Dicaprio Owns 5 Luxury Homes, Rented The World's 5th Largest Yacht, Now Marches To Save Planet

This wealth envy story again?

The cons like to make their points by confusing two different issues that have nothing to do with each other. Like caring about the environment and owning homes.

Or caring about the environment and renting a yacht.

Or opposing pollution and driving a car

According to you , consuming far more than anyone else, creating more garbage and more pollution is just fine and dandy while complaining about pollution...

Of course it is.

Wait what? Consuming more than anyone else? When did caring about the planet involve not eating, or driving, or owning a house?

answer: It never has.

When did you start caring about pollution levels?

Answer: When you can point at a celeb while tossing your shit in the street yelling "look at that guy"

Dicaprio puts his money where his mouth is...You just put your mouth where polluters anus is
Like I (or most folks) give a rat's ass what a rich and hypocritical actor says or does. He's an actor. There's your first red flag.
If they were sincere, they would be living in cardboard boxes.

Anything less is hypocritical.

They should shop at goodwill because producing new clothes does something something (they dont know but they have to justify their whining)

Funny, these are the same people who defend the ultra wealthy doing any and everything but what do they have a problem with? Rich people...strike that...Rich Celebrities....

Nope strike that...

Rich Celebrities that care about pollution. Those are the ppl they are mad at?
Hey! Leave Leo alone!

RFK Jr. said people we should blame people's choices for climate change.

It's all Congress and the Koch Brothers' fault!

Fields asked: 'So will you lead by example?'

Kennedy Jr interrupted: 'No no...I do lead by example.'

'Are you going to give up your cell phone?' she said.

'No,' he responded.

'Are you going to give up your car?'

Visibly aggravated, Kennedy Jr pointed his finger in the reporter's face and barked: 'Are you going to give up your car?'

She calmly responds: 'I'm not the one who's here talking about the environment'.

The multi-millionaire then declared he will not stop using a phone or a car because he does not believe that quality of life should be sacrificed for the environment.

'Are you concerned about the damage that the cell phone and electricity generation causes to the environment?'

He exclaimed: 'Are you joking about this!'

'No, I want to know if you're willing to give up your iPhone,' she asks.


'Why not? Doesn't it start with people like you?'


The conversation then fell into confusion.

Fields asked: 'So will you lead by example?'

Kennedy Jr interrupted: 'No no...I do lead by example.'

'Are you going to give up your cell phone?' she said.

'No,' he responded.

'Are you going to give up your car?'

Visibly aggravated, Kennedy Jr pointed his finger in the reporter's face and barked: 'Are you going to give up your car?'

She calmly responds: 'I'm not the one who's here talking about the environment'.

The multi-millionaire then declared he will not stop using a phone or a car because he does not believe that quality of life should be sacrificed for the environment.

Finally, Kennedy Jr launched a direct attack at the young woman in which he grabbed the microphone and called her questions 'inane'.

Pointing in her face, he says: 'One of the biggest canards that the press if falling for is blaming individuals for their own choices. That's not the issue, the issue is what's happening on Capitol Hill and that's the thing you guys aren't paying attention to.

'You're letting these people you're letting the Koch brothers run our country, subvert our democracy, corrupt our politicians, capture the -'

Fields tries to ask a question but Kennedy Jr grabs the mic aggressively and continues: '...capture the agencies that are protecting us from pollution, and destroying local democracy on every level.

'And that's what you ought to be paying attention to rather than asking trivial and inane questions about what kind of car somebody drives or whether or not they use cell phones.'....

Robert F Kennedy Jr loses his cool and grabs mic from reporter pushing him about his own carbon footprint Daily Mail Online
Notice how they "shoved" the reporter aside from asking the newly crowned, Climate King any more questions.

not one whine about that from the people who cares more for WOMEN
Notice how they "shoved" the reporter aside from asking the newly crowned, Climate King any more questions.

not one whine about that from the people who cares more for WOMEN

Mr. Kennedy went on to say that "climate deniers" should be imprisoned.
If they were sincere, they would be living in cardboard boxes.

Anything less is hypocritical.

Right, because there's nothing between this-


And this-

After shopping around for a bit, award-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio has finally decided on a home in New York City’s Greenwich Village. The star is known for embracing the eco-lifestyle (as evidenced by his love affair with Citi Bikes and previous accommodations at the LEED gold-rated Riverhouse), so it only makes sense that his new pad be green as well. In addition to sustainable materials, the exclusive Sixty-Six East Eleventh Street also boasts health-centric amenities such as vitamin-C infused showers.
Well, with 5 luxury homes, it is nice that he can fool some people by buying one "green home" as well. Tell me he sold off his carbon footprint homes and gave up his carbon print lifestyle, and I will give him credit.

