Did Obama Save GM?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Did Obama Save GM?
GM Profit Rises to $1.54 Billion on Auto Sales Gains

GM Profit Rises to $1.54 Billion on Auto Sales Gains - BusinessWeek

For the longest time we have been subjected to wild rants about Obama 'taking over' GM. Socialism on the march!

Now it looks like GM is on the road to becoming a profitable private entity again -- thanks to Obama.

Does Obama get credit?


“Last year GM was shutting down plants when they filed” Chapter 11, said Wall, who is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “This summer, most of its U.S. plants were running full out.”

btw, is the above quote an example of the new generation of editors being dumbed down? who is 'Wall'?
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Did GM need saving?

Ford seems to be doing just fine, even better than GM, and they didn't take a dime...

How's Chrysler doing? Didn't they take government money? Why does no one ever mention Chrysler?
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Did GM need saving?

Ford seems to be doing just fine, even better than GM, and they didn't take a dime...

How's Chrysler doing? Didn't they take government money? Why does no one ever mention Chrysler?

Allow me to answer in this way:

1) Did GM need saving?

Not all questions are valid when put into a broader context like, what was being said a year ago about the future of GM and the American Automotive Industry.

2) Ford seems to be doing just fine, even better than GM, and they didn't take a dime...

Did Ford need assistance? Where they in trouble -- in danger of going out of business?

3) How's Chrysler doing? Didn't they take government money?

Is Chrysler doing badly? Obama threw them a lifeline. Were they in such bad shape the money didn't help? Did the titans of industry run Chrysler into the ground?


Then there is this nugget of wingnuttery:

?) Why does no one ever mention Chrysler?
No one ever mentions Chrysler? What's the matter, is FOX News boycotting Chrysler?
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Sure he can have the credit. What is going to happen with the over $900,000,000 which is the government's share? Also how much was the amount the of the bail out? Has the government broken even yet? How much of the debt was forgiven? (When you file for bankruptcy you usually do not have to pay everyone back the full amout.) Are we as a country going to benefit from this? How much of the profit was from cash for clunkers? If we take away those numbers does it still look good? There are a lot of numbers missing here.
obama shouldn't get credit for shit. 60% of GM, Government Motors is still owned by the government, which bailed them out with TAX PAYERS MONEY. They should have been left alone to fail. They should have gone through with the bankruptcy, reorganized, broke the death grip the unions had on them, and reemerged as a new, stream lined, better organized, leaner, meaner company with NO DEBT TO ANYONE.

Fuck obama, and all these moronic bail outs.
obama shouldn't get credit for shit. 60% of GM, Government Motors is still owned by the government, which bailed them out with TAX PAYERS MONEY. They should have been left alone to fail. They should have gone through with the bankruptcy, reorganized, broke the death grip the unions had on them, and reemerged as a new, stream lined, better organized, leaner, meaner company with NO DEBT TO ANYONE.

Fuck obama, and all these moronic bail outs.

Couldn't of said it better!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
I'm not sure why you would consider me a "wingnut" for asking a question but okay...

You know, some times businesses fail. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes they fail and then come back. But, in my opinion, it is not the responsibility of the government to bail them out, no matter what their size. I was opposed the auto bailouts now, I was opposed to the Chrysler bailout of 1980, and I was opposed to the Bush bank bailout.

Oh, and I don't watch Fox News, well, except for Red Eye.
I'm not sure why you would consider me a "wingnut" for asking a question but okay...

You know, some times businesses fail. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes they fail and then come back. But, in my opinion, it is not the responsibility of the government to bail them out, no matter what their size. I was opposed the auto bailouts now, I was opposed to the Chrysler bailout of 1980, and I was opposed to the Bush bank bailout.

Oh, and I don't watch Fox News, well, except for Red Eye.

Did you leave out the Airline bailout on purpose? I was against that myself but you may not have been. I agree with the rest of your statement though except I do not watch Red Eye.
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Sure he can have the credit. What is going to happen with the over $900,000,000 which is the government's share? Also how much was the amount the of the bail out? Has the government broken even yet? How much of the debt was forgiven? (When you file for bankruptcy you usually do not have to pay everyone back the full amout.) Are we as a country going to benefit from this? How much of the profit was from cash for clunkers? If we take away those numbers does it still look good? There are a lot of numbers missing here.

hmmm, so has GM been socialized or saved or both? Has the American Automotive Industry as a whole benefited? You know -- all those smaller companies that live off of and depend for their very existence on, companies like GM?
I'm not sure why you would consider me a "wingnut" for asking a question but okay...

