Did I just experience an Earthquake?

A 2.0? Dang, you must be a liberal...wuss.
2.0? Where. I live in a high rise. Building swayed. I was not panicked. Thought is was blood pressure meds. LOL

You're just a pathetic old troll.

7/29/24, 1:00 PM4.914 miles ENE of Barstow
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I remember feeling a rare earthquake in Michigan about 10 years ago, think it was 4 point something.

I was in bed and thought that a really big truck was driving by and shaking the house a little. No big deal

People in California ought to be used to it
5.1? Hell, Harris doesn't even miss a downstroke for that kind of weakness shake.
We'll be getting disaster relief any day now.

In all seriousness we get quaked quite frequently. Not every home feels them. Always good to be alert for after shocks or bigger one following. It's a part of living here -- like people in Tornado alley.
I remember feeling a rare earthquake in Michigan about 10 years ago, think it was 4 point something.

I was in bed and thought that a really big truck was driving by and shaking the house a little. No big deal

People in California ought to be used to it
I remember quakes like that. People in my building were here for larger ones. Stories about looking out windows and seeing whole city swaying and shaking
We'll be getting disaster relief any day now.

In all seriousness we get quaked quite frequently. Not every home feels them. Always good to be alert for after shocks or bigger one following. It's a part of living here -- like people in Tornado alley.
Yeah, I lived in California for 30 years. I remember the big one in the Bay Area.

It's easy to be blase about it while there is no crisis, and I make fun of the little ones, but I do remember a smallish 6.1 that set apartment buildings off their foundations and took lives. So, crude of me to make light of it.

But I grew up in CA and I still, to this day, have the mentality. I suppose it would be different if I had lived through a huge one like th last one in Turkey. My wife actually broke down and cried at some of the footage of rescue workers bringing little children out of the rubble.

I do take it serious.
We're very close to a fault here. My building in another are was on top of the Inglewood/Newport fault: My building was on what they call rollers. I heard a load snap and the whole building shook like jello 3.o/4.6 quakes. Some people felt it outside. Others did not.

The Newport–Inglewood Fault, the source of the 1933 earthquake, is a right-lateral strike-slip fault trending northwest–southeast, and parallel to other major right-lateral faults in California. The fault spans about 46 miles onshore from Culver City to Newport Beach, where it enters the Pacific Ocean.
I have a piece of land northwest of Kingman. It's as flat as a table and has almost as much vegetation. I went there once, as you may imagine, it was really cheap back in 1993 when I bought it on a white..
Once California slides off into the Pacific I plan to open a beach side resort there.
I stayed at the Route 66 Motel in Kingman. LOL

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