Did Obama Tell You Folks It Snowed While He Was In Alaska? No!

Did it snow before or after Obama Stared Down The Glacier?

Well, it snowed in the 3rd year of President Obama's second term. And will probably snow in Alaska during the 4th year of President Obama's second term. Probably be snowing when he hands the baton to the next Democratic President.
Old Rocks could list hundreds of published climates who accept AGW with two clicks. You'd have a difficult time finding two who support your point of view. Why that doesn't tell you something is wrong with the conclusions you've chosen to hold is why we don't give you much heed..
Another dimwit who knows more than the scientists that have studied the subject for decades.

The only "scientist" you know is Naomi Klein
Damn. As a silly old man going back to college to finish up a degree, at the young age of 71, while working full time, as of the 21st of this month, I will once again be rubbing shoulders, and taking instructions from real scientists. I have yet to run into one that states that AGW is wrong.

So, what is your scientific training, Bear? Did you finish high school? Any 200 courses in science? Really, what are your bona fides to be speaking as if you actually know something on this subject?
Old Rocks could list hundreds of published climates who accept AGW with two clicks. You'd have a difficult time finding two who support your point of view. Why that doesn't tell you something is wrong with the conclusions you've chosen to hold is why we don't give you much heed..
Actually, he could find two that support his view, Singer, now senile, and Lindzen. Both testified before Congress as to the harmlessness of tobacco. Pretty much both prostituted their credentials for corporate money from both the tobacco and fossil fuel corporations.
the climate changes all the time and all by itself. but all of sudden under Obama, our climate is now out to KILL us all, unless we give control over to him and his troops of climate wrangles who has been given magic powers to stop the killer climate: from KILLING US ALL .

And if it's rapidly getting warmer, I suppose we humans will find a way to adapt without him up pretending he's the G-d of climate and only he has the answers to SAVE US

Actually, the climate is changing because of a phenomenon that is well defined by basic chemistry and physics. And it's clearly not a natural change, it's in response to U.S. Using the atmosphere as an open sewer for a century.

Your histrionics are silly and unnecessary, and only point out the fact you don't seem to get that the problem is real, it's growing, and it's not going away by itself.

So why did the researchers at Stanford note that it takes CENTURIES for rises like we have seen in the last 70 years to have an effect?

(Citation needed)

Not only does CO2 not control squat but the sea level rise is now being walked back by the same researcher.. Looks like the Lie is now trying to be walked back by the boys at Stanford...


Inconvenient Stanford study: 'Sea levels may not rise as high as assumed.'

Such high sea level would require a full deglaciation of the Greenland Ice Sheet and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, and as much as 30 percent of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet – enough to cover New York City under 50 feet of water. But these estimates arose because the researchers assumed that the Antarctic ice of the Pliocene had the same isotopic composition, that is, the same fingerprint, as it does today – an assumption that Winnick and Caves challenge in their new report.

To understand the isotopic composition of Pliocene ice, Winnick and Caves began in the present day using well-established relationships between temperature and the geochemical fingerprint. By combining this modern relationship with estimates of ancient Pliocene surface temperatures, they were able to better refine the fingerprint of the Antarctic ice millions of years ago. In re-thinking this critical assumption, and by extending their analysis to incorporate ice sheet models, Winnick and Caves recalculated the global sea level of the Pliocene and found that it was 30 to 44 feet (9 to 13.5 meters) higher, significantly lower than the previous estimate.

Oh golly gee whiz. Only 30 to 44 feet. That is such good news. Surely that will not affect anything in the great port cities of the world!

Over thousands of years.... not hundreds or even fifty.. and that CO2 is a non issue.. But you would actually have to read the paper to know that..
Hundreds of years. We hope. The Arctic Ice and Jacobshaven Glacier both have given us quite a surprise at the speed they can melt. Let us hope that the Antarctic does not have a similiar surprise in store.
Hundreds of years. We hope. The Arctic Ice and Jacobshaven Glacier both have given us quite a surprise at the speed they can melt. Let us hope that the Antarctic does not have a similiar surprise in store.

A few papers show that the melting in both Antarctica and Greenland is both more extensive than we think and possibly irreversible at this point.

It's still an unknown, which is pretty scary since it could go either way.
are you kidding. if he told about that it would blow all his lies about GLOBULL warming and how if we the people don't give up our lifestyles and give all our money to Politicians like him (who are g-ds) and can wave their magic wands and change the climate so the seas don't Swallow us all up or something like that.

shysters, snake oil salesmen has more honor than any of these politicians.

He carries this book with him.

What, EXACTLY, Stephanie, has President Obama ASKed you to do to fight global warming?

When has HE asked YOU for money to fight global warming?

When has he ever claimed to have a magic wand with which to fix the climate?

