Did George W Bush serve in Vietnam?

But notice those that screamed non-stop never say a thing about a star running back with "asthma" that never served.
Multiple asthma deferments, Biden got like 5-6 of them. But the Dems never mention it. Wonder why?
Treason Has Become "An Honest Mistake"

Next the Preppylovers will claim that Dubya wasn't a Geography major, so he thought that Vietnam was on Texas's border and that the Heir National Guard would put him on the front lines against the Communists.
Bill Clinton made a honest mistake. He enrolled in the ROTC but “ forgot “ to go!!! It’s amazing how this Left Wingers will say anything to support their agenda
Multiple asthma deferments, Biden got like 5-6 of them. But the Dems never mention it. Wonder why?
The Left Wing has a DOUBLE STANDARD and ALWAYS will . Can you imagine if any of Trump’s kids was a drug / Sex addict ; especially being in bed with the Chinese and the Russians?????
Funny thing is about that, some will give a Democrat a pass on anything. We heard about President Trump's bone splints endlessly, and his deferment for them.

Yet, nobody ever talks about President Biden's exemption for asthma. Even though he was also a star football player in college.

That tells me that for most people if somebody served or not has not a damned thing to do with the military, but is a purely political axe they want to use.
Served eight years and when I was in if someone was diagnosed with asthma they were denied because you can not have someone with that condition in the field or sea because they will put their unit in danger.

It has been written many times about Clinton dodging the draft, how Bush was in the Guard during the day we had the draft, Cheney did not serve, neither did Obama and Trump…

So the last President that actually logged wartime hours was George H.W. Bush during World War II, so what is the issue about Biden being denied because of asthma?

You can play sports, have sex and live a life with asthma but when I was in you couldn’t be gay ( openly ) and many medical conditions made it impossible for you to serve…
I can't believe they actually let him fly fighters.

That guy is a fuckin idiot.

That fighter killed 20% of its pilots. It was a difficult aircraft to fly. So, the fact he survived it shows your claim to be stupid.

I don't like either of the Bushes, but they were decent aviators.
Multiple asthma deferments, Biden got like 5-6 of them. But the Dems never mention it. Wonder why?

Not sure, it is some form of mental illness I am sure.

The obsession over it, then being blind when your own side does something even close. Like this thread, attack President Bush even though he was in the National Guard. Then ignore that President Clinton actively used the system to avoid serving.

It is a kind of weird obsession, and I learned long ago to ignore it. It is just another case of people who generally hate the military have to try and use it against somebody they do not like. Then will go right back to ignoring it again when their side does the same thing.
Bill Clinton made a honest mistake. He enrolled in the ROTC but “ forgot “ to go!!! It’s amazing how this Left Wingers will say anything to support their agenda
I saw an Obama softball, were there any other kinds, interview when he first ran and he mentioned he considered a career in the military. I laughed so hard I spit bourbon all over my couch.
so what is the issue about Biden being denied because of asthma?

Personally, I do not care. What I was commenting on was the obsession some had about bringing up a deferment over and over and over again ad nauseum, then completely ignoring when the next President has questionable deferments as well. Not the people in question, but those who obsess over it.

Which shows to me it is not about the deferment at all, but their almost mental obsession with who they are trying to attack.
Not sure, it is some form of mental illness I am sure.

The obsession over it, then being blind when your own side does something even close. Like this thread, attack President Bush even though he was in the National Guard. Then ignore that President Clinton actively used the system to avoid serving.

It is a kind of weird obsession, and I learned long ago to ignore it. It is just another case of people who generally hate the military have to try and use it against somebody they do not like. Then will go right back to ignoring it again when their side does the same thing.
Corn pop scoring TDs despite his crippling condition.
I saw an Obama softball, were there any other kinds, interview when he first ran and he mentioned he considered a career in the military.

Believe it or not, the last Democrat President to see service was President Carter. Who had actually planned on a career, but the death of his father ended that. But he was already at Annapolis during WWII, and served on a Balao class sub after the war. He was in training for the USS Seawolf, and likely would have been a sub commander (or higher) if not for having to leave the Navy.
Personally, I do not care. What I was commenting on was the obsession some had about bringing up a deferment over and over and over again ad nauseum, then completely ignoring when the next President has questionable deferments as well. Not the people in question, but those who obsess over it.

Which shows to me it is not about the deferment at all, but their almost mental obsession with who they are trying to attack.
1. Clinton was a Draft Dodger and should have been jailed.

2. Bush II was in the Guard and that is where you went if you did not want to be drafted and had a low chance of being deployed.

3. Cheney and Trump were excused for various reasons.

4. Biden medical condition is legitimate and would have disqualified him back then and just because he played sports does not mean he could join the Military.

5. Clinton set the bar so damn low and I am Liberal Minded and I find Clinton to be a pathetic piece of trash but I will not hold Biden health condition against him.
Believe it or not, the last Democrat President to see service was President Carter. Who had actually planned on a career, but the death of his father ended that. But he was already at Annapolis during WWII, and served on a Balao class sub after the war. He was in training for the USS Seawolf, and likely would have been a sub commander (or higher) if not for having to leave the Navy.

Wrong. It was HW Bush.
No he got a cush gig in the Guard. Purely by luck of course ....
Flying jet fighters is not a "cush gig". It takes a lot more smarts than most of us here on this board have and the F-102 was one of most dangerous early generation jets fighters to fly. I believe it was only exceed by the F-104 and the Vought F7U Cutlass.
Sometimes rich people develop bone spurs that makes them ineligible to participate in wars.
Bone spurs are easily diagnosed by X-Rays. If Trump didn't have them, he would have been drafted. Clinton was just a coward a got a deferment to go to Oxford and Biden "had" asthma while playing collegiate football. Of the three, I know which ONE I'd believe had a real problem. I don't like Trump, but he wasn't a draft dodger.
Bone spurs are easily diagnosed by X-Rays. If Trump didn't have them, he would have been drafted. Clinton was just a coward a got a deferment to go to Oxford and Biden "had" asthma while playing collegiate football. Of the three, I know which ONE I'd believe had a real problem. I don't like Trump, but he wasn't a draft dodger.
Yes, He was.
Flying jet fighters is not a "cush gig". It takes a lot more smarts than most of us here on this board have and the F-102 was one of most dangerous early generation jets fighters to fly. I believe it was only exceed by the F-104 and the Vought F7U Cutlass.
Meanwhile pilots without rich parents were flying in actual combat.
No, he didn't.

Just like thousands of other servicemen and women didn't during that time period.
George did log well over 300 hours of flight time. He flew an f102 delta. I’m no Bush fan and never voted for him, but it’s important to remember this. Whether he went active in Vietnam or not, flying jet fighters is dangerous and like many who didn’t go to Vietnam he still served in the guard and played an important role as a back up. He could have gone.

Jet fighters are not commercial airlines and unlike airlines, they are often flown on the edge of their maximum performance levels because in combat it’s near full bore and often life or death. Anyone who has ever taken a ride in a modern day jet fighter knows what we’re talking about. He deserves credit for his service. Sitting in a jet fighter even at the end of a runway, is like sitting in a fking bomb, even if they aren’t armed.
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