealth? Of course the Hilton's are going to use lots of resources with all of their mansions, or Tom Cruise, or Tom Hanks, Barbara Streisand, or Charlton Heston or the notorious of any kind at that level of notoriety.... How does he do, compared to others at the same level, with their footprints?

Much better

Who cares?

Equivalency is the refuge on the intellectually lazy, he, like you is a hypocrite.

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