Did America save Australia in ww2

More then likely America saved Australia from eventual occupation by the Japanese.
Japan was invading nations left and right and rolling over nations like china etc with ease, they were brutal and killed civilians left and right even children , raping women and in general being real monsters.

Australia was and still is a weak nation with a small military. They were in no position to defend themselves.
Japan was not large enough to occupy Australia

Well Well, they occupied a big chunk of China and parts of Russia ,Laos .Vietnam , Cambodia French held lands all over the south Pacific , Korea ,Thailand Malaysia , the Philippines , Singapore , along with several more nations for a total population of 463,677,000 under their thumb .
Yea sure they wouldn't be able to handle Australia and its mighty military because of their swollen egos and small penis size , lol seriously you actually think Japan couldn't take Australia then?
what was stopping them the mighty Australia navy lol ?Or your huge Military?
Or maybe the fact we were busy destroying them , which makes more sense ? and you question my intelligence lol. that swollen ego from down under is really massive unlike you short penis numbers.

Im sure Japan could invade all those nations but couldn't handle the mighty Australians , lol what a chump .
Japan did not take over china or Australia. Get your facts straight, china had airfields for American aircraft, not sure if your mom told you this
I didnt say they took over China or Australia cant you read, O wait you must be Australian . they invaded china and may other nations its called a occupation which they did do of parts of china if you were able to read along with many other nations if you could read.
next I know they didn't go after Australia Daaaaaaa if you could read you would see that I said the USA probally prevented the Japs from eventually doing that , seems your as smart as Jake
Actually my father single handedly took Okinawa with a few of his 5th marine buddies.

You may continue babbling
O your father singled handed took Okinawa lol another lying moron . there were 180,000 marines and army involved in it , that sounds like a few more then your dads buddys and you completly forgot the army and and navy's 5th fleet involvement .

More then likely America saved Australia from eventual occupation by the Japanese.
Japan was invading nations left and right and rolling over nations like china etc with ease, they were brutal and killed civilians left and right even children , raping women and in general being real monsters.

Australia was and still is a weak nation with a small military. They were in no position to defend themselves.
Japan was not large enough to occupy Australia

Well Well, they occupied a big chunk of China and parts of Russia ,Laos .Vietnam , Cambodia French held lands all over the south Pacific , Korea ,Thailand Malaysia , the Philippines , Singapore , along with several more nations for a total population of 463,677,000 under their thumb .
Yea sure they wouldn't be able to handle Australia and its mighty military because of their swollen egos and small penis size , lol seriously you actually think Japan couldn't take Australia then?
what was stopping them the mighty Australia navy lol ?Or your huge Military?
Or maybe the fact we were busy destroying them , which makes more sense ? and you question my intelligence lol. that swollen ego from down under is really massive unlike you short penis numbers.

Im sure Japan could invade all those nations but couldn't handle the mighty Australians , lol what a chump .
Japan did not take over china or Australia. Get your facts straight, china had airfields for American aircraft, not sure if your mom told you this
I didnt say they took over China or Australia cant you read, O wait you must be Australian . they invaded china and may other nations its called a occupation which they did do of parts of china if you were able to read along with many other nations if you could read.
next I know they didn't go after Australia Daaaaaaa if you could read you would see that I said the USA probally prevented the Japs from eventually doing that , seems your as smart as Jake
Actually my father single handedly took Okinawa with a few of his 5th marine buddies.

You may continue babbling
O your father singled handed took Okinawa lol another lying moron . there were 180,000 marines and army involved in it , that sounds like a few more then your dads buddys and you completly forgot the army and and navy's 5th fleet involvement .
Yawn, who in your family was there?

More then likely America saved Australia from eventual occupation by the Japanese.
Japan was invading nations left and right and rolling over nations like china etc with ease, they were brutal and killed civilians left and right even children , raping women and in general being real monsters.

