Dick's Crossed The NRA And They Hit Back Hard. Now Dick's Has To Deal With...The Best Sales Ever

He comes up with so many very lame justifications for using a weapon to compensate for his small penis.
All his posts say to most people is that he has a small penis and is using a weapon to compensate for it.
If this is not a clear case of projection I dont know what it would be.

How the hell do you *know* this guy has a small penis?

You get around THAT much?

Have you ever taken even one psychology class?

I started taking psychology classes in high school and continued through college. The subject fascinated me.

Your weapon fixated friend has the classic behavior of a person who is compensating for a small penis. Or for the fact that he feels he doesn't have any control of his life.

I'm not a man so I can't be projecting any of my own behavior on him.

Most of his posts are about weapons and excuses or justifications for allowing weapons of war and other weapons in the hands of people who have no business owning them.

You can deny it all you want but if you had any education in psychology it's classic behavior of a man who has a small penis and are trying to compensate for it.
He comes up with so many very lame justifications for using a weapon to compensate for his small penis.
All his posts say to most people is that he has a small penis and is using a weapon to compensate for it.
If this is not a clear case of projection I dont know what it would be.

How the hell do you *know* this guy has a small penis?

You get around THAT much?

Have you ever taken even one psychology class?

I started taking psychology classes in high school and continued through college. The subject fascinated me.

Your weapon fixated friend has the classic behavior of a person who is compensating for a small penis. Or for the fact that he feels he doesn't have any control of his life.

I'm not a man so I can't be projecting any of my own behavior on him.

Most of his posts are about weapons and excuses or justifications for allowing weapons of war and other weapons in the hands of people who have no business owning them.

You can deny it all you want but if you had any education in psychology it's classic behavior of a man who has a small penis and are trying to compensate for it.

There is no excuses or justifications needed for AR-15s or other firearms because we have a Bill of Rights that says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed and a Supreme Court ruling that says it is an individual right.

If you don't want an AR-15 then don't buy one. Just stop being an asshole and advocating infringement upon my Constitutional rights.

Speaking of psychology not only are you hateful Liberals assholes but you are bat shit crazy. Of course most of you are suffering from that mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome so we know you aren't exactly playing with a full deck of cards.
I use to shop a Dick's.

Now I wouldn't set foot in that filthy ass commie store.

Fuck 'em.

I know right? Who do they think they are not facilitating weapons of mass shooting? It's unnamurrikin.


Weapons of mass murder? You mean like handguns, the most common gun used in shootings...you moron.....

Mass public shootings in 2018....12....total killed, 93. Total killed with rifles, 33........you are an idiot......

18 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in this country.......less than 33 people killed with them in mass public shootings, you dope...

Bicycles killed more people.....so I guess according to you they would be weapons of mass killing...you moron...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rifle......297 ( 2017... 403)

knives, 1,515

Blunt objects.... 443

hands and feet... 672

Cars.... 2017 ...... 38,659


This post ^^ demonstrates exactly what I mean when I talk about the gun fetish. Emotional basket-case wankers acting like an infant that's had its pacifier taken out of its mouth. Waaaaaaah. :crybaby: All for a fucking killing instrument. :cuckoo:

Most of the posts from that person is about weapons.

He comes up with so many very lame justifications for using a weapon to compensate for his small penis.

All his posts say to most people is that he has a small penis and is using a weapon to compensate for it.

So, if you attacked him and he fought back, would you rather he screw you to death with a small penis or shoot you and get it over with?
"Daily Kos"

Last year, the Parkland students took on the NRA. The student survivors of the massacre found themselves being viciously attacked by the right, but they held marches and rallies across the nation regardless, and intensely targeted the campaigns of cowardly legislators. Their efforts paid off. They got gun safety legislation passed in several states, and then shamed virtually every one of the NRA’s sponsors. The kids showed what many of us have known for years: that the NRA is a paper tiger. The one thing they could always count on is to get their minions to mobilize and strong-arm against any action whatsoever to stop gun massacres. I guess that’s not a thing anymore. The NRA is now a toxic brand, and it’s about damn time.

Dick's crossed the NRA, and they hit back hard. Now Dick's has to deal with...best sales ever

How about those yeti coolers?

Source: Daily Kos

View attachment 292187
Paid spammer.

Followed by loser number 2. But in the case of this moron, just a loser period in every thread he shows up in.
View attachment 292188
Dick's Sporting Goods shares spike after earnings beat and outlook upgrade

Motley fool
Dick's Sporting Goods "Bends the Sales Curve" in Q2 | The Motley Fool

Dick's Sporting Goods Inc.

