Dick Cheney will vote for Kamala Harris for president

You have a racist avatar. You're a Trump supporter and you're not fooling anyone.
Yet another deranged ignorant moonbat, triggered by a fucking cartoon frog!...TFF!

With endorsements like this (apparently counter-political), the first question one must ask is, "Who would be influenced by this endorsement?"

Not much question here. Nobody. No Republican would be influenced by these turncoats - either one of them. No Democrats, because they are already voting stupid.

Second question is, Why? Why would Dick Cheney (assuming he is still coherent) make such a public endorsement?

Again, not much question. Trump is the antithesis of the traditional politician. They HATE him because he showed that you don't have to act like a conventional politician to get things done. Indeed his Presidency proved them all, especially the Republicans, fools and incompetents. He doesn't kiss the figurative asses of the other politicians, he appeals to the people, and the politicians had better get in line or get out of the way.

Not many (any) votes changing with this sad, irrelevant endorsement.
Cheney is Really saying: "I am a queer, I like little boys just like Walz and Joe Biden, so queer-ness, hear me ROAR! I am voting for Walz really because he is gay like me" :re:
Dick Cheney was the guy responsible for us getting into Afghanistan and Iraq. This made the problems in the Middle East even worse and was responsible for the rise of ISIS. Liz Cheney shares her dad's bloodlust for war.
And?? Your point??

Dick Cheney is a war criminal. No argument there. He is a war criminal that believes Trump is a bigger threat to American democracy than Iraq and Afghanistan.

And, for once, Dick Cheney is correct.
How fucked do you have to be to have your entire family, including your mother, detest you and endorse your opponent?

Is it the horse cum? Is it the Stolen Valor? The desertion? Is it the boy touching and the general faggotry? Is it the congenital lying?

Maybe all the above. Thank you democrats.... what an awesome gift! :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

just met the walz family.jpg
If Trump has become too extreme for fucking Darth Vader war criminal Dick Cheney, then you know the Nazi ass clown freak show known as the modern Republican Party needs to change its ways.

When you think about how far the Republican Party has fallen over the past 15 years....it's truly amazing.

One thing that was really weird about the Republican National Convention recently is that Trump and MAGA World pretend that previous Republican Presidents and leaders never even existed, like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan. None of these people want to be seen with Trump and this MAGA freak show.

They are now truly a Trump worshipping cult.
He's not "too extreme" except he's not controlled by the Deep State
And?? Your point??

Dick Cheney is a war criminal. No argument there. He is a war criminal that believes Trump is a bigger threat to American democracy than Iraq and Afghanistan.

And, for once, Dick Cheney is correct.
A fucking war criminal calls someone else a threat to mocracy?!?

OMFG, you cretinous shitlibs are the total end! :lmao: :laugh2: :rofl:
If Trump has become too extreme for fucking Darth Vader war criminal Dick Cheney, then you know the Nazi ass clown freak show known as the modern Republican Party needs to change its ways.

When you think about how far the Republican Party has fallen over the past 15 years....it's truly amazing.

One thing that was really weird about the Republican National Convention recently is that Trump and MAGA World pretend that previous Republican Presidents and leaders never even existed, like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan. None of these people want to be seen with Trump and this MAGA freak show.

They are now truly a Trump worshipping cult.
What a stupid post.

Haliburton is simply voting for Haliburton's interests.
This is what deranged Trump supporters such as yourself believe.

You can't even be honest about who you are. What a pussy.
Only been here four days, and already this deranged one-dimensional fucking noob is boring my socks off.

Seriously, you moonbat fucks need to come up with some new material. :rofl:

The former vice president has called Donald Trump the greatest threat to the American republic in history.

Vice President Kamala Harris just nabbed a major Republican endorsement in her mad dash for the White House: former Vice President Dick Cheney will be voting for her, according to his daughter.

Speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin on Friday, former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (R) announced her arch-conservative father’s support for the Democratic nominee.

“Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris,” she said to massive applause from the crowd.

More at the link below...

Liz Cheney Says Dick Cheney Is Voting For Kamala Harris

Great news! Thank you Liz! Thank you Dick! What do you think?

But...but...Tim Walz's brother...

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