You know, some times businesses fail. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes they fail and then come back. But, in my opinion, it is not the responsibility of the government to bail them out, no matter what their size. I was opposed the auto bailouts now, I was opposed to the Chrysler bailout of 1980, and I was opposed to the Bush bank bailout.

Oh, and I don't watch Fox News, well, except for Red Eye.

1) I'm not sure why you would consider me a "wingnut" for asking a question but okay...

so you take from my post that I considered the act of asking a question to be itself, wingnutty? hmmm, you are close to being dismissed. It should be obvious what I meant.


On the questions of bailouts, it isn't matter of bailing out a company. That is a specious and deceptive framing of the issue. The question is allowing or preventing a collapse of an entire industry.

Nations have policies for trade and economics. It is the role of governments to ensure a healthy environment and more. How government does this is open to argument. Arguing that government has no role is an exercise in philosophical masturbation.
obama shouldn't get credit for shit. 60% of GM, Government Motors is still owned by the government, which bailed them out with TAX PAYERS MONEY. They should have been left alone to fail. They should have gone through with the bankruptcy, reorganized, broke the death grip the unions had on them, and reemerged as a new, stream lined, better organized, leaner, meaner company with NO DEBT TO ANYONE.

Fuck obama, and all these moronic bail outs.

Couldn't of said it better!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

But you could HAVE said that better. :lol:
Oh, and I don't watch Fox News, well, except for Red Eye.

I didn't say or accuse you of, watching FOX News. Go back and read the post you neglected to link to and reread it s-l-o-w-l-y.

You make a strange statement about no one mentioning Chrysler. I merely point out what you failed to grasp -- if there is an issue with Obama and Chrysler -- FOX would be on it like flies on shit.
obama shouldn't get credit for shit. 60% of GM, Government Motors is still owned by the government, which bailed them out with TAX PAYERS MONEY. They should have been left alone to fail. They should have gone through with the bankruptcy, reorganized, broke the death grip the unions had on them, and reemerged as a new, stream lined, better organized, leaner, meaner company with NO DEBT TO ANYONE.

Fuck obama, and all these moronic bail outs.

Couldn't of said it better!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

But you could HAVE said that better. :lol:
Why do all these new assholes have such font complexes????
obama shouldn't get credit for shit. 60% of GM, Government Motors is still owned by the government, which bailed them out with TAX PAYERS MONEY. They should have been left alone to fail. They should have gone through with the bankruptcy, reorganized, broke the death grip the unions had on them, and reemerged as a new, stream lined, better organized, leaner, meaner company with NO DEBT TO ANYONE.

Fuck obama, and all these moronic bail outs.

Couldn't of said it better!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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Sure he can have the credit. What is going to happen with the over $900,000,000 which is the government's share? Also how much was the amount the of the bail out? Has the government broken even yet? How much of the debt was forgiven? (When you file for bankruptcy you usually do not have to pay everyone back the full amout.) Are we as a country going to benefit from this? How much of the profit was from cash for clunkers? If we take away those numbers does it still look good? There are a lot of numbers missing here.

hmmm, so has GM been socialized or saved or both? Has the American Automotive Industry as a whole benefited? You know -- all those smaller companies that live off of and depend for their very existence on, companies like GM?

Thank you for not answering one single question. HMMMMM Their are much much more businesses that do not depend on their very existence. Instead of assuming you know what I am talking about let me tell you. I want to know how much money was used to bail out GM and if that was included in the profit margin. I want to know if the cash for clunkers was a factor in the profit. (If it was a lot of government money was used to make a government business profitable.) Being profitable is relevant to the numbers you use. I would like to see those numbers.
Sure he can have the credit. What is going to happen with the over $900,000,000 which is the government's share? Also how much was the amount the of the bail out? Has the government broken even yet? How much of the debt was forgiven? (When you file for bankruptcy you usually do not have to pay everyone back the full amout.) Are we as a country going to benefit from this? How much of the profit was from cash for clunkers? If we take away those numbers does it still look good? There are a lot of numbers missing here.

Lets not forget the shareholders and folks who had money invested in GM. The folks with 401's and retirement invested. You know. The folks who got hosed when the Govt took over GM. Are they gonna get their money back??

The real winners at GM were the Unions. Payback is great ain't it???
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG08nR475s4&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - BEN QUAYLE: Barack Obama Is The Worst President Ever[/ame]:clap2::clap2::clap2:

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