Did Germany put sanctions on the USA when...

Spying is one thing . Russia was trying to influence the election.

Why the fuck are the righties defending Putin!? Who's side are you on! ?

Right!! Now they are actually dending our home being attacked because we attacked someone else. Let Putun hack us all he likes! It's mean if you dont.
Spying is one thing . Russia was trying to influence the election.

Why the fuck are the righties defending Putin!? Who's side are you on! ?

Because we've seen our own Government do it to others many times.

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

Read President Obama's Remarks on 'Brexit' and Globalization

The U.S. Has Been Meddling In Other Countries' Elections For A Century. It Doesn't Feel Good. | The Huffington Post

We've thrown money, stirred up trouble in the cities. We've done every dirty trick there was to influence elections more than 81 times in the last century. Seriously, we've done it nearly 100 times, and that is the low estimate. Now, finally we're on the receiving end, and while getting what we deserve, we pretend that it is an act of war to interfere in an election.

When are you going to figure out, we stopped being the good guys a long time ago. We are the bad guys, and we're getting a taste of what it's been like living with us on the planet.

We are the bullies. We go around pushing people about and demanding that they curry favor with us or else. Now, someone is pushing back, and we are playing the part of the innocent victim. We asked for this, and we got it.
Obama helped oust Mubarak & put the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt
- No sanctions

Obama joined Al Qaeda, ousted/murdered Gadaffi, and gave Libya to Al Qaeda
- No sanctions (bu a dead US Ambassador)

Obama tried to get Netanyahu ousted
- No sanctions

Obama is trying to oust Assad
- No sanctions

4 times he has intervened...No punishment.

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