Did George W Bush serve in Vietnam?

George W Bush was in the Air National Guard while the war was happening. He was a first lieutenant.

Does anyone know though if he went to Vietnam?
Preppies Own Vietnam Vets 60,000 Lives

Bush was a coward and a traitor during Vietnam. Knowing perfectly well what he was, he became an alcoholic for the next twenty years because of his desertion in the time of war, a war against Communists, the worst enemy of his own wing of the unAmerican heiristocracy. The other wing didn't even bother to have fake service, because they are and always have been Communists themselves, a well-kept secret that could be easily realized if we weren't brainwashed to think it is a contradiction.

The hereditary ruling class perverted the mission of the National Guard and Reserves into being hideouts for its gutless sons. The guillotine-fodder traitors knew that they had humiliated the American people and taken away our pride enough that we would sheepishly say about this flag-waving pseudo-patriot, "At least he served."

Bush and all the other privileged pukes only served their class's totally undeserved special privileges. They serfed the rest of us.
No, he didn't.

Just like thousands of other servicemen and women didn't during that time period.
According to a book by Paul Begala, he never even fronted for duty in America. The commanding officer of where he was posted never ever saw him at the place.
There's no record he ever attended but draft dodging is a republican privilege trait
How many days did Clinton serve?

How many days did Obama serve?

How many days did Biden serve?

Add those numbers up and talk to me about it later.
Bootlicking Chickenhawk Loving Sissyslaves

How does that excuse the spoiled brats on the other end of the spectrum, especially since they pretend to be pro-war, pro-military patriots while their fraternity brothers, the Preppy Progressives, are at least honest about their contempt for the American people and the American Way? The Conservatives' treason during the Vietnam War proves that richkids have no right to exist. They expect us to be proud to die taking their place.
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And did Clinton not do the same? Was clinton a fighter pilot? Obama? Bidumb?
You Need to Wear a Tutu If You're Going to Dance the Tu Quoque

That's a butthead rebuttal. You must be proud of having no pride whatsoever. America doesn't need any serfs, so go back to Europe and slave in the fields all day so that your beloved birth-elitists can party all night.
Is there a point to all this rhetoric? John McCain was a pilot and a POW in Vietnam and it seems that neither party trusted him enough to elect him president.
According to a book by Paul Begala, he never even fronted for duty in America. The commanding officer of where he was posted never ever saw him at the place.
There's no record he ever attended but draft dodging is a republican privilege trait
Liar he served extra in Texas and he was not around much when he transferred to Arkansas or Alabama for his last 6 months. If you are going to spout off at least have the facts.
Preppies Own Vietnam Vets 60,000 Lives

Bush was a coward and a traitor during Vietnam. Knowing perfectly well what he was, he became an alcoholic for the next twenty years because of his desertion in the time of war, a war against Communists, the worst enemy of his own wing of the unAmerican heiristocracy. The other wing didn't even bother to have fake service, because they are and always have been Communists themselves, a well-kept secret that could be easily realized if we weren't brainwashed to think it is a contradiction.

The hereditary ruling class perverted the mission of the National Guard and Reserves into being hideouts for its gutless sons. The guillotine-fodder traitors knew that they had humiliated the American people and taken away our pride enough that we would sheepishly say about this flag-waving pseudo-patriot, "At least he served."

Bush and all the other privileged pukes only served their class's totally undeserved special privileges. They serfed the rest of us.
I can get what you say. It has solid merit.
But at the same time, if you yourself was affluent and had a son... you would have done the same. Everyone would.
58,000 young Americans died fighting there. And you had a way to get your son out? You would take it.
And because of that, just true - your words are hollow. Blame the system, not the people that took advantage of it.
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Preppies Own Vietnam Vets 60,000 Lives

Bush was a coward and a traitor during Vietnam. Knowing perfectly well what he was, he became an alcoholic for the next twenty years because of his desertion in the time of war, a war against Communists, the worst enemy of his own wing of the unAmerican heiristocracy. The other wing didn't even bother to have fake service, because they are and always have been Communists themselves, a well-kept secret that could be easily realized if we weren't brainwashed to think it is a contradiction.

