Did Obama have a signature moment that got him elected in 2008?

I would say his signature moment that got him elected would be when he recieved the most votes on election day.

He got elected because he is black. He played games to win the primary and used known cheats to sow it up. Hillary Clinton should have won the Primary. He won because he is black.

The press refused to ask him any real questions, refused to do any background checks on hi and his family and covered for him when stuff tried to come out. All because he is black.
.....And, he didn't "wait his turn".

Yeah.....we know...we know.....

I also didn't buy into his "Hope and Change" BS. Guys a fancy talker but he blew smoke up a lot of asses and those asses fell for it hook line and sinker.

.....And, he didn't "wait his turn".

Yeah.....we know...we know.....

All of a sudden he got elected..

Didn't have any JFK stuff like in the1960 debates.

Or Reagan : "There he goes again."

All he had to do was not be Bush. Thats it. If voters aren't careful, we will get another goof ball in the oval orifice who will run on not being Obama.
That's what Porky Limbaugh says, huh?

Liberals and its media told their lies long and loud enough that the GOP had zero chance in 2008.
It's a once in a generation event.
Liberals and its media told their lies long and loud enough that the GOP had zero chance in 2008.
It's a once in a generation event.

How is this possible? From what you cons say, FOX has every other "MSM" outlet beaten hands down in ratings and viewership?
All of a sudden he got elected..

Didn't have any JFK stuff like in the1960 debates.

Or Reagan : "There he goes again."

Let's face it--Barack Obama is black--and there was a great white guilt in this country--whom kicked Hillary Clinton to the curb--because a black man could give a perfectly pronounced speech--surrounded by Greek Columns--staged lighting--and tell the masse's what they wanted to hear. Fully supported and defended by NBC, MSNBC--CBS--CNN--and ABC--he became not a leader--but a ROCK STAR--thereby appealing to the youth in this country who overwhelming voted for Obama.

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It was a perfect storm deal...

The hate for Bush when the economy tanked in the last few months of the Bush administration.
The Hillary factor where the media didn't like her all that much.

Then here comes a young educated Black man that the media had been pushing as the next President when he was first elected as a United States Senator.

The media fell in love with this guy from day one and didn't really like Hillary,Hated Bush and thought Senator McCain was a joke.

The history factor alone of electing the first black President was enough to put him over the top.

With the economy the way it is almost three full years into his term and the feeling that things will not get better any time soon a rational person would have to look really hard at this President to see if he's the one to fix any of this.

But of course he's still the media darling and Axelrod and the rest of Obama's machine will
write some catchy slogans,get a few speeches that will whip up the crowd,the media will be on board.The next thing we know it will be another 4 years of this President and our economy totally dead in the water.

Oh and it be Bush's fault still....:eusa_shhh:
One contributing factor was the scant media interest in Barry's background that, for example, let him get away with claiming Bill Ayers was just some guy in his neighborhood when in fact they had spent years working closely together.

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