Australia was and still is a weak nation with a small military. They were in no position to defend themselves.
Japan was not large enough to occupy Australia

Well Well, they occupied a big chunk of China and parts of Russia ,Laos .Vietnam , Cambodia French held lands all over the south Pacific , Korea ,Thailand Malaysia , the Philippines , Singapore , along with several more nations for a total population of 463,677,000 under their thumb .
Yea sure they wouldn't be able to handle Australia and its mighty military because of their swollen egos and small penis size , lol seriously you actually think Japan couldn't take Australia then?
what was stopping them the mighty Australia navy lol ?Or your huge Military?
Or maybe the fact we were busy destroying them , which makes more sense ? and you question my intelligence lol. that swollen ego from down under is really massive unlike you short penis numbers.

Im sure Japan could invade all those nations but couldn't handle the mighty Australians , lol what a chump .
Japan did not take over china or Australia. Get your facts straight, china had airfields for American aircraft, not sure if your mom told you this
I didnt say they took over China or Australia cant you read, O wait you must be Australian . they invaded china and may other nations its called a occupation which they did do of parts of china if you were able to read along with many other nations if you could read.
next I know they didn't go after Australia Daaaaaaa if you could read you would see that I said the USA probally prevented the Japs from eventually doing that , seems your as smart as Jake
Actually my father single handedly took Okinawa with a few of his 5th marine buddies.

You may continue babbling
O your father singled handed took Okinawa lol another lying moron . there were 180,000 marines and army involved in it , that sounds like a few more then your dads buddys and you completly forgot the army and and navy's 5th fleet involvement .
Yawn, who in your family was there?
my grandfather was in ww2 and saw action in the Pacific . but that has nothing to do with your stupid ignorant claim that your dad single handed and a few buddys defed the when over 200 ground troops were involved and the 5th fleet, or you other stupid claims such as Japan didnt occupy part of china which it clearly did it killed over 200,00 in 1 city alone and claiming I said japan invaded Australia which I never said , I said the usa saved down under from japan .

More then likely America saved Australia from eventual occupation by the Japanese.
Japan was invading nations left and right and rolling over nations like china etc with ease, they were brutal and killed civilians left and right even children , raping women and in general being real monsters.

Australia was and still is a weak nation with a small military. They were in no position to defend themselves.
Japan was not large enough to occupy Australia

Well Well, they occupied a big chunk of China and parts of Russia ,Laos .Vietnam , Cambodia French held lands all over the south Pacific , Korea ,Thailand Malaysia , the Philippines , Singapore , along with several more nations for a total population of 463,677,000 under their thumb .
Yea sure they wouldn't be able to handle Australia and its mighty military because of their swollen egos and small penis size , lol seriously you actually think Japan couldn't take Australia then?
what was stopping them the mighty Australia navy lol ?Or your huge Military?
Or maybe the fact we were busy destroying them , which makes more sense ? and you question my intelligence lol. that swollen ego from down under is really massive unlike you short penis numbers.

Im sure Japan could invade all those nations but couldn't handle the mighty Australians , lol what a chump .
Japan did not take over china or Australia. Get your facts straight, china had airfields for American aircraft, not sure if your mom told you this
I didnt say they took over China or Australia cant you read, O wait you must be Australian . they invaded china and may other nations its called a occupation which they did do of parts of china if you were able to read along with many other nations if you could read.
next I know they didn't go after Australia Daaaaaaa if you could read you would see that I said the USA probally prevented the Japs from eventually doing that , seems your as smart as Jake
Actually my father single handedly took Okinawa with a few of his 5th marine buddies.

You may continue babbling
O your father singled handed took Okinawa lol another lying moron . there were 180,000 marines and army involved in it , that sounds like a few more then your dads buddys and you completly forgot the army and and navy's 5th fleet involvement .
Yawn, who in your family was there?
my grandfather was in ww2 and saw action in the Pacific . but that has nothing to do with your stupid ignorant claim that your dad single handed and a few buddys defed the when over 200 ground troops were involved and the 5th fleet, or you other stupid claims such as Japan didnt occupy part of china which it clearly did it killed over 200,00 in 1 city alone and claiming I said japan invaded Australia which I never said , I said the usa saved down under from japan .
I got cool photos of my father in law on leyte with the flag of the jap division that he took single handedly as well. I will paste some here later
...again, no one thinks about the logistics necessary to just even make a landing in Australia, much less ''defeat'' Aussie-land.....
....the Japanese didn't even take Port Moreseby!!!!!
..and the Aussies stopped them on the Kokoda Trail
--so the Aussies were a long way from needing to be saved
View attachment 410622
sure they were the japs would of invaded down under sooner or later and raped plundered and run a muck just like they did ever where else in the south pacific .