How many more do you need?
They were never serious about anything other than selling jerseys to gangbanger wanna bees....

Like I said they can do whatever the fuck they want…

Like another poster said… They should change their name to pussies. Lol
View attachment 292263
Liberal men certainly do.
Of course it's a false comparison AND you were already told about this. BY YOUR OWN WORDS you're trying to compare accidents involving devices not at all made for killing, with intentional acts using another device that IS made for killing. They're not even remotely comparable. That's a fallacy post, bro.
So, somebody walks into a bar and drinks too much booze, ending up behind the wheel of a car and wiping out an entire family.... and that's an accident???? How come you figure people go to prison for that?
Yeah, its called manslaughter.

Pogo the Nogo thinks that if it contradicts his ideological presuppositions it must be a fallacy.

So he moves the goal posts from objects used in violent acts to objects DESIGNED for violent acts, as if that makes any damned difference.

Butcher knives are not designed for violent acts but are used all the time for such things because they work.

Actually in the response you were too terrified to actually quote, I drew the distinction between deliberate acts and accidental acts. You would have to have been literate to catch that though, so you're at a disadvantage.

Now when someone disagrees with you, you're going to respond with an attack on their intelligence? It's more of a difference of opinion. If you know you can't stop at one or at least before sloppy drunk, then drinking is a deliberate act. Someone has a drinking problem and instead of going to the doctor / mental health facility and getting help, they go to a bar and buy booze.

Why not a limitation on booze? Get a booze license and when you enter a bar, your bar card won't allow them to sell you any more booze after those first two drinks. Stores would be limited to selling an individual a case a month. Sound silly? If it does, then you might understand how a person feels when they've been threatened and the police say they can't do anything until a person acts on the threat you can't prove.

As many people are killed in DUI accidents as there are people dying from firearms. Nobody says we have an alcohol problem and that banning alcohol will solve that problem. There is no Right to alcohol and alcohol is not necessary to insure the security of a free state.

Like I have told these stupid Moon Bats several times but they never have the courage or intellectual honesty to acknowledge.

The swimming pool I have in my back yard is much much more likely to cause a death than my 30 AR-15s.

The bicycle is more deadly in this country than all rifles, let alone AR-15s....

Yuh huh.

Remind us when the last mass bicycle attack was, Zippy.

What kind of moron put an "Agree" on this inane post?

Moron....bicycles kill more people each and every year than all rifles do...let alone AR-15s....so morons like you say, ban the AR-15 because they were used to kill 33 people in mass public shootings, while bicycles kill 345.......you are the idiot.
Deathcycle instruments
As many people are killed in DUI accidents as there are people dying from firearms. Nobody says we have an alcohol problem and that banning alcohol will solve that problem. There is no Right to alcohol and alcohol is not necessary to insure the security of a free state.

Like I have told these stupid Moon Bats several times but they never have the courage or intellectual honesty to acknowledge.

The swimming pool I have in my back yard is much much more likely to cause a death than my 30 AR-15s.

The bicycle is more deadly in this country than all rifles, let alone AR-15s....

Yuh huh.

Remind us when the last mass bicycle attack was, Zippy.

What kind of moron put an "Agree" on this inane post?

Moron....bicycles kill more people each and every year than all rifles do...let alone AR-15s....so morons like you say, ban the AR-15 because they were used to kill 33 people in mass public shootings, while bicycles kill 345.......you are the idiot.
Deathcycle instruments

My butt is a wind instrument and a fart is a whole note.
How in the world can radical lefties promote the propaganda that Parkland students were viciously attacked by anyone but the freaking shooter who violated about a dozen laws? Every mass shooter in modern history was a left wing radical or a maniac or the combination of the two. The skeet shooters and the housewives and the hunters who belong to the NRA ain't your freaking enemy.
How in the world can radical lefties promote the propaganda that Parkland students were viciously attacked by anyone but the freaking shooter who violated about a dozen laws? Every mass shooter in modern history was a left wing radical or a maniac or the combination of the two. The skeet shooters and the housewives and the hunters who belong to the NRA ain't your freaking enemy.

The NRA and most gun owners aren't helping themselves in this fight. They fight a defensive fight. Nicholas Cruz had generated at least 45 interactions with police. He had been reprimanded in school more times than I can count. When did society have a duty to take this child off the streets and put him into a mental health facility? Nobody even ran diagnostic tests on him after numerous police interactions to find out what the problem was.

At some point, all these trips to the principal's office; the school suspensions; the reports from fellow students; the police reports generated ought to have been worth someone making a trip to his home and interviewing him, the family members, etc. and getting to the root of the problem.
Psychology. The same thing I was observing with his fetish hissyfit --- again, psychology.
Lol, OK, so she made a wild ass guess based on her innate political biases like most partisans do today.

