And when you throw around terms like welfare state, wich is fine how is that any different then me calling my country a social democracy? As you pointed out we actually have a bigger social safety net then the US and we are definetly a democracy. While on the other had most ppl in this country work and our not on welfare.Wich is more correct as a description?Well in this post you apperently called me a socialist 'Socialists always lie', at the same time you called the country I live in not socialist 'Canada, Norway and New Zealand are capitalist countries.' I asume those countries include mine since our system is simular. And then you end with this'To simultaneously believe and not believe a given proposition is something an honest rational person simply can't do'. Now if you feel you've been consistent there that's fine but i actually find this entire thing a bit ironic.First of all I don't like to be called dishonest nore do I particulary like to be called ignorant. I've studied economics both in school as afterwarths and large parts of this post have been spend on the definition of socialism. I'm also pretty well versed in history if I do say so myself. We seem do have different ideas about what socialism is. You chose to call only countries with a totalitarian governement system socialist, I include social democraties in the term socialist. Let's leave aside who is correct, because we both are and we both are also wrong.I'm pretty sure that nobody argues that Community China or the USSR were socialist. Nobody is arguing that they both were economic failures either. Additionally, nobody (that I've seen here) is saying that socialist structures as implemented by those failures are good or that they are what we should be looking to do. So, other than being disingenuous...why even bring them up?What's your point? Communist China and the Soviet Union were both socialist. Any claims to the contrary are pure moonshine.
What people are pointing out is that countries like Canada, Norway, or New Zealand have have exceptionally large socialist programs and that, those countries and others like them, they seem to be doing quite well. If you want to have a discussion related to anything anybody here is talking about...please refer to what people are actually talking about.
You're talking about socialism, and that includes the USSR and communist China. Any claims to the contrary only show that you don't know jack shit about economics.
Canada, Norway and New Zealand are capitalist countries. Canada and New Zealand are rated higher than the United States on the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom, at least since Obama ascended the throne, anyway.
Calling the USA "capitalist" and calling these other countries "socialist" only demonstrates that either you don't know what you're talking about or you are fundamentally dishonest. The reality is that you're probably a little of both.
Then you are either dishonest or ignorant. The European welfare states are only a smidgen more socialist than the United States. Some of them are in fact less socialist.
You don't want to call them what they really are, which is a welfare state, because that just doesn't sound very appealing, so you call them "social democracies," which is a deliberately meaningless and misleading.
If you don't want to be called dishonest, then try being honest. Socialists always lie. Always.
We aren't both correct. To simultaneously believe and not believe a given proposition is something an honest rational person simply can't do.