Did Obama Tell You Folks It Snowed While He Was In Alaska? No!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Obama: Shrinking Exit Glacier a powerful sign of warming climate
By By Roberta Rampton | Reuters – 12 hours ago


By Roberta Rampton

SEWARD, Alaska (Reuters) - President Barack Obama walked down a winding wooded path, past a small brown post marked "1926" and a glacial stream trickling over gravel that eons of ice have scraped off mountain peaks.

He reached another post reading "1951", a marker for the edge of Alaska's Exit Glacier that year, and gazed up toward where the rock-rutted ice mass has since receded, a quarter mile away.

"This is as good a signpost of what we're dealing with on climate change as just about anything," Obama told reporters near the base of the glacier.

Obama: Shrinking Exit Glacier a powerful sign of warming climate

obama-lying (1).jpg
It appears Rambo was apparently unaware that it sometimes snows in Alaska.

Dang. Talk about clueless.
Ol' YoYo seems to unaware of a lot of things. Even the fact that Senator Murkowski speaks openly of the damage to the infrastructure that the warming in Alaska is causing. And the fact that the USGS has a major chapter outlining the extent of the loss of glacial ice in Alaska.
are you kidding. if he told about that it would blow all his lies about GLOBULL warming and how if we the people don't give up our lifestyles and give all our money to Politicians like him (who are g-ds) and can wave their magic wands and change the climate so the seas don't Swallow us all up or something like that.

shysters, snake oil salesmen has more honor than any of these politicians.

He carries this book with him.
Obama: Shrinking Exit Glacier a powerful sign of warming climate
By By Roberta Rampton | Reuters – 12 hours ago

View attachment 49131

By Roberta Rampton

SEWARD, Alaska (Reuters) - President Barack Obama walked down a winding wooded path, past a small brown post marked "1926" and a glacial stream trickling over gravel that eons of ice have scraped off mountain peaks.

He reached another post reading "1951", a marker for the edge of Alaska's Exit Glacier that year, and gazed up toward where the rock-rutted ice mass has since receded, a quarter mile away.

"This is as good a signpost of what we're dealing with on climate change as just about anything," Obama told reporters near the base of the glacier.

Obama: Shrinking Exit Glacier a powerful sign of warming climate

View attachment 49132

Reuter rooters is like Obama's personal press releases. they have as much honor as Obama..............NONE. how about that picture. the man has put on more stage shows that would make Gobbels envious.
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Another dimwit who knows more than the scientists that have studied the subject for decades.
Dearest little Stephanie, you really think that you know more than the scientists at the USGS?
isn't it funny how all these politicians visit these places in the summer and see normal summer temperatures and then claim warming? It's hilarious to say the least.
Another dimwit who knows more than the scientists that have studied the subject for decades.
again, facts not in evidence. Unless of course you can post a link that shows she said that.
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386-K


This chapter is the eighth chapter to be released in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386, Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World, a series of 11 chapters. In each chapter, remotely sensed images, primarily from the Landsat 1, 2, and 3 series of spacecraft, are used to study the glacierized regions of our planet and to monitor glacier changes. Landsat images, acquired primarily during the middle to late 1970s, were used by an international team of glaciologists and other scientists to study various geographic regions or to discuss glaciological topics. In each geographic region, the present areal distribution of glaciers is compared, wherever possible, with historical information about their past extent. The atlas provides an accurate regional inventory of the areal extent of glacier ice on our planet during the 1970s as part of a growing international scientific effort to measure global environmental change on the Earth's surface. This chapter is divided into three parts: Part I, Background and History; Part II, Glaciological Topics; and Part III, Regional Distribution of Alaska Glaciers.

About 5 percent (about 75,000 km2) of Alaska is presently glacierized, including 11 mountain ranges, 1 large island, an island chain, and 1 archipelago. The total number of glaciers in Alaska is estimated at >100,000, including many active and former tidewater glaciers. Glaciers in every mountain range and island group are experiencing significant retreat, thinning, and (or) stagnation, especially those at lower elevations, a process that began by the middle of the 19th century. In southeastern Alaska and western Canada, 205 glaciers have a history of surging; in the same region, at least 53 present and 7 former large ice-dammed lakes have produced jökulhlaups (glacier-outburst floods). Ice-capped Alaska volcanoes also have the potential for jökulhlaups caused by subglacier volcanic and geothermal activity. Satellite remote sensing provides the only practical means of monitoring regional changes in glaciers in response to short-and long-term changes in the maritime and continental climates of Alaska. Geospatial analysis is used to define selected glaciological parameters in the eastern part of the Alaska Range.

The entire report is available online from the USGS.
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386-K


This chapter is the eighth chapter to be released in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386, Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World, a series of 11 chapters. In each chapter, remotely sensed images, primarily from the Landsat 1, 2, and 3 series of spacecraft, are used to study the glacierized regions of our planet and to monitor glacier changes. Landsat images, acquired primarily during the middle to late 1970s, were used by an international team of glaciologists and other scientists to study various geographic regions or to discuss glaciological topics. In each geographic region, the present areal distribution of glaciers is compared, wherever possible, with historical information about their past extent. The atlas provides an accurate regional inventory of the areal extent of glacier ice on our planet during the 1970s as part of a growing international scientific effort to measure global environmental change on the Earth's surface. This chapter is divided into three parts: Part I, Background and History; Part II, Glaciological Topics; and Part III, Regional Distribution of Alaska Glaciers.

