Dick Durban lied thanks Tom Cotton

BTW indictments are soon coming down on Clinton and friends over Uranium One...Dick Durbin was involved in that and took bribes from Russia!

Suuuuuuuuuure they are. How many hundreds of times before have you fallen for that conspiracy theory?

Now, an indictment has already been issued against a Trump crony who was caught bribing uranium salesmen from Russia, but that had nothing to do with Uranium One or any Democrat. So, same old same old. Whenever Republicans get busted, they immediately deflect by accusing Democrats of what they were just busted for.

Now, let's get back to the way you so proudly defend open liars.

Durbin's story has been consistent. It matches Graham's story, which have also been consistent.

In contrast, Cotton and Perdue first declared that they couldn't recall. And then, a few days later, they managed to jog their memory and come up with a new story.

You know what normal people call people who change their stories constantly? Liars.

You're in a particularly bad spot here. Your liars' cult orders you to defend every Republican who lies. However in this case, different Republicans are saying opposite things. So, which Republicans are lying? Is it Graham who is lying, or is it Cotton and Perdue?

(Oh look. Another cultist head exploded.)
Durbin did indeed lie, refuses to answer questions about his lies and is being contradicted by multiple Senators and others in the room during that meeting and this is why President Trump needs to televise all White House meetings.

He is already the most transparent president in history so it’s time to take it one step further.
Yeah. He clearly lied. Trump would never say something like that.

So I guess Graham lied too? Saw him on the news tonight and he backed Durbins story.

Graham would back in to Dirty Dick Durbin’s Dick if he could. Any Dick would do!

Graham? The asshole who said the US Constitution is an outdated document?

Graham that said that restricting immigration for any reason was immoral?

Graham that said The United States belongs to The World, and that we need to submit to global rule and open our borders to everyone?

Graham who allied with John McCain early on to collude with Fusion GPS and Russia to promote a Fake Dossier?

Graham who said that The United States needs to share its wealth with the world, through Carbon taxation in The name of Climate Justice?

That subversive lying smug asshole?
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DACA was an illegal EO to begin with with an expiration date.

It’s Congress’ responsibility to change the law and Dirty Dick Durbin did not want DACA extended.

BTW indictments are soon coming down on Clinton and friends over Uranium One...Dick Durbin was involved in that and took bribes from Russia!

It will be sweet to see Dirty Dick Durbin get his Dick knocked in to the dirt.

And...Trump could sign an EO to restore DACA. If that is what he wanted. Silly Durbin.

Are you saying "any day now" again?
Durbin did indeed lie, refuses to answer questions about his lies and is being contradicted by multiple Senators and others in the room during that meeting and this is why President Trump needs to televise all White House meetings.

He is already the most transparent president in history so it’s time to take it one step further.
Yeah. He clearly lied. Trump would never say something like that.

So I guess Graham lied too? Saw him on the news tonight and he backed Durbins story.

Graham? The asshole who said the US Constitution is an outdated document?

Graham that said that restricting immigration for any reason was immoral?

Graham that said The United States belongs to The World, and that we need to submit to global rule and open our borders to everyone?

Graham who allied with John McCain early on to collude with Fusion GPS and Russia to promote a Fake Dossier?

That subversive lying smug asshole?
She is the reason the GOP is a revolting, dogshit party
There were 3.
I’m talking about the Dems in the room.
If he said it, they would be the first to line up and proclaim it to the high heavens. The fact they haven’t is very suspicious.
come on ,,they're republicans ,,,think they'd admit to anything tarnishing their party or make their master look bad?
I believe there was ONLY 1 dem in the room

But Sen. Dick Durbin, the only Democrat in the room, disputed the president’s account.

Trump Definitely Said 'Shithole Countries,' Senator Confirms

Which is why no one should believe it. Liar Durbin has a history of lying in such situtations. The man called our troops Nazis, and he exposed the identities of our undercover intelligence agents by blurting out classified information in public meetings.
Durbin did indeed lie, refuses to answer questions about his lies and is being contradicted by multiple Senators and others in the room during that meeting and this is why President Trump needs to televise all White House meetings.

He is already the most transparent president in history so it’s time to take it one step further.
Yeah. He clearly lied. Trump would never say something like that.

So I guess Graham lied too? Saw him on the news tonight and he backed Durbins story.

Well I figured out why Tom Cotton didn't hear... He was so far up Trump's hole it is hard to hear anything...
They were sitting next to Trump.

Sick Dirty Dick Durbin Lied Again.

Just like Clinton lies when she said she didn’t know what “classified” meant and she never sent no classified emails to nobody no how no way and that the 30,000 emails she bleach bitted were nothing but pictures of her in Yoga Pants.

Tricky Dick Durbin strikes again!

“I am not a crook!”