with out Americas military in the south pacific defeating the japs you would be eating rice and have a living god running your nation taking the iron ore and food for free .
china may do that one day anyway if you guys down under dont grow a set and START ACTING LIKE MEN .
The IJA didn't have the manpower to fight in both China and a major war in Australia. It could barely support a minor war in New Guinea and most of it's troops starved to death or died of disease. Japan could no more invade and conquer Australia than Germany could invade and conquer the UK.

More then likely America saved Australia from eventual occupation by the Japanese.
Japan was invading nations left and right and rolling over nations like china etc with ease, they were brutal and killed civilians left and right even children , raping women and in general being real monsters.

Australia was and still is a weak nation with a small military. They were in no position to defend themselves.
Japan was not large enough to occupy Australia

Well Well, they occupied a big chunk of China and parts of Russia ,Laos .Vietnam , Cambodia French held lands all over the south Pacific , Korea ,Thailand Malaysia , the Philippines , Singapore , along with several more nations for a total population of 463,677,000 under their thumb .
Yea sure they wouldn't be able to handle Australia and its mighty military because of their swollen egos and small penis size , lol seriously you actually think Japan couldn't take Australia then?
what was stopping them the mighty Australia navy lol ?Or your huge Military?
Or maybe the fact we were busy destroying them , which makes more sense ? and you question my intelligence lol. that swollen ego from down under is really massive unlike you short penis numbers.

Im sure Japan could invade all those nations but couldn't handle the mighty Australians , lol what a chump .
Japan did not take over china or Australia. Get your facts straight, china had airfields for American aircraft, not sure if your mom told you this
I didnt say they took over China or Australia cant you read, O wait you must be Australian . they invaded china and may other nations its called a occupation which they did do of parts of china if you were able to read along with many other nations if you could read.
next I know they didn't go after Australia Daaaaaaa if you could read you would see that I said the USA probally prevented the Japs from eventually doing that , seems your as smart as Jake
Actually my father single handedly took Okinawa with a few of his 5th marine buddies.

You may continue babbling
O your father singled handed took Okinawa lol another lying moron . there were 180,000 marines and army involved in it , that sounds like a few more then your dads buddys and you completly forgot the army and and navy's 5th fleet involvement .
Yawn, who in your family was there?
my grandfather was in ww2 and saw action in the Pacific . but that has nothing to do with your stupid ignorant claim that your dad single handed and a few buddys defed the when over 200 ground troops were involved and the 5th fleet, or you other stupid claims such as Japan didnt occupy part of china which it clearly did it killed over 200,00 in 1 city alone and claiming I said japan invaded Australia which I never said , I said the usa saved down under from japan .
The guy in the center with the flag is my father in law, he took the island all by himself so McArthur could walk up the beach
...again, no one thinks about the logistics necessary to just even make a landing in Australia, much less ''defeat'' Aussie-land.....
....the Japanese didn't even take Port Moreseby!!!!!
..and the Aussies stopped them on the Kokoda Trail
--so the Aussies were a long way from needing to be saved
View attachment 410622
sure they were the japs would of invaded down under sooner or later and raped plundered and run a muck just like they did ever where else in the south pacific .

with out Americas military in the south pacific defeating the japs you would be eating rice and have a living god running your nation taking the iron ore and food for free .
china may do that one day anyway if you guys down under dont grow a set and START ACTING LIKE MEN .
The IJA didn't have the manpower to fight in both China and a major war in Australia. It could barely support a minor war in New Guinea and most of it's troops starved to death or died of disease. Japan could no more invade and conquer Australia than Germany could invade and conquer the UK.
really you think so. Japan had a very powerful navy Australia had pratically no navy and a small military , if japan was so weak how did they manage to occupy so many other nations , here a list you go ahead and explain it

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_territories_occupied_by_Imperial_Japanif the usa had not been involved in the war in the pacific they would of gone after Australia , Australia was a piss ant nation then and really is to this day.
they are dependent on America tanks and aircraft for their protection .