The hereditary ruling class perverted the mission of the National Guard and Reserves into being hideouts for its gutless sons. The guillotine-fodder traitors knew that they had humiliated the American people and taken away our pride enough that we would sheepishly say about this flag-waving pseudo-patriot, "At least he served."

Bush and all the other privileged pukes only served their class's totally undeserved special privileges. They serfed the rest of us.
Thanks to tax exempt Media Matters we knew everything about George W. Bush and his family but we knew practically nothing about Barry Hussein Obama and his family. It's like the U.S. took a break from electing patriots and pretend patriots and decided to elect an outsider like Obama. For some reason lefties seem to think it's important to resurrect the Bush presidency while a old career politician who never served in the military is currently in office. lefties seem to want to call George Bush a "coward" for joining the State Guard and going through training to fly a freaking jet plane. How many of us have ever had the motivation or the skill to fly jet fighter? The media managed to put a "wimp" label on George H.W. Bush when he was a combat WW2 pilot and elect quasi draft dodger Bill Clinton so it seems that Military Service has nothing to do with it. You almost gotta laugh that Clinton's V.P. Al Gore went into the Army but couldn't stand the combat pressure in the typewriter corps and begged the Chaplain for an early out.
Liar he served extra in Texas and he was not around much when he transferred to Arkansas or Alabama for his last 6 months. If you are going to spout off at least have the facts.
I reiterate what I said. If you have proof to the contrary, show it.
I reiterate what I said. If you have proof to the contrary, show it.
LOL if Dan Rather had this info he wouldnt have lied about Bush and his Texas service. Or dont you recall that?
I reiterate what I said. If you have proof to the contrary, show it.
In May 1968, Bush was commissioned into the Texas Air National Guard.[33] After two years of training in active-duty service,[34] he was assigned to Houston, flying Convair F-102s with the 147th Reconnaissance Wing out of the Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base.[33][35] Critics, including former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe, have alleged that Bush was favorably treated due to his father's political standing as a member of the House of Representatives, citing his selection as a pilot despite his low pilot aptitude test scores and his irregular attendance.[33] In June 2005, the Department of Defense released all the records of Bush's Texas Air National Guard service, which remain in its official archives.[36]

In late 1972 and early 1973, he drilled with the 187th Fighter Wing of the Alabama Air National Guard. He had moved to Montgomery, Alabama, to work on the unsuccessful U.S. Senate campaign of Republican Winton M. Blount.[37][38] In 1972, Bush was suspended from flying for failure to take a scheduled physical exam.[39] He was honorably discharged from the Air Force Reserve on November 21, 1974.[40]

Bush remains the most recent president to serve in the military.[41]

LOL if Dan Rather had this info he wouldnt have lied about Bush and his Texas service. Or dont you recall that?

In May 1968, Bush was commissioned into the Texas Air National Guard.[33] After two years of training in active-duty service,[34] he was assigned to Houston, flying Convair F-102s with the 147th Reconnaissance Wing out of the Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base.[33][35] Critics, including former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe, have alleged that Bush was favorably treated due to his father's political standing as a member of the House of Representatives, citing his selection as a pilot despite his low pilot aptitude test scores and his irregular attendance.[33] In June 2005, the Department of Defense released all the records of Bush's Texas Air National Guard service, which remain in its official archives.[36]

In late 1972 and early 1973, he drilled with the 187th Fighter Wing of the Alabama Air National Guard. He had moved to Montgomery, Alabama, to work on the unsuccessful U.S. Senate campaign of Republican Winton M. Blount.[37][38] In 1972, Bush was suspended from flying for failure to take a scheduled physical exam.[39] He was honorably discharged from the Air Force Reserve on November 21, 1974.[40]

Bush remains the most recent president to serve in the military.[41]

Which one of those proves he was actually there.
You have to do better than that.

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