Did climate change cause the flooding in Tennessee and Henri?

That's right, when we're talking about global average temperature, it's not an average.

Sweet Jeebus, you're so stupid. And so proud of it.

How can you make a claim that the temps have gone up when the instruments aren't capable of measuring the tiny little increase you claim.

Sweet jeezus you are a moron.
How can you make a claim that the temps have gone up when the instruments aren't capable of measuring the tiny little increase you claim.

Sweet jeezus you are a moron.
Do you believe that the limitations of the instruments restrain what is happening out in the real world?
Do you believe that the limitations of the instruments restrain what is happening out in the real world?

No, but I AM declaring that making the claims that you idiots do is divorced from reality. No scientist worth a tinkers damn would ever make the claims that your heroes are engaged in. The claims are not supportable by any fact.

Or, let me put it this way. I can make the claim that the global temperatures DROPPED by .04 degrees, and it would be every bit as valid as your claim.
No, but I AM declaring that making the claims that you idiots do is divorced from reality. No scientist worth a tinkers damn would ever make the claims that your heroes are engaged in. The claims are not supportable by any fact.

Or, let me put it this way. I can make the claim that the global temperatures DROPPED by .04 degrees, and it would be every bit as valid as your claim.

You've got a problem then, because all the scientists in the world DO accept the IPCC's conclusions.
Remember back when the climate never changed?

Me neither.
God that was clever. But it overlooks this:


Remember, the term "climate change" was not even allowed to be spoken during the trump Regime. We will all regret the day trump was elected and set up back years with his "cult pleasing" climate change denials.

Tennessee has never had a problem with flooding before


Remember, the term "climate change" was not even allowed to be spoken during the trump Regime. We will all regret the day trump was elected and set up back years with his "cult pleasing" climate change denials.
biden is the new way to spell regret
This is classic Dunning-Kruger effect. The stupid are unaware of how stupid they are. We've tried explaining it to Westwall before. It never takes. It's college sophomore level stuff, so it's way over his head.

The variance of a mean is inversely proportion to the square root of the number of measurements. For example, if you average 100 measurements, the error of the average will be one-tenth the error of each individual measurement.

Can you show us the thousands upon thousands of measurements of the deep ocean from 1860?
This is classic Dunning-Kruger effect. The stupid are unaware of how stupid they are. We've tried explaining it to Westwall before. It never takes. It's college sophomore level stuff, so it's way over his head.

The variance of a mean is inversely proportion to the square root of the number of measurements. For example, if you average 100 measurements, the error of the average will be one-tenth the error of each individual measurement.
Don't gaslight Westwall about something as elementary as significant figures.

Even an eighth grader knows you can't have more meaning in your measurements and your final analysis, than your measuring device. I don't care what your computational mumbo jumbo is.
How can you make a claim that the temps have gone up
Because the directly measured data shows that temperatures have gone up.

when the instruments aren't capable of measuring the tiny little increase you claim.
Of course they are. I keep explaining this to you in small words, and all you can respond with is "DERP! IS NOT!".

But then maybe you are right, and the rest of the planet has got it wrong. The very laws of statistics no longer hold, because you don't want them to. Nothing at all narcissistic about that, no sirree.
Don't gaslight Westwall about something as elementary as significant figures.
Obviously, we're in the presence of another supergenius who says the past few centuries of math are all wrong! There are so many of them in the denier cult. No, nothing egotistical about that.

Even an eighth grader knows you can't have more meaning in your measurements and your final analysis, than your measuring device. I don't care what your computational mumbo jumbo is.
And those eighth-graders would be wrong. That's why you're failing so hilariously here, because you never got past an eighth-grade understanding.

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