Had the usa not been attacked and pulled into the war and defeated japan, at some time japan would of went after Australia no doubt in my mind just for it iron ore along
...again, no one thinks about the logistics necessary to just even make a landing in Australia, much less ''defeat'' Aussie-land.....
....the Japanese didn't even take Port Moreseby!!!!!
..and the Aussies stopped them on the Kokoda Trail
--so the Aussies were a long way from needing to be saved
View attachment 410622
sure they were the japs would of invaded down under sooner or later and raped plundered and run a muck just like they did ever where else in the south pacific .

with out Americas military in the south pacific defeating the japs you would be eating rice and have a living god running your nation taking the iron ore and food for free .
china may do that one day anyway if you guys down under dont grow a set and START ACTING LIKE MEN .
The IJA didn't have the manpower to fight in both China and a major war in Australia. It could barely support a minor war in New Guinea and most of it's troops starved to death or died of disease. Japan could no more invade and conquer Australia than Germany could invade and conquer the UK.
really you think so. Japan had a very powerful navy Australia had pratically no navy and a small military , if japan was so weak how did they manage to occupy so many other nations , here a list you go ahead and explain it

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_territories_occupied_by_Imperial_Japanif the usa had not been involved in the war in the pacific they would of gone after Australia , Australia was a piss ant nation then and really is to this day.
they are dependent on America tanks and aircraft for their protection .

Had the usa not been attacked and pulled into the war and defeated japan, at some time japan would of went after Australia no doubt in my mind just for it iron ore along
Are you a nippy dippy doo doo?

More then likely America saved Australia from eventual occupation by the Japanese.
Japan was invading nations left and right and rolling over nations like china etc with ease, they were brutal and killed civilians left and right even children , raping women and in general being real monsters.

Australia was and still is a weak nation with a small military. They were in no position to defend themselves.
Japan was not large enough to occupy Australia

Well Well, they occupied a big chunk of China and parts of Russia ,Laos .Vietnam , Cambodia French held lands all over the south Pacific , Korea ,Thailand Malaysia , the Philippines , Singapore , along with several more nations for a total population of 463,677,000 under their thumb .
Yea sure they wouldn't be able to handle Australia and its mighty military because of their swollen egos and small penis size , lol seriously you actually think Japan couldn't take Australia then?
what was stopping them the mighty Australia navy lol ?Or your huge Military?
Or maybe the fact we were busy destroying them , which makes more sense ? and you question my intelligence lol. that swollen ego from down under is really massive unlike you short penis numbers.

Im sure Japan could invade all those nations but couldn't handle the mighty Australians , lol what a chump .
Japan did not take over china or Australia. Get your facts straight, china had airfields for American aircraft, not sure if your mom told you this
I didnt say they took over China or Australia cant you read, O wait you must be Australian . they invaded china and may other nations its called a occupation which they did do of parts of china if you were able to read along with many other nations if you could read.
next I know they didn't go after Australia Daaaaaaa if you could read you would see that I said the USA probally prevented the Japs from eventually doing that , seems your as smart as Jake
Actually my father single handedly took Okinawa with a few of his 5th marine buddies.

You may continue babbling
O your father singled handed took Okinawa lol another lying moron . there were 180,000 marines and army involved in it , that sounds like a few more then your dads buddys and you completly forgot the army and and navy's 5th fleet involvement .
Yawn, who in your family was there?
my grandfather was in ww2 and saw action in the Pacific . but that has nothing to do with your stupid ignorant claim that your dad single handed and a few buddys defed the when over 200 ground troops were involved and the 5th fleet, or you other stupid claims such as Japan didnt occupy part of china which it clearly did it killed over 200,00 in 1 city alone and claiming I said japan invaded Australia which I never said , I said the usa saved down under from japan .
The guy in the center with the flag is my father in law, he took the island all by himself so McArthur could walk up the beach

so your father took the entire Island of Okinawa by himself . So I have A couple bridges one in NYC and one in frisco that I want to sell cheap , you interested.?
You got to be Australia no American is that stupid wait I could be wrong about that you could be a Kardashian .

