Did Obozo Forget To Send YOU The Memo?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Seems with all he knew he kind of forgot to bring up some rather troubling points. He kind of left out the FACT that Iran has a BRAND NEW delivery system for it's nukes.

So now a country that could have nukes in a year ALSO has a new delivery system READY NOW. Part of our deal with Iran is WE don't get to inspect their nukes OTHERS do. Another part is he SWORE us to PROTECT their nuke program.

Oh as to PROVING this new system is real? Iran is already showing it off.
Iran Unveils Cruise Missile, Amid Nuclear Talks
by Wochit 1:08 mins

While the White House is determined to reach a nuclear deal with Iran by the end of the month, the ayatollahs are displaying their military might against the US and its allies once again. In a ceremony attended by senior military officials and commanders in Tehran on Sunday, the Iranians unveiled "Soumar" - a new long-range ground-to-ground cruise missile system with a range of over 1,500 miles - that can reach any American target in the Middle East. In addition, they announced the mass delivery of two improved models of long-range ballistic missiles to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which can, quote, "destroy a variety of targets under any circumstances". The new display of muscles comes less the two weeks after the Revolutionary Guards staged war games in the Strait of Hormuz where they attacked a model U.S. warship. It is seen as another attempt to improve the Iranian position in the nuclear talks which are being held these days in Geneva.

Video of the system can be seen here...
Iran Unveils Cruise Missile Amid Nuclear Talks Watch the video - Yahoo News

The NEXT part of the memo he forgot to send you is rather simple. Iran BACKS Islamic State and by backing Iran WE back Islamic State. Who does that offend?

Well WE get our oil from them....
"The Saudis have signaled their intent to employ ground forces in Yemen previously, but have not done so. But the potential military initiatives, coupled with signs that the Saudis are cultivating better diplomatic ties with Russia and China, would be a strong indication of how the Iran nuclear deal could impact the regional order in the Middle East."

So in honest terms OUR Shia president just back stabbed not only Israel but the Saudis.
"According to the military officials and analysts, the nuclear deal has left the Saudis scrambling to make as many battlefield gains in neighboring states as possible before sanctions are lifted over the next year, potentially leaving Iran flush with more than $100 billion in unfrozen funds and new revenues – resources they say Tehran will use to expand its proxy wars."

Funny the WORLD sees EXPANDING terrorists activities and Obozo sees an end.
Nuclear deal Saudis signal they ll act before Iran gets the money - Yahoo News

So in order to keep his word "Obozo" just signed YOU and your SONS on to protect Iran and it's programs. Democrats have finally made us into what WE have long fought. A terrorist nation.

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