Thats what I thought.

Psychology has nothing to do with "political biases" or politics at all.

You asked the question, I answered it. If you don't want the answer, don't axe the quesstion.
I use to shop a Dick's.

Now I wouldn't set foot in that filthy ass commie store.

Fuck 'em.

I know right? Who do they think they are not facilitating weapons of mass shooting? It's unnamurrikin.


Weapons of mass murder? You mean like handguns, the most common gun used in shootings...you moron.....

Mass public shootings in 2018....12....total killed, 93. Total killed with rifles, 33........you are an idiot......

18 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in this country.......less than 33 people killed with them in mass public shootings, you dope...

Bicycles killed more people.....so I guess according to you they would be weapons of mass killing...you moron...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rifle......297 ( 2017... 403)

knives, 1,515

Blunt objects.... 443

hands and feet... 672

Cars.... 2017 ...... 38,659


This post ^^ demonstrates exactly what I mean when I talk about the gun fetish. Emotional basket-case wankers acting like an infant that's had its pacifier taken out of its mouth. Waaaaaaah. :crybaby: All for a fucking killing instrument. :cuckoo:

Most of the posts from that person is about weapons.

He comes up with so many very lame justifications for using a weapon to compensate for his small penis.

All his posts say to most people is that he has a small penis and is using a weapon to compensate for it.

So, if you attacked him and he fought back, would you rather he screw you to death with a small penis or shoot you and get it over with?

Personally I'd prefer he come to terms with his own shortcomings, zip it and trickle away.
Of course it's a false comparison AND you were already told about this. BY YOUR OWN WORDS you're trying to compare accidents involving devices not at all made for killing, with intentional acts using another device that IS made for killing. They're not even remotely comparable. That's a fallacy post, bro.
So, somebody walks into a bar and drinks too much booze, ending up behind the wheel of a car and wiping out an entire family.... and that's an accident???? How come you figure people go to prison for that?
Yeah, its called manslaughter.

Pogo the Nogo thinks that if it contradicts his ideological presuppositions it must be a fallacy.

So he moves the goal posts from objects used in violent acts to objects DESIGNED for violent acts, as if that makes any damned difference.

Butcher knives are not designed for violent acts but are used all the time for such things because they work.

Actually in the response you were too terrified to actually quote, I drew the distinction between deliberate acts and accidental acts. You would have to have been literate to catch that though, so you're at a disadvantage.

Now when someone disagrees with you, you're going to respond with an attack on their intelligence?

I do bite back, damn straight. Or didn't you bother to read far enough to see that was return fire?

Got a problem with him not being able to take back what he dished out?
I will admit, I went to the local Dick's and was not impressed. Could be a demographics issue. Oxnard.
I know right? Who do they think they are not facilitating weapons of mass shooting? It's unnamurrikin.


Weapons of mass murder? You mean like handguns, the most common gun used in shootings...you moron.....

Mass public shootings in 2018....12....total killed, 93. Total killed with rifles, 33........you are an idiot......

18 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in this country.......less than 33 people killed with them in mass public shootings, you dope...

Bicycles killed more people.....so I guess according to you they would be weapons of mass killing...you moron...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rifle......297 ( 2017... 403)

knives, 1,515

Blunt objects.... 443

hands and feet... 672

Cars.... 2017 ...... 38,659


This post ^^ demonstrates exactly what I mean when I talk about the gun fetish. Emotional basket-case wankers acting like an infant that's had its pacifier taken out of its mouth. Waaaaaaah. :crybaby: All for a fucking killing instrument. :cuckoo:

Most of the posts from that person is about weapons.

He comes up with so many very lame justifications for using a weapon to compensate for his small penis.

All his posts say to most people is that he has a small penis and is using a weapon to compensate for it.

So, if you attacked him and he fought back, would you rather he screw you to death with a small penis or shoot you and get it over with?

Personally I'd prefer he come to terms with his own shortcomings, zip it and trickle away.

Are you ... maybe the owner of the board or just a wannabe tyrant?
Of course it's a false comparison AND you were already told about this. BY YOUR OWN WORDS you're trying to compare accidents involving devices not at all made for killing, with intentional acts using another device that IS made for killing. They're not even remotely comparable. That's a fallacy post, bro.
So, somebody walks into a bar and drinks too much booze, ending up behind the wheel of a car and wiping out an entire family.... and that's an accident???? How come you figure people go to prison for that?
Yeah, its called manslaughter.

Pogo the Nogo thinks that if it contradicts his ideological presuppositions it must be a fallacy.