More then likely America saved Australia from eventual occupation by the Japanese.
Japan was invading nations left and right and rolling over nations like china etc with ease, they were brutal and killed civilians left and right even children , raping women and in general being real monsters.

Australia was and still is a weak nation with a small military. They were in no position to defend themselves.
Japan was not large enough to occupy Australia

Well Well, they occupied a big chunk of China and parts of Russia ,Laos .Vietnam , Cambodia French held lands all over the south Pacific , Korea ,Thailand Malaysia , the Philippines , Singapore , along with several more nations for a total population of 463,677,000 under their thumb .
Yea sure they wouldn't be able to handle Australia and its mighty military because of their swollen egos and small penis size , lol seriously you actually think Japan couldn't take Australia then?
what was stopping them the mighty Australia navy lol ?Or your huge Military?
Or maybe the fact we were busy destroying them , which makes more sense ? and you question my intelligence lol. that swollen ego from down under is really massive unlike you short penis numbers.

Im sure Japan could invade all those nations but couldn't handle the mighty Australians , lol what a chump .
Japan did not take over china or Australia. Get your facts straight, china had airfields for American aircraft, not sure if your mom told you this
I didnt say they took over China or Australia cant you read, O wait you must be Australian . they invaded china and may other nations its called a occupation which they did do of parts of china if you were able to read along with many other nations if you could read.
next I know they didn't go after Australia Daaaaaaa if you could read you would see that I said the USA probally prevented the Japs from eventually doing that , seems your as smart as Jake
Actually my father single handedly took Okinawa with a few of his 5th marine buddies.

You may continue babbling
O your father singled handed took Okinawa lol another lying moron . there were 180,000 marines and army involved in it , that sounds like a few more then your dads buddys and you completly forgot the army and and navy's 5th fleet involvement .
Yawn, who in your family was there?
my grandfather was in ww2 and saw action in the Pacific . but that has nothing to do with your stupid ignorant claim that your dad single handed and a few buddys defed the when over 200 ground troops were involved and the 5th fleet, or you other stupid claims such as Japan didnt occupy part of china which it clearly did it killed over 200,00 in 1 city alone and claiming I said japan invaded Australia which I never said , I said the usa saved down under from japan .
The guy in the center with the flag is my father in law, he took the island all by himself so McArthur could walk up the beach

so your father took the entire Island of Okinawa by himself . So I have A couple bridges one in NYC and one in frisco that I want to sell cheap , you interested.?
You got to be Australia no American is that stupid wait I could be wrong about that you could be a Kardashian .

I know you are jealous, but I do not want your bridges as I bought Apple, Google and Netflix.

Well? Is the OP ever going to stop playing coy and explain what has given him such a hard-on about Australia? Did a kangaroo beat you up in middle school or something?

More then likely America saved Australia from eventual occupation by the Japanese.
Japan was invading nations left and right and rolling over nations like china etc with ease, they were brutal and killed civilians left and right even children , raping women and in general being real monsters.

Australia was and still is a weak nation with a small military. They were in no position to defend themselves.

Certainly US power was critical in the defeat of the Japanese empire, the British Navy was pinned down in the European war and no longer had the capacity to take on the Japanese empire.

Australia fought with the UK long before the US ever entered but there is no way either country could have defeated Japan.

Japan was conflicted about an invasion of Australia, the Navy offered the idea, but the Army was opposed. Tojo vetoed the idea.

But certainly without America in the war (a nation who was dragged kicking and screaming into that war) Australia would have been at the mercy of the Japanese empire.

This is why after the war we cemented strategic alliances with the USA, as has even defeated Japan.

Australians have a great deal of respect for the Greatest Generation of Americans.

Not so much this generation of Americans.