Dude, Durbin flat out lied

Lindsey Graham confirmed what Durbin said about what Trump said.
And David Perdue and Tom Cotton said he didn’t. And btw it isn’t what graham said

David Perdue and Tom Cotton didn't say that... They said they don't remember the President saying it... The old plausible deniability trick...
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Durbin did indeed lie, refuses to answer questions about his lies and is being contradicted by multiple Senators and others in the room during that meeting and this is why President Trump needs to televise all White House meetings.

He is already the most transparent president in history so it’s time to take it one step further.
Yeah. He clearly lied. Trump would never say something like that.

So I guess Graham lied too? Saw him on the news tonight and he backed Durbins story.

Well I figured out why Tom Cotton didn't hear... He was so far up Trump's hole it is hard to hear anything...

Yeah, and lair Durbin has no motivation for dishonesty.

Are all snowflakes as fucking stupid as you?
Durbin did indeed lie, refuses to answer questions about his lies and is being contradicted by multiple Senators and others in the room during that meeting and this is why President Trump needs to televise all White House meetings.

He is already the most transparent president in history so it’s time to take it one step further.
Yeah. He clearly lied. Trump would never say something like that.

So I guess Graham lied too? Saw him on the news tonight and he backed Durbins story.

Well I figured out why Tom Cotton didn't hear... He was so far up Trump's hole it is hard to hear anything...

You mean up Trump’s Shit Hole

Tricky Dick Durbin!

Lefty Hero and Champion of The Truth!

Here’s What People in the Room and Out Are Now Saying About Trump’s “Shithole Countries” Remark

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham said he confronted Trump during the meeting about the president’s derogatory comments. Fellow South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott said the reports on Trump’s comments aligned with what Sen. Graham told him personally (via the Post and Courier).

“Following comments by the president, I said my piece directly to him yesterday,” Graham said in a statement. “The president and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel,” he added.

“I’ve always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals.”

“My colleague (Sen. Graham) spoke up and made a direct comment on what the president said,” Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) said. “For him to confront the president as he did, literally sitting next to him, took extraordinary political courage and I respect him for it.”
Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue and Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton:

“We do not recall the President saying these comments specifically but what he did call out was the imbalance in our current immigration system, which does not protect American workers and our national interest,” [the senators] said in a statement.

In Washington to “not recall” something these days is basically another way of saying yeah, that thing happened but I don’t want to say it. Over the weekend, both Perdue and Cotton stepped up their still equivocating defense of the president.

Sen. Perdue: “I’m telling you he did not use that word, George, and I’m telling you it’s a gross misrepresentation,” Perdue told moderator George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week.”

Sen. Cotton: “I didn’t hear it, and I was sitting no further away from Donald Trump than Dick Durbin was,” [Sen.] Cotton said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen went on Fox News Sunday with a slight variation of the I do not recall non-denial denial. (via CNN)

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said on “Fox News Sunday” that she did not recall Trump saying “that exact phrase.” “It was an impassioned conversation,” Nielsen said when pressed. “I don’t recall that specific phrase being used. That’s all I can say about that.”

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, a Miami Republican, attended the meeting, but has refused to confirm or deny Trump’s verbiage. (via WPLG Miami)

“This is a president that said things differently than clearly I would say them,” Diaz-Balart told Local 10’s Glenna Milberg Monday. “I will not comment on what may or may not have been said … I will not be in a position to solve this problem.”

“I’m the only person from South Florida that has a seat at this table,” Diaz-Balart said. “I am going to use it not to criticize, not to point fingers, but to stop the imminent deportation of 800,000 young people.”

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Robert Goodlatte, a Republican from Virginia, who were both in the meeting, have yet to issue public statements on the contents of Thursday’s meeting.

Yes any day now! Tricky Dick Durbin Told me so.

Honest he did!


Tricky Dick Durbin says

“I cannot tell a lie!”
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White House official told me tonight there is debate internally on whether Trump said "shithole" or "shithouse." Perdue and Cotton seem to have heard latter, this person said, and are using to deny.

— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) January 15, 2018

Purdue and Cotton may be hanging their bullshit on semantics?
You mean up Trump’s Shit Hole

Tricky Dickie wants to fist trump...

And trump would probably ask for more (From Putin).
Why bother?

Lame and Not entertaining.

Kinda like Hilary Clinton’s festering puss filed vagina.

You suck Dirty Dick Durbin

Your post Made Me throw up in my mouth a little.

Kinda like the same reaction a blind date has towards you when you first meet....it..she....him.
Trump has been caught in over 2,000 lies, what's one more to such a pathological liar. Trumps problem is he didn't think Lindsey Graham would answer with integrity instead of partisanship.
Lindsey Graham is kind of 'funny' but I'm glad to see that hidden deep inside his panties there might be a microscopic set of balls. That's a bigger set than most republicans have. Lol...

trump is a fucking liar and the entire world knows it. Only his ass-kissing supporters cannot see the truth. If the liar in chief wants to fight with Dick Durbin that's okay, because the truth is:

Trump Cannot Lick Our Dick.
^^^^^ other than miss Lindsey is on tape saying almost what he condemns today. Hypocritical much? He said "hellhole" countries during his moment in the limelight.

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