Did Militiant Israeli Settlers Burn Mosque Near Bethlehem?

Did Militiant Israeli Settlers Burn Mosque Near Bethlehem?

Probably. Both sides have their Radical Loons. Though The Palestinians are not above doing it themselves to kill a peace deal.
Peace negotiations
Did Militiant Israeli Settlers Burn Mosque Near Bethlehem?

Probably. Both sides have their Radical Loons. Though The Palestinians are not above doing it themselves to kill a peace deal.

I don't think you'll find a Palestinian that burned down a mosque, especially where this one was located.
Did Militiant Israeli Settlers Burn Mosque Near Bethlehem?

Probably. Both sides have their Radical Loons. Though The Palestinians are not above doing it themselves to kill a peace deal.

I don't think you'll find a Palestinian that burned down a mosque, especially where this one was located.

Are you kidding me? were talking about people who will strap bombs to their children to kill a Jew. They are not above burning a mosque if it will stall any possible peace summit. When will you all understand that these people are barbaric? They hate Jews and Christians and will do anything, say anything and kill anyone who stands in their way of eliminating their enemies.

WAKE up! Progressive morons. You cannot change their hearts even if no more settlements were built and every last Jew left Israel. They would still go on killing, it's bred into them, it's part of their being. It stems from their so called religion, a religion of hate.
Did militant Israeli settlers burn mosque near Bethlehem? - CSMonitor.com

Many Israelis suspect militant Israeli settlers, seeking to incite religious violence and undermine peace negotiations, attacked a Palestinian mosque near Bethlehem.

Yeah, we don't want to incite religious violence among the religion of peace'ers.

"Oh, Allah, Kill All Jews And Americans"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7rls9eRKyo]YouTube - Islam: Oh Allah - Kill all Jews and Americans![/ame]
Did Militiant Israeli Settlers Burn Mosque Near Bethlehem?

Probably. Both sides have their Radical Loons. Though The Palestinians are not above doing it themselves to kill a peace deal.

I don't think you'll find a Palestinian that burned down a mosque, especially where this one was located.

How about Pallies who burned down Israeli discos, pizza parlors and buses and murdered 1000 Israelis and wounded 6000 more in the last intifada?

Forget, birdbrain?
Did Militiant Israeli Settlers Burn Mosque Near Bethlehem?

Probably. Both sides have their Radical Loons. Though The Palestinians are not above doing it themselves to kill a peace deal.

I don't think you'll find a Palestinian that burned down a mosque, especially where this one was located.

Pallies just burn down their own water parks...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5yepuNio78]YouTube - Gaza water park burned down by Hamas[/ame]
Did Militiant Israeli Settlers Burn Mosque Near Bethlehem?

Probably. Both sides have their Radical Loons. Though The Palestinians are not above doing it themselves to kill a peace deal.

I don't think you'll find a Palestinian that burned down a mosque, especially where this one was located.

they use their women and children as shields ....

put babies in the line of fire for propaganda purposes

why would bombing a mosque for the cause be inconceivable?
Did Militiant Israeli Settlers Burn Mosque Near Bethlehem?

Probably. Both sides have their Radical Loons. Though The Palestinians are not above doing it themselves to kill a peace deal.

I don't think you'll find a Palestinian that burned down a mosque, especially where this one was located.

Maybe not, But I have learned to never say never. When it comes to either sides radicals in this particular conflict.
Dismantle islam . . Relegate their diseased culture to the bonfire of history

Any cult that embraces death and sanctions the beating of women and honor killings of its children will eventually self-destruct.

God willing.

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