Dick Durban lied thanks Tom Cotton

Cotton and Perdue said they "don't recall". So, give us some "credible" proof where they are now saying Trump didn't say it.
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Cotton and Perdue said they "can't recall". So, give us some "credible" proof where they are now saying Trump didn't say it.
Washington Redskin, if you would stay out of the firewater you would understand these things
So they lied? Durbin has history

So does Trump
So does Cotton

Here's the thing. The only guys claiming that Trump didn't say "Shithole" are the guys who are hardliners on a comprimise on DACA who are scared we are going to get DACA now.
In the room. What do they gain?
Showing that they do and say nothing when FM 45 says things like that....they have no backbone....of course no one in the GOP has a backbone right now.
Cotton and Perdue said they "don't recall". So, give us some "credible" proof where they are now saying Trump didn't say it.
No, fk don’t you have any integrity? They said they never heard it. And Cotton said he was as close to trump as Durbin. Fk I hate perpetual liars like you
So they lied? Durbin has history

So does Trump
So does Cotton

Here's the thing. The only guys claiming that Trump didn't say "Shithole" are the guys who are hardliners on a comprimise on DACA who are scared we are going to get DACA now.
In the room. What do they gain?
Showing that they do and say nothing when FM 45 says things like that....they have no backbone....of course no one in the GOP has a backbone right now.
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos
Those 2 pos said they didn't hear it Are all pubs douchbag racists??
So they lied? Durbin has history
I'd bet on repubs lying,,,,,,,never heard about durbin ,,,,next up cash transactions with trump property sales Money laundering
You just did
Maybe little dickey was the only one paying attention during Trump talking? The others all daydreaming about pensions and waterfront homes?

I hope he did say it. It is the Truth.
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos
Those 2 pos said they didn't hear it Are all pubs douchbag racists??
So they lied? Durbin has history
I'd bet on repubs lying,,,,,,,never heard about durbin ,,,,next up cash transactions with trump property sales Money laundering
You just did

Maybe little dickey was the only one paying attention during Trump talking? The others all daydreaming about pensions and waterfront homes?

I hope he did say it. It is the Truth.

Know what it is!

The collusion/delusion is going to boomerang and is going so badly for the left, they are back to their tried and true......R-A-C-I-S-M!
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos
Those 2 pos said they didn't hear it Are all pubs douchbag racists??
So they lied? Durbin has history
I'd bet on repubs lying,,,,,,,never heard about durbin ,,,,next up cash transactions with trump property sales Money laundering
You just did

Maybe little dickey was the only one paying attention during Trump talking? The others all daydreaming about pensions and waterfront homes?

I hope he did say it. It is the Truth.

Know what it is!

The collusion/delusion is going to boomerang and is going so badly for the left, they are back to their tried and true......R-A-C-I-S-M!
lol yes 95 % of blacks say republicans aren't racists lol lol lol
Cotton and Perdue said they "don't recall". So, give us some "credible" proof where they are now saying Trump didn't say it.
First they said nothing
Then they said "I don't recall"

After a call from the White House......their memories returned
Maybe little dickey was the only one paying attention during Trump talking? The others all daydreaming about pensions and waterfront homes?

I hope he did say it. It is the Truth.
Can’t make this up
Hmm tom cotton and David Perdue both said trump never said shithole! Huh? Hey Dick you gonna come clean?

Face the Nation and George Stephanopoulos
Those 2 pos said they didn't hear it Are all pubs douchbag racists??

None are, that only exists in your butthurt "mind".
pred there's nothing lower than a pos that can't admit their fuhor {sp{ has no clothes
So you never did with obummer. Like your insurance you keep it.

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