Did climate change cause the flooding in Tennessee and Henri?

Why do you think such things exist? You get dumber every day.

Did someone hack your account?

The hacker wrote "The variance of a mean is inversely proportion to the square root of the number of measurements. For example, if you average 100 measurements, the error of the average will be one-tenth the error of each individual measurement." under your account.

How many temperature readings from 700m deep in the ocean were done back 1860 to give you the accuracy to a tenth of a degree?

You're either schizoid or were hacked
Obviously, we're in the presence of another supergenius who says the past few centuries of math are all wrong! There are so many of them in the denier cult. No, nothing egotistical about that.

And those eighth-graders would be wrong. That's why you're failing so hilariously here, because you never got past an eighth-grade understanding.
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The hacker wrote "The variance of a mean is inversely proportion to the square root of the number of measurements. For example, if you average 100 measurements, the error of the average will be one-tenth the error of each individual measurement." under your account.
So are you drunk?

I'm just wondering how you made the leap from my statement of basic statistics to a claim that deep ocean temps were measured in 1860. If you're boozing it up, that would explain it.
MisterBeale, why do you think billionaires can save us from climate change and diseases?

After all, I never said or implied such a crazy thing, so you must have come up with the idea. Are you drinking as well?

Oh, you still suck hard at statistics.
MisterBeale, why do you think billionaires can save us from climate change and diseases?

After all, I never said or implied such a crazy thing, so you must have come up with the idea. Are you drinking as well?

Oh, you still suck hard at statistics.
You can make stats do anything you want, they aren't real. They aren't "hard." I have taken a stats class before. The output you get, is only as good as the input you put in. Which can be very, very biased.

Anyone can make stats lie if they have a mind to. It is even easier today than it was fifty years ago.

If you aren't shilling for global oligarch foundations, global billionaires, the IPCC. . . what is your point, what do you propose?


. . . and no, I do not drink or do drugs, the medication I take for my disability would not mix well with it.

You can make stats do anything you want, they aren't real. They aren't "hard." I have taken a stats class before. The output you get, is only as good as the input you put in. Which can be very, very biased.

If you have any evidence the input is bad, you should present it.
If you aren't shilling for global oligarch foundations, global billionaires, the IPCC. . . what is your point, what do you propose?
That people who don't understand statistics should not claim that using statistics correctly is a conspiracy. I propose that they not do that.

Remember, the term "climate change" was not even allowed to be spoken during the trump Regime. We will all regret the day trump was elected and set up back years with his "cult pleasing" climate change denials.
They need to do something to get you from using the term now. Talk about a Cult-----Carbon Credit Climate is nothing more than a scam to steal money.
If you have any evidence the input is bad, you should present it.

That people who don't understand statistics should not claim that using statistics correctly is a conspiracy. I propose that they not do that.
I had hoped you were going to be honest.

If you don't want to be, that is fine.

Most folks on here, lose all respect for you as soon as you utter the slanderous term, "conspiracy."

The UN has published AGENDA, after AGENDA. . .and now the World Economic Forum has announced their plans as well. . . which line up rather nicely with the UN's Agendas.

These aren't "conspiracies." These are out in the open, well documented plans, by groups of world politicians, global multi-billion dollar corporations, billion dollar foundations, billionaires, NGO's. . . the world's elites. . . . all to control the future of humanity.

It is a naked power grab to strip humanity of their civil rights and civil liberties.

. . . . and if they wanted to be taken seriously? They would do all the things they want the world's middle class and poor to do, but they don't.

So, no. . . no one with any once of critical thinking takes them seriously.

If you want to sit here and continue to push your bullshit, don't expect to be taken seriously by anyone that has any once of sense in their head.

Global Warming Dogma and the New Iron Triangle​

Think about it....if you can. You deniers will not believe environmental scientist. You won't believe infectious disease doctors. Rather...you believe a serial liar. But more than that. You send your money to the serial liar. You really need a shot of reality

Remember, the term "climate change" was not even allowed to be spoken during the trump Regime. We will all regret the day trump was elected and set up back years with his "cult pleasing" climate change denials.
Only a moron doesn't realize that hurricanes along that path have been happening for eons.
Think about it....if you can. You deniers will not believe environmental scientist. You won't believe infectious disease doctors. Rather...you believe a serial liar. But more than that. You send your money to the serial liar. You really need a shot of reality

Actually, it would be nice if you could think, but clearly that will never happen.

Show us ONE empirical data set that supports your claim.

That is science. Science requires data.

You have yet to present any.
Think about it....if you can. You deniers will not believe environmental scientist. You won't believe infectious disease doctors. Rather...you believe a serial liar. But more than that. You send your money to the serial liar. You really need a shot of reality
Just to be clear... you believe CO2 causes flooding?

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