Did G Beck make his case ?

Did he make his case

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Jul 14, 2009
Nominee for Time Mags Person of the year
make his case against G Soros and his plan to destroy America?
Everything he said I already knew, I just didnt see it all laid out like that before.
Unfortunatly I have missed Baeck most of this week. but I have seen him find the connnections between groups and was able to clearly take it back to Soros.

Anyone that's seen him work, and denies that he's right is just lying.
I haven't watched his stuff on Soros, but I am pleased that someone, somewhere is actually talking about Soros.

One only needs read the books that Soros has written about the US to understand his opinion of our nation. This man has systematically and with malice destroyed economies... and the left are stupid enough to think he's some kind of fucking Santa Claus.
should be a public poll.....i mock and laugh loudly at any of you watching or praising the liar...but dont let common sense bother you.....

i voted for

If Beck said it does it matter?
Nominee for Time Mags Person of the year
make his case against G Soros and his plan to destroy America?
Everything he said I already knew, I just didnt see it all laid out like that before.

I started a thread on the subject last week. I was gonna dig it up again.

Most of what Soros is doing is a threat to our national security...but we've got folks in the Democrat party that are ignoring this aspect and just enjoying the benefits of all of that cash and support. They're all being played.

It's really about Soros and his business. He enjoys collapsing regimes. He said it was fun. After finding this out about him I would think a responsible person would want to treat him like the plague....but the Dems don't care. They just want to win and push their agenda down our throats.
should be a public poll.....i mock and laugh loudly at any of you watching or praising the liar...but dont let common sense bother you.....

i voted for

If Beck said it does it matter?

Compare what Beck says to the shit that they're saying on MSNBC.

Beck is talking about preserving this country and MSNBC is literally talking about tearing it down.

I really wonder where your head is.
as i have said many times...i dont watch any talking heads..they are paid entertainers....my head is not up the ass of any talking head.....which is more than you seem to be able to say

they all are in the business of making money and promoting their agenda..which is profit for themselves and whomever they work for
should be a public poll.....i mock and laugh loudly at any of you watching or praising the liar...but dont let common sense bother you.....

i voted for

If Beck said it does it matter?

Common sense tells intelligent people that George Soros is a dangerous man. Just because it is Beck, doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong.
as i have said many times...i dont watch any talking heads..they are paid entertainers....my head is not up the ass of any talking head.....which is more than you seem to be able to say

they all are in the business of making money and promoting their agenda..which is profit for themselves and whomever they work for

The stuff he's talking about is serious stuff. Sure he wants to make a buck but if you knew Beck you'd understand that the only reason he's not a Lib is because he has serious issues with their policies. He's a liberal at heart. He has a love for this country and he's willing to risk his career and piss of the wealthy and the powerful to preserve this country.
should be a public poll.....i mock and laugh loudly at any of you watching or praising the liar...but dont let common sense bother you.....

i voted for

If Beck said it does it matter?
The poll should have SOROS DERANGEMENT SYNDROME as one of the choices.
SDS gets my vote.
saying our liar is better than your liar does not make it any less a lie

Your cynicism is a bit much.

I figure that once somebody is caught lying you disown them. I don't believe in the rationalization that "The other guys suck more then my guy does" is acceptable. You have to be that way to support Democrats these days.

With that in mind selling out your principles by supporting a known liar is lunacy. You'll only end up getting screwed eventually. They can't be honest about anything because their lies have painted them into a corner.

I honestly don't think there are many real Democrats left in Washington.
Beck only made a case for his SOROS DERANGEMENT SYNDROME.

And you made a case that you're a one-trick pony.
When your masters program you with a new scapegoat, I will show you some new tricks. :rofl:

Alinsky Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.

February 17, 2010
RUSH: This is how the OSS described Hitler's psychology: "His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong, people will believe a Big Lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."
Beck is a fuckwad of the first order (For the record so are Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann) and can't be trusted for news any more than my 6 month old cousin can be trusted to answer the phone.

What I hate the most about him is what I call the "Beck Formula" What is the Beck Formula? I'll demonstrate.

Yesterday on his radio show, he starts talking about how Soros was born a Jew, but then given away before he knew it himself. Then as a child, Soros supposedly gave out anti-semetic material and railed at the age of 14 against Jews.

After he says all that inflammatory bullshit, he then goes back, in a FAKE attempt to seem even-handed and compassionate, and says "now I wouldn't dare chastize the decisions of a 14-year old" but the damage is already done. He's already made the 14 year old out to be a complete racist bastard, yet he doesnt want the responsibility of saying he's racist..and he even spins it to seem like he's trying to be kind.

What a fucktard!!

And he does this on a daily basis. He spits out a half-truth...then qualifies it...so that if anyone comes back and tries to pin him down ...then he can technically get out of what he technically said...but yet the damage is done.

This is why people call him a hatemonger. He'll rail on for 3/4ths of the show about how we are in the worst times we've ever been in...that the odds are so overwhelming that it'll take a miracle for us ever to get right again...that our president and our congress are as racist and corrupt as any ever in the history of the world...but then he'll say "but I have hope"...and he expects that to obliterate all the hatemongering he's done for the previous 3 hours.

Mr. Fitnah obviously has a stalkerish obsession with the guy and no ability to filter anything the man says. It's close to pathological, but to each his or her own. You can keep posting blind videos with the faith that Beck is a genius...he's not. He's a huckster that scares and inspires and elevates half-truths to biblical status.
should be a public poll.....i mock and laugh loudly at any of you watching or praising the liar...but dont let common sense bother you.....

i voted for

If Beck said it does it matter?

Common sense tells intelligent people that George Soros is a dangerous man. Just because it is Beck, doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong.

It does matter if he is right. Its Beck.

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