On a serious note Aussies tend to like Americans, most of the country are baffled by support for Trump and we were scarred by Iraq, as were you, the lack of occupato
...again, no one thinks about the logistics necessary to just even make a landing in Australia, much less ''defeat'' Aussie-land.....
....the Japanese didn't even take Port Moreseby!!!!!
..and the Aussies stopped them on the Kokoda Trail
--so the Aussies were a long way from needing to be saved
View attachment 410622
sure they were the japs would of invaded down under sooner or later and raped plundered and run a muck just like they did ever where else in the south pacific .

with out Americas military in the south pacific defeating the japs you would be eating rice and have a living god running your nation taking the iron ore and food for free .
china may do that one day anyway if you guys down under dont grow a set and START ACTING LIKE MEN .

You know Bob, I am rapidly coming to the conclusion you are either a bored 14 year old kid or you are simply a man who does not have much light in that brain bulb of yours.
Well Jake I am 62 in 2 days and retired for 3 years ,
Im a former worker on the shuttle program and the eelv program among several for Boeing and Lockeed Martin , I worked at a experimental chemical company making assorted chemicals in reactors from 50 gallon to 2000 gallons.

I was right under the manager of a major ski resort And, I worked for a top 100 college and I was a departmental manager for a fortune 500 company in California .
So if I am light in the brain department then that makes you a slobbering drooling moron , you being Australian that fits well.

I will wait for the movie Bob.

I see Divine playing you.

View attachment 411764
Did she eat dog poopy again
...again, no one thinks about the logistics necessary to just even make a landing in Australia, much less ''defeat'' Aussie-land.....
....the Japanese didn't even take Port Moreseby!!!!!
..and the Aussies stopped them on the Kokoda Trail
--so the Aussies were a long way from needing to be saved
View attachment 410622
sure they were the japs would of invaded down under sooner or later and raped plundered and run a muck just like they did ever where else in the south pacific .

with out Americas military in the south pacific defeating the japs you would be eating rice and have a living god running your nation taking the iron ore and food for free .
china may do that one day anyway if you guys down under dont grow a set and START ACTING LIKE MEN .

You know Bob, I am rapidly coming to the conclusion you are either a bored 14 year old kid or you are simply a man who does not have much light in that brain bulb of yours.
Well Jake I am 62 in 2 days and retired for 3 years ,
Im a former worker on the shuttle program and the eelv program among several for Boeing and Lockeed Martin , I worked at a experimental chemical company making assorted chemicals in reactors from 50 gallon to 2000 gallons.

I was right under the manager of a major ski resort And, I worked for a top 100 college and I was a departmental manager for a fortune 500 company in California .
So if I am light in the brain department then that makes you a slobbering drooling moron , you being Australian that fits well.

I will wait for the movie Bob.

I see Divine playing you.


  • 1604614260580.png
    117.1 KB · Views: 65
...again, no one thinks about the logistics necessary to just even make a landing in Australia, much less ''defeat'' Aussie-land.....
....the Japanese didn't even take Port Moreseby!!!!!
..and the Aussies stopped them on the Kokoda Trail
--so the Aussies were a long way from needing to be saved
View attachment 410622
sure they were the japs would of invaded down under sooner or later and raped plundered and run a muck just like they did ever where else in the south pacific .

with out Americas military in the south pacific defeating the japs you would be eating rice and have a living god running your nation taking the iron ore and food for free .
china may do that one day anyway if you guys down under dont grow a set and START ACTING LIKE MEN .

You know Bob, I am rapidly coming to the conclusion you are either a bored 14 year old kid or you are simply a man who does not have much light in that brain bulb of yours.
Well Jake I am 62 in 2 days and retired for 3 years ,
Im a former worker on the shuttle program and the eelv program among several for Boeing and Lockeed Martin , I worked at a experimental chemical company making assorted chemicals in reactors from 50 gallon to 2000 gallons.

I was right under the manager of a major ski resort And, I worked for a top 100 college and I was a departmental manager for a fortune 500 company in California .
So if I am light in the brain department then that makes you a slobbering drooling moron , you being Australian that fits well.

I will wait for the movie Bob.