But to say...."yeah, I have a carbon footprint the size of Mars, but it is offset by one of my investments" is saying nothing more than "I am doing it for my image and sime of those mindless people out there will say 'see, he is not a hypocrite'"
After shopping around for a bit, award-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio has finally decided on a home in New York City’s Greenwich Village. The star is known for embracing the eco-lifestyle (as evidenced by his love affair with Citi Bikes and previous accommodations at the LEED gold-rated Riverhouse), so it only makes sense that his new pad be green as well. In addition to sustainable materials, the exclusive Sixty-Six East Eleventh Street also boasts health-centric amenities such as vitamin-C infused showers.
Well, with 5 luxury homes, it is nice that he can fool some people by buying one "green home" as well. Tell me he sold off his carbon footprint homes and gave up his carbon print lifestyle, and I will give him credit.

But to say...."yeah, I have a carbon footprint the size of Mars, but it is offset by one of my investments" is saying nothing more than "I am doing it for my image and sime of those mindless people out there will say 'see, he is not a hypocrite'"

You can't make this stuff up, there is nothing quite so mindless as a Liberal tied into this dogma.

The worst offenders in the their world are their leaders and yet because they "talk" about AGW/Climate Change it's ok.

It's a psychosis with them.

It is no less than the Early Catholic Church selling "indulgences".
If they were sincere, they would be living in cardboard boxes.

Anything less is hypocritical.

They should shop at goodwill because producing new clothes does something something (they dont know but they have to justify their whining)

Funny, these are the same people who defend the ultra wealthy doing any and everything but what do they have a problem with? Rich people...strike that...Rich Celebrities....

Nope strike that...

Rich Celebrities that care about pollution. Those are the ppl they are mad at?
You seem to be INTENTIONALLY neglecting the fact that we are talking about rich people that want others to sacrifice for the planet, but wont do it themselves.

And to answer your spun out of control question.....

I don't mind rich people that care about the planet and show that by keeping their carbon footprint at a minimum...I care about those rich people that say "buy electric cars and sacrifice" but then rent 400 foot yachts for fun.
After shopping around for a bit, award-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio has finally decided on a home in New York City’s Greenwich Village. The star is known for embracing the eco-lifestyle (as evidenced by his love affair with Citi Bikes and previous accommodations at the LEED gold-rated Riverhouse), so it only makes sense that his new pad be green as well. In addition to sustainable materials, the exclusive Sixty-Six East Eleventh Street also boasts health-centric amenities such as vitamin-C infused showers.
He can afford these little trysts into self-discovery.

Spending too much time around them during these episodes tends to cause a gag reflex, sort of like being around somebody who constantly says "Praise Jesus!!!"

Before long they're back to partying and projectile vomiting once they've found themselves.
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After shopping around for a bit, award-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio has finally decided on a home in New York City’s Greenwich Village. The star is known for embracing the eco-lifestyle (as evidenced by his love affair with Citi Bikes and previous accommodations at the LEED gold-rated Riverhouse), so it only makes sense that his new pad be green as well. In addition to sustainable materials, the exclusive Sixty-Six East Eleventh Street also boasts health-centric amenities such as vitamin-C infused showers.
Well, with 5 luxury homes, it is nice that he can fool some people by buying one "green home" as well. Tell me he sold off his carbon footprint homes and gave up his carbon print lifestyle, and I will give him credit.

But to say...."yeah, I have a carbon footprint the size of Mars, but it is offset by one of my investments" is saying nothing more than "I am doing it for my image and sime of those mindless people out there will say 'see, he is not a hypocrite'"

You can't make this stuff up, there is nothing quite so mindless as a Liberal tied into this dogma.

The worst offenders in the their world are their leaders and yet because they "talk" about AGW/Climate Change it's ok.

It's a psychosis with them.

It is no less than the Early Catholic Church selling "indulgences".
What I find hysterical, is how Closed Caption is hell bent on saying it is OK because he is rich.....talk about not having a leg to stand on.

Hey Closed Caption. He is rich. I applaud him for enjoying his money. But I find it hysterical that while he is enjoying his money while ignoring what he is doing to the environment, he is telling you how wrong it is for YOU to drive a gas powered automobile....and he knows morons like you will agree with him.
If they were sincere, they would be living in cardboard boxes.

Anything less is hypocritical.

They should shop at goodwill because producing new clothes does something something (they dont know but they have to justify their whining)

Funny, these are the same people who defend the ultra wealthy doing any and everything but what do they have a problem with? Rich people...strike that...Rich Celebrities....

Nope strike that...

Rich Celebrities that care about pollution. Those are the ppl they are mad at?
You seem to be INTENTIONALLY neglecting the fact that we are talking about rich people that want others to sacrifice for the planet, but wont do it themselves.

No they arent sacrificing to the level you think they should. Which is indescribable because you dont even know what an acceptable level should be. THEY SHOULD JUST DO IT!!

And to answer your spun out of control question.....

I don't mind rich people that care about the planet and show that by keeping their carbon footprint at a minimum...I care about those rich people that say "buy electric cars and sacrifice" but then rent 400 foot yachts for fun.

Once again one has nothing to do with the other. In the other thread people are saying protest signs are an indication of the "left" not caring for the planet.

So from yachts to protest signs. The range is Amazing!

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