About 5 percent (about 75,000 km2) of Alaska is presently glacierized, including 11 mountain ranges, 1 large island, an island chain, and 1 archipelago. The total number of glaciers in Alaska is estimated at >100,000, including many active and former tidewater glaciers. Glaciers in every mountain range and island group are experiencing significant retreat, thinning, and (or) stagnation, especially those at lower elevations, a process that began by the middle of the 19th century. In southeastern Alaska and western Canada, 205 glaciers have a history of surging; in the same region, at least 53 present and 7 former large ice-dammed lakes have produced jökulhlaups (glacier-outburst floods). Ice-capped Alaska volcanoes also have the potential for jökulhlaups caused by subglacier volcanic and geothermal activity. Satellite remote sensing provides the only practical means of monitoring regional changes in glaciers in response to short-and long-term changes in the maritime and continental climates of Alaska. Geospatial analysis is used to define selected glaciological parameters in the eastern part of the Alaska Range.

The entire report is available online from the USGS.
So what? you act like they won't regrow when winter comes. See this is the problem you take a summertime experience and treat it as a national news story that isn't a story at all. It is purely factual information about life when temperatures go above 32F. And guess what, temperatures have been above 32F in Alaska for 100's of years. Don't you think at some point the snow might just melt?

Watch the program power and Ice. filmed in Alaska. really explain how that is that the roads in this series is always snow covered and the region of the people's work is snow covered. hmmmmmm... selling lies.
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Good God, jc, you are truly that stupid. No, they will not regrow when winter comes. Damn, boy, have you ever even seen a glacier? Ever walked on one? I have never seen such stupid twaddle by anybody else.
Obama: Shrinking Exit Glacier a powerful sign of warming climate
By By Roberta Rampton | Reuters – 12 hours ago

View attachment 49131

By Roberta Rampton

SEWARD, Alaska (Reuters) - President Barack Obama walked down a winding wooded path, past a small brown post marked "1926" and a glacial stream trickling over gravel that eons of ice have scraped off mountain peaks.

He reached another post reading "1951", a marker for the edge of Alaska's Exit Glacier that year, and gazed up toward where the rock-rutted ice mass has since receded, a quarter mile away.

"This is as good a signpost of what we're dealing with on climate change as just about anything," Obama told reporters near the base of the glacier.

Obama: Shrinking Exit Glacier a powerful sign of warming climate

View attachment 49132

Reuter rooters is like Obama's personal press releases. they have as much honor as Obama..............NONE. how about that picture. the man has put on more stage shows that would make Gobbels envious.

How about the fact that Canada, India, Russia, China, Australia, and Germany gave Obama the finger and refused to sign his bull shit agreement... That speaks louder than all the left wing shills screaming at the top of their lungs and lying out their asses... I believe that it was a nice "fuck you Obama"... Priceless...
Good God, jc, you are truly that stupid. No, they will not regrow when winter comes. Damn, boy, have you ever even seen a glacier? Ever walked on one? I have never seen such stupid twaddle by anybody else.

Try and pull you head from your ass... I know that you like it there and all but your shity vision is really stinking... Too funny that you and others take cyclical events that happen over and over again and some how claim that man is the cause... You really are a fucking idiot..
It is pretty funny that a lot of times when these bozo's have a bomb thrower event, it ends up snowing at the location. Has happened numerous times. And the k00ks wonder why nobody cares about this shit!!:coffee:
The AGWCult admitted Climate Change is a scheme to redistribute wealth and I believe them

But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore - See more at: UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'
Obama: Shrinking Exit Glacier a powerful sign of warming climate
By By Roberta Rampton | Reuters – 12 hours ago

View attachment 49131

By Roberta Rampton

SEWARD, Alaska (Reuters) - President Barack Obama walked down a winding wooded path, past a small brown post marked "1926" and a glacial stream trickling over gravel that eons of ice have scraped off mountain peaks.

He reached another post reading "1951", a marker for the edge of Alaska's Exit Glacier that year, and gazed up toward where the rock-rutted ice mass has since receded, a quarter mile away.

"This is as good a signpost of what we're dealing with on climate change as just about anything," Obama told reporters near the base of the glacier.

Obama: Shrinking Exit Glacier a powerful sign of warming climate

View attachment 49132

Reuter rooters is like Obama's personal press releases. they have as much honor as Obama..............NONE. how about that picture. the man has put on more stage shows that would make Gobbels envious.

How about the fact that Canada, India, Russia, China, Australia, and Germany gave Obama the finger and refused to sign his bull shit agreement... That speaks louder than all the left wing shills screaming at the top of their lungs and lying out their asses... I believe that it was a nice "fuck you Obama"... Priceless...
Now Billy Bob, looks like you have branded yourself a liar one more time.


WASHINGTON — Five months before a United Nations summit meeting aimed at forging a historic global accord to cut climate-warming emissions, significant signs of progress toward an agreement are emerging.

China, the world’s largest greenhouse gas polluter, submitted a 16-page plan to the United Nations on Tuesday detailing how it plans to shift its economy to reduce fossil fuel emissions by 2030. On the same day, President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil, which is among the top 10 carbon emitters, and President Obama announced in Washington that their nations had agreed to sharply expand electricity generation from renewable sources.

But it is increasingly evident that the policy actions by these countries and others will not be enough to stave off a rise in the atmospheric temperature of 2 degrees Celsius, or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. At that point, scientists say, the planet will be locked into a future of extreme storms, droughts, food and water shortages, and rising sea levels.

Continue reading the main story
Under a United Nations accord reached in Peru last December, every nation is to submit a plan for cutting carbon emissions well ahead of the December summit meeting in Paris. The plans by the individual nations will form the core of the new agreement.

isn't it funny how all these politicians visit these places in the summer and see normal summer temperatures and then claim warming? It's hilarious to say the least.

I took this picture from inside a building I worked at Clear-Anderson, Alaska.
hell I'd have a little respect for the liar if he gave his speech and picture taken with these Temperatures. -58 degrees below zero

but as we all know of him: he's a chicken-shit blowhard blowing smoke up our asses like usual.

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