I see Divine playing you.
Which James Bond was Bob?
...again, no one thinks about the logistics necessary to just even make a landing in Australia, much less ''defeat'' Aussie-land.....
....the Japanese didn't even take Port Moreseby!!!!!
..and the Aussies stopped them on the Kokoda Trail
--so the Aussies were a long way from needing to be saved
View attachment 410622
sure they were the japs would of invaded down under sooner or later and raped plundered and run a muck just like they did ever where else in the south pacific .

with out Americas military in the south pacific defeating the japs you would be eating rice and have a living god running your nation taking the iron ore and food for free .
china may do that one day anyway if you guys down under dont grow a set and START ACTING LIKE MEN .

You know Bob, I am rapidly coming to the conclusion you are either a bored 14 year old kid or you are simply a man who does not have much light in that brain bulb of yours.
Well Jake I am 62 in 2 days and retired for 3 years ,
Im a former worker on the shuttle program and the eelv program among several for Boeing and Lockeed Martin , I worked at a experimental chemical company making assorted chemicals in reactors from 50 gallon to 2000 gallons.

I was right under the manager of a major ski resort And, I worked for a top 100 college and I was a departmental manager for a fortune 500 company in California .
So if I am light in the brain department then that makes you a slobbering drooling moron , you being Australian that fits well.

I will wait for the movie Bob.

I see Divine playing you.
I see Richard Simmons playing you
Well? Is the OP ever going to stop playing coy and explain what has given him such a hard-on about Australia? Did a kangaroo beat you up in middle school or something?
no I have explained it many times I don't like Australians they have hug egos are rud and think they are gods gift to the world , seem you cant read either

More then likely America saved Australia from eventual occupation by the Japanese.
Japan was invading nations left and right and rolling over nations like china etc with ease, they were brutal and killed civilians left and right even children , raping women and in general being real monsters.

Australia was and still is a weak nation with a small military. They were in no position to defend themselves.
Japan was not large enough to occupy Australia

Well Well, they occupied a big chunk of China and parts of Russia ,Laos .Vietnam , Cambodia French held lands all over the south Pacific , Korea ,Thailand Malaysia , the Philippines , Singapore , along with several more nations for a total population of 463,677,000 under their thumb .
Yea sure they wouldn't be able to handle Australia and its mighty military because of their swollen egos and small penis size , lol seriously you actually think Japan couldn't take Australia then?
what was stopping them the mighty Australia navy lol ?Or your huge Military?
Or maybe the fact we were busy destroying them , which makes more sense ? and you question my intelligence lol. that swollen ego from down under is really massive unlike you short penis numbers.

Im sure Japan could invade all those nations but couldn't handle the mighty Australians , lol what a chump .
Japan did not take over china or Australia. Get your facts straight, china had airfields for American aircraft, not sure if your mom told you this
I didnt say they took over China or Australia cant you read, O wait you must be Australian . they invaded china and may other nations its called a occupation which they did do of parts of china if you were able to read along with many other nations if you could read.
next I know they didn't go after Australia Daaaaaaa if you could read you would see that I said the USA probally prevented the Japs from eventually doing that , seems your as smart as Jake
Actually my father single handedly took Okinawa with a few of his 5th marine buddies.

You may continue babbling
O your father singled handed took Okinawa lol another lying moron . there were 180,000 marines and army involved in it , that sounds like a few more then your dads buddys and you completly forgot the army and and navy's 5th fleet involvement .
Yawn, who in your family was there?
my grandfather was in ww2 and saw action in the Pacific . but that has nothing to do with your stupid ignorant claim that your dad single handed and a few buddys defed the when over 200 ground troops were involved and the 5th fleet, or you other stupid claims such as Japan didnt occupy part of china which it clearly did it killed over 200,00 in 1 city alone and claiming I said japan invaded Australia which I never said , I said the usa saved down under from japan .
The guy in the center with the flag is my father in law, he took the island all by himself so McArthur could walk up the beach

so your father took the entire Island of Okinawa by himself . So I have A couple bridges one in NYC and one in frisco that I want to sell cheap , you interested.?
You got to be Australia no American is that stupid wait I could be wrong about that you could be a Kardashian .

I know you are jealous, but I do not want your bridges as I bought Apple, Google and Netflix.


yes but the bridges are just like you thinking your dad took the island by himself a big fat lie

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