So he moves the goal posts from objects used in violent acts to objects DESIGNED for violent acts, as if that makes any damned difference.

Butcher knives are not designed for violent acts but are used all the time for such things because they work.

Actually in the response you were too terrified to actually quote, I drew the distinction between deliberate acts and accidental acts. You would have to have been literate to catch that though, so you're at a disadvantage.

Now when someone disagrees with you, you're going to respond with an attack on their intelligence?

I do bite back, damn straight. Or didn't you bother to read far enough to see that was return fire?

Got a problem with him not being able to take back what he dished out?

I'm just observing and asking questions. I sense that you get your boxers in a bunch prematurely. You're now getting defensive with me and I'm just asking for clarification.
So, somebody walks into a bar and drinks too much booze, ending up behind the wheel of a car and wiping out an entire family.... and that's an accident???? How come you figure people go to prison for that?
Yeah, its called manslaughter.

Pogo the Nogo thinks that if it contradicts his ideological presuppositions it must be a fallacy.

So he moves the goal posts from objects used in violent acts to objects DESIGNED for violent acts, as if that makes any damned difference.

Butcher knives are not designed for violent acts but are used all the time for such things because they work.

Actually in the response you were too terrified to actually quote, I drew the distinction between deliberate acts and accidental acts. You would have to have been literate to catch that though, so you're at a disadvantage.

Now when someone disagrees with you, you're going to respond with an attack on their intelligence?

I do bite back, damn straight. Or didn't you bother to read far enough to see that was return fire?

Got a problem with him not being able to take back what he dished out?

I'm just observing and asking questions. I sense that you get your boxers in a bunch prematurely. You're now getting defensive with me and I'm just asking for clarification.

I don't give a flying fuck what you "sense", if that's even possible ---- when I'm attacked I bite back, PERIOD.
And there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.
Yeah, its called manslaughter.

Pogo the Nogo thinks that if it contradicts his ideological presuppositions it must be a fallacy.

So he moves the goal posts from objects used in violent acts to objects DESIGNED for violent acts, as if that makes any damned difference.

Butcher knives are not designed for violent acts but are used all the time for such things because they work.

Actually in the response you were too terrified to actually quote, I drew the distinction between deliberate acts and accidental acts. You would have to have been literate to catch that though, so you're at a disadvantage.

Now when someone disagrees with you, you're going to respond with an attack on their intelligence?

I do bite back, damn straight. Or didn't you bother to read far enough to see that was return fire?

Got a problem with him not being able to take back what he dished out?

I'm just observing and asking questions. I sense that you get your boxers in a bunch prematurely. You're now getting defensive with me and I'm just asking for clarification.

I don't give a flying fuck what you "sense", if that's even possible ---- when I'm attacked I bite back, PERIOD.
And there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

There is plenty we can do about it. If you really have a problem with the Rights our forefathers fought, bled and died in order to secure, maybe you would prefer a change of scenery?

I could start a go fund me page for you and help you get out of what you believe to be a miserable country. If you want to find out if your muscles are as big as your mouth, we're having Ring of Honor wrestling here in Atlanta on Jan. 11. Maybe you would like to do a lights out match with the guy you don't seem to be able to have a civil conversation with? As for me, I can join the chorus in ridiculing you for letting this subject control you and allow you to say really stupid shit to people you don't know.
Actually in the response you were too terrified to actually quote, I drew the distinction between deliberate acts and accidental acts. You would have to have been literate to catch that though, so you're at a disadvantage.

Now when someone disagrees with you, you're going to respond with an attack on their intelligence?

I do bite back, damn straight. Or didn't you bother to read far enough to see that was return fire?

Got a problem with him not being able to take back what he dished out?

I'm just observing and asking questions. I sense that you get your boxers in a bunch prematurely. You're now getting defensive with me and I'm just asking for clarification.

I don't give a flying fuck what you "sense", if that's even possible ---- when I'm attacked I bite back, PERIOD.
And there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

There is plenty we can do about it. If you really have a problem with the Rights our forefathers fought, bled and died in order to secure, maybe you would prefer a change of scenery?

I could start a go fund me page for you and help you get out of what you believe to be a miserable country. If you want to find out if your muscles are as big as your mouth, we're having Ring of Honor wrestling here in Atlanta on Jan. 11. Maybe you would like to do a lights out match with the guy you don't seem to be able to have a civil conversation with? As for me, I can join the chorus in ridiculing you for letting this subject control you and allow you to say really stupid shit to people you don't know.


It ain't that fucking complex. The poster attacked me so I bit him back. PERIOD. JUST LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE.

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