Did anyone catch the snooze fest speech from Sleepy Joe?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
What the heck was that? He was obviously struggling to read words about "unity" and "calm" and how he rebuilt the "blue wall" even though by any measure the votes are split down the middle. I can't believe you idiots voted for this meat puppet and all the forces that will be calling the shots because we have an old, weak, brain damaged President.
What the heck was that? He was obviously struggling to read words about "unity" and "calm" and how he rebuilt the "blue wall" even though by any measure the votes are split down the middle. I can't believe you idiots voted for this meat puppet and all the forces that will be calling the shots because we have an old, weak, brain damaged President.

Yah, no need for a fact check. No need for an extra dose for my high blood pressure, nothing like that. After Rump, that is refreshing.
I turned it off as soon as he showed up on stage. I can't even bear to look at him.
Watch your blood pressure, especially if old “Sleepy Joe” makes you see red. Bipolar duopoly disease isn’t necessarily fatal, but it is really bad for your mind and soul.
What the heck was that? He was obviously struggling to read words about "unity" and "calm" and how he rebuilt the "blue wall" even though by any measure the votes are split down the middle. I can't believe you idiots voted for this meat puppet and all the forces that will be calling the shots because we have an old, weak, brain damaged President.

Yah, no need for a fact check. No need for an extra dose for my high blood pressure, nothing like that. After Rump, that is refreshing.
If Donald Trump triggered you to that level, that sounds like a personal problem. Biden didn't trigger me, he did bore me struggling to read the same old bullshit Democrat speech lines they keep recycling year after year.
What the heck was that? He was obviously struggling to read words about "unity" and "calm" and how he rebuilt the "blue wall" even though by any measure the votes are split down the middle. I can't believe you idiots voted for this meat puppet and all the forces that will be calling the shots because we have an old, weak, brain damaged President.

Yah, no need for a fact check. No need for an extra dose for my high blood pressure, nothing like that. After Rump, that is refreshing.

RIGHT! and you being comfortable is what is important for the United States. We can all go back now to listening to platitudes and politician speak where they talk for five minutes and say nothing.
Wow! he calls for the end to the "Demonization" Where the hell was he for the last four years when his party was pushing a fake Dossier made up by Russians to take out Trump? They demonized him from day 1 and never stopped. This new guy is a disgrace. He wants us all to remain calm as he and his Senator friends make money deals with our enemies.
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Wow! he calls for the end to the "Demonization" Where the hell was he for the last for years when his party was pushing a fake Dossier made up by Russians to take out Trump? They demonized him from day 1 and never stopped. This new guy is a disgrace. He wants us all to remain calm as he and his Senator friends make money deals with our enemies.
The saddest thing of all is simple-minded Liberals think that because they hear soothing words from lying Democrat leaders through their bootlicking media, that all is well. Nothing could be further from the truth. If Biden wins, the feeding tubes will be re-inserted and America's death by a thousand cuts will resume.
Wow! he calls for the end to the "Demonization" Where the hell was he for the last for years when his party was pushing a fake Dossier made up by Russians to take out Trump? They demonized him from day 1 and never stopped. This new guy is a disgrace. He wants us all to remain calm as he and his Senator friends make money deals with our enemies.
The saddest thing of all is simple-minded Liberals think that because they hear soothing words from lying Democrat leaders through their bootlicking media, that all is well. Nothing could be further from the truth. If Biden wins, the feeding tubes will be re-inserted and America's death by a thousand cuts will resume.

Sad but true. Professional politicians know if they keep the right cadence they will fool the casual observer who makes up a great number of voters.What is said is hardly important and then the next day the news media will come up with some flattering crap to cement the significance of what was said.
I suspect however that whoever is paying many of the protestors and rioters will cut off the checks and we will see a lot of that violence stop for now. Biden will assume credit for the peace and the democrat party will say mission accomplished for the time being.
Many liberals and certainly most “leftists” have few illusions.

Biden will provide a few soothing lies and the U.S. will continue to grow older ... and quite possibly dumber.

There will be bleeding and yes, feeding tubes for the old and those thrown to the sidelines deeply indebted, unemployed, or made miserable by the workings of Wall Street banks and giant corporations.

Without radical reforms there will be increasing inequality and social unrest — whichever party rules. Real reforms won’t come from an unstable, incompetent, narcissistic conman. Nor from opportunist grifters who would bring us to civil war just to increase their personal power.

Most voters apparently believe another four years of Trump would be like opening the nation’s veins and committing mass suicide. I agree with them.
Small, plagiarized insufferable platitudes from the stuttering fuck... "there's nothing we can't do together".... really fucknuts? That's all you got? Meanwhile the marxists shitstains are humping everything in granny's basement including her housepets. Wow that was so enlightening! Fucking mindless minions.
What the heck was that? He was obviously struggling to read words about "unity" and "calm" and how he rebuilt the "blue wall" even though by any measure the votes are split down the middle. I can't believe you idiots voted for this meat puppet and all the forces that will be calling the shots because we have an old, weak, brain damaged President.
You missed the accordion?

There are people in this country who want a President who eats dinner at 3PM and goes to bed at six.

Who fly Air Force one as slow as possible with the turn signals on.
I didn't bother, but I can guess how dreadful it was. It's sorta like Hamid Karzai was better than the Taliban
This helped President Trump mainly because he has the point of saying LEGAL votes. Notice how Sleepy Joe just wants any vote to go through. Not so fast...
What the heck was that? He was obviously struggling to read words about "unity" and "calm" and how he rebuilt the "blue wall" even though by any measure the votes are split down the middle. I can't believe you idiots voted for this meat puppet and all the forces that will be calling the shots because we have an old, weak, brain damaged President.

As compared to the speech Trump gave on Thursday evening that was full of lies. I will admit that Trump's was definitely more entertaining.

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