Why are you so uneducably stupid and why are you such a right wing bigot? Wait... I bet those two are connected, aren't they.
President Obama has asked Stephanie to do the worst possible thing. He has asked her, and the other 'Conservatives', to think, and research. And accept the truth, rather than the rants of obese junkies on the AM radio, and fake British Lords.
President Obama has asked Stephanie to do the worst possible thing. He has asked her, and the other 'Conservatives', to think, and research. And accept the truth, rather than the rants of obese junkies on the AM radio, and fake British Lords.

Nobody needs to do research or study on the "science". It is shoved down the throats of Americans on a daily basis. What people need to research is the manifestation of automatically bowing to the "experts" on science and how it is used to shape a future world order........its is quite a systematic mindfuck folks...........and most don't know about it.............

But you listen to this man and all the dots connect..............global warming is part of the movement to control the sheeple! ( don't forget, global warming alarmists are amongst the most naïve people on the planet.....basically have the political IQ's of a small soap dish :funnyface: )

We are heading to massive government bureaucracies for decades now....................fucking dUh:coffee:
are you kidding. if he told about that it would blow all his lies about GLOBULL warming and how if we the people don't give up our lifestyles and give all our money to Politicians like him (who are g-ds) and can wave their magic wands and change the climate so the seas don't Swallow us all up or something like that.

shysters, snake oil salesmen has more honor than any of these politicians.

He carries this book with him.

What, EXACTLY, Stephanie, has President Obama ASKed you to do to fight global warming?

When has HE asked YOU for money to fight global warming?

When has he ever claimed to have a magic wand with which to fix the climate?

Why are you so uneducably stupid and why are you such a right wing bigot? Wait... I bet those two are connected, aren't they.


Look at that response.....:ack-1::ack-1:..........and he is calling another board member "uneducated":eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
What assholes in here.....we are heading at light speed to post-democracy and to a global collectivism.........and these lunatic global warming alarmists cant wait to embrace it.
President Obama has asked Stephanie to do the worst possible thing. He has asked her, and the other 'Conservatives', to think, and research. And accept the truth, rather than the rants of obese junkies on the AM radio, and fake British Lords.

Nobody needs to do research or study on the "science". It is shoved down the throats of Americans on a daily basis. What people need to research is the manifestation of automatically bowing to the "experts" on science and how it is used to shape a future world order........its is quite a systematic mindfuck folks...........and most don't know about it.............

But you listen to this man and all the dots connect..............global warming is part of the movement to control the sheeple! ( don't forget, global warming alarmists are amongst the most naïve people on the planet.....basically have the political IQ's of a small soap dish :funnyface: )

We are heading to massive government bureaucracies for decades now....................fucking dUh:coffee:

I have a feeling your 'research' consists of watching you tube videos.
What assholes in here.....we are heading at light speed to post-democracy and to a global collectivism.........and these lunatic global warming alarmists cant wait to embrace it.

You sure you don't need a medication refill?

Sorry if you can't envision a solution for AGW that isnt ' collectivist'.

But maybe that's more of a reflection of the fact your ideology can't solve problems.
President Obama has asked Stephanie to do the worst possible thing. He has asked her, and the other 'Conservatives', to think, and research. And accept the truth, rather than the rants of obese junkies on the AM radio, and fake British Lords.

Nobody needs to do research or study on the "science". It is shoved down the throats of Americans on a daily basis. What people need to research is the manifestation of automatically bowing to the "experts" on science and how it is used to shape a future world order........its is quite a systematic mindfuck folks...........and most don't know about it.............

But you listen to this man and all the dots connect..............global warming is part of the movement to control the sheeple! ( don't forget, global warming alarmists are amongst the most naïve people on the planet.....basically have the political IQ's of a small soap dish :funnyface: )

We are heading to massive government bureaucracies for decades now....................fucking dUh:coffee:

I have a feeling your 'research' consists of watching you tube videos.

s0n....you'd happily buy a bag of dog doo for $1,000.00 a pop if it was packaged up just right!!:rock:
What assholes in here.....we are heading at light speed to post-democracy and to a global collectivism.........and these lunatic global warming alarmists cant wait to embrace it.

You sure you don't need a medication refill?

Sorry if you can't envision a solution for AGW that isnt ' collectivist'.

But maybe that's more of a reflection of the fact your ideology can't solve problems.

You fucking dummy...........I don't have an ideology......that's the whole point!!!


Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I cannot believe a thread with this topic exists. How about threads titled:

Read it and weep alarmist warmers, Winter is still colder than Summer


Our planet cannot warm, it's surrounded by freezing space


Why isn't sea level rise offset by increased evaporation?


Denierism restricted to low end of the genetic swimming pool. Natural? No way!

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