Did Obama benefit from (1/2) White Privilege?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Barry Obama is half white. He was raised in a white household. How much did he benefit from white privilege? Will his children...or Jay Zs or Lebron James's....be surpassed by the white kids of Bubba and Tammy in the Texas trailor park once Bubba Jr and Tammy Jr have their white privilege kick in?
He may be half White, but he's also a 100% Muslim Trans Gender Liberal Communist Pinko Fag Socialist Cock Sucking Mother Fucking Baby Raping Father Stabbing Chicago Thug Choom Gang Coke Snorting Gay Gun Running BENGHAZI "Keep Your Doctor" lying non-transparent anti-American Racist "Pen and Phone" whore chunk of excrement and sewer-dwelling pimp cop-hating race-baiting semi-negro.
Yes. he's such a fraud. He never struggled for anything in his pathetic life. He never even worked a real job and was taken in and groomed for this assault on us and our country. and not by any nice people either. Think Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, etc

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