Did Paul Ryan Plan to bring congress to a stanstill no matter if it hurt US Economy?

Did Ryan Plan to block Obama legislation thereby possibly harming the US economy?

The Guest List:
Frank Luntz - GOP Minister of Propaganda
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA),
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX),
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX),
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI)
Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA),
Sen. Jim DeMint (SC-R),
Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ-R),
Sen. Tom Coburn (OK-R),
Sen. John Ensign (NV-R) and
Sen. Bob Corker (TN-R).
Non-lawmakers present Newt Gingrich

During the four hour meeting:

Paul Ryan along with these other senior GOP members plotted to bring Congress to a standstill regardless how much it would hurt the American Economy by pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation.

These Republican members of Congress were not simply airing their complaints regarding the other party's political platform for four long hours. No, Paul Ryan and these Republican Congressional Policymakers, who were elected to do 'the People's work' were literally plotting to sabotage, undermine and destroy the U.S. Economy.

Mitt Romney fails at his first important decision as Mitt Romney has picked a person, Paul Ryan, who literally plotted to sabotage the U.S. Economy as his Vice Presidential Running mate.

The article goes on to explain how Ryan an others kept the wars out of the budget and voted yes on the Bush/Cheney stimulus and no on increasing fema during natural disasters.

Not such a great record!

Did Paul Ryan Plan to bring congress to a stanstill no matter if it hurt US Economy?

I can't even fanthom what running the executive branch in the same manner as the Republican legistaltors have seen fit to try and run things the last decade. The shit they have pulled in the name of self-interest is beyond comprehension. How does that even translate into excutive branch politics? Remember all the closed door meetings they used to hold?

No, refresh our memories...

This one was one of the ones which was really WTF:

Energy Task Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most of the activities of the Energy Task Force have not been disclosed to the public, even though Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests (since 19 April 2001) have sought to gain access to its materials. The organisations Judicial Watch and Sierra Club launched a law suit (U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia: Judicial Watch Inc. v. Department of Energy, et al., Civil Action No. 01-0981) under the FOIA to gain access to the task force's materials. After several years of legal wrangling, in May, 2005 an appeals court permitted the Energy Task Force's records to remain secret.[15][16]
Why should we listen to a pretender who wants us all to believe just a short while ago he was a "right winger" but now he has seen the light and believes whole heatedly in Obama.

What is it with you children that have to pretend to be something you are not.

I'm not a "he" and you can continue living in fantasyland and denial. I guess you've never heard of an independent voter which means we hold no loyalty to any party and we don't have to follow the party into hell and agree with everything they say. We can decide independently who we want to vote for depending on the candidates, the issues, the times (ie 2012 vs. 2008) and many other variables. Continue with your narrowminded talking points and insults because that is all you have and all you are.

STFU, Libtard.

You voted for a radical Leftist as POTUS in '08, and you will vote for him again in '12.

The HATE groups want the US under their thumbs, the above is further proof. Those who respect this country, love liberty, justice and equality, are to them the enemy; they desire a NEO America. They are the VICHY Americans, and the struggle to remain the greatest nation on earth requires fighting the extremists, be they Islamic totalitarians, or our own Petains and Quislings.
I can't even fanthom what running the executive branch in the same manner as the Republican legistaltors have seen fit to try and run things the last decade. The shit they have pulled in the name of self-interest is beyond comprehension. How does that even translate into excutive branch politics? Remember all the closed door meetings they used to hold?

Awww... Upset that the evil Republicans wont allow your puppet masters to fulfill your Liberal utopian dreams, and destroy what America was founded on? Closed door meetings indeed.
I'm not a "he" and you can continue living in fantasyland and denial. I guess you've never heard of an independent voter which means we hold no loyalty to any party and we don't have to follow the party into hell and agree with everything they say. We can decide independently who we want to vote for depending on the candidates, the issues, the times (ie 2012 vs. 2008) and many other variables. Continue with your narrowminded talking points and insults because that is all you have and all you are.

STFU, Libtard.

You voted for a radical Leftist as POTUS in '08, and you will vote for him again in '12.

I voted for McCain/Palin and you probably wet your pants instead of voting because you sound like you are a regressive still in diapers!

Sure you voted for McCain... And pigs fly too I suppose.
I can't even fanthom what running the executive branch in the same manner as the Republican legistaltors have seen fit to try and run things the last decade. The shit they have pulled in the name of self-interest is beyond comprehension. How does that even translate into excutive branch politics? Remember all the closed door meetings they used to hold?

Awww... Upset that the evil Republicans wont allow your puppet masters to fulfill your Liberal utopian dreams, and destroy what America was founded on? Closed door meetings indeed.

I do hate to disillusion you but Obama is working for what America was founded on you dumb fuck.
I'm sure if Obama puts anything up that would help the country he would jump right on it.
I can't even fanthom what running the executive branch in the same manner as the Republican legistaltors have seen fit to try and run things the last decade. The shit they have pulled in the name of self-interest is beyond comprehension. How does that even translate into excutive branch politics? Remember all the closed door meetings they used to hold?

Awww... Upset that the evil Republicans wont allow your puppet masters to fulfill your Liberal utopian dreams, and destroy what America was founded on? Closed door meetings indeed.

I do hate to disillusion you but Obama is working for what America was founded on you dumb fuck.

Though he is not very effective, at least he respects this nation's original ideals, the extremists despise liberty, AND justice.
I can't even fanthom what running the executive branch in the same manner as the Republican legistaltors have seen fit to try and run things the last decade. The shit they have pulled in the name of self-interest is beyond comprehension. How does that even translate into excutive branch politics? Remember all the closed door meetings they used to hold?

Awww... Upset that the evil Republicans wont allow your puppet masters to fulfill your Liberal utopian dreams, and destroy what America was founded on? Closed door meetings indeed.

I do hate to disillusion you but Obama is working for what America was founded on you dumb fuck.

Utterly stunning...
Perhaps you should share with us what it was that this greatest of nations was in fact founded on.

Obama is all about "social justice", "fair shares" and in the interest of Cloward-Piven, proving that capitalism is a failed system.
STFU, Libtard.

You voted for a radical Leftist as POTUS in '08, and you will vote for him again in '12.

I voted for McCain/Palin and you probably wet your pants instead of voting because you sound like you are a regressive still in diapers!

Sure you voted for McCain... And pigs fly too I suppose.

I didn't "used to be a repulican". I voted for repbulican candidates in 2008. There is a difference!Too bad you can't debate instead of insult and get topics off track. I know you don't know what an independent voter is but we have no party loyalty and vote for different party candidates often for different reasons. We don't have to follow lockstep with a party and we don't have to agree with everything a party dictates like those who are party affiliated. I have voted about 50/50 for repblicans and dems. So far I haven't voted for a 3rd party candidate because I think it's a wasted vote. Also, it appears you have never heard of people voting against a candidate rather than FOR the other. I had seriously thought of sitting this election out and not voting for anyone because I'm not gung ho for Obama but I thought about it and think that those people who sit out elections might be helping the cadidate they like least (agree with least) to get elected so I will PROBABLY vote for Obama. It is also too bad your mind functions on a 1st grade level and you can't understand nuances and independent thinking.
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Awww... Upset that the evil Republicans wont allow your puppet masters to fulfill your Liberal utopian dreams, and destroy what America was founded on? Closed door meetings indeed.

I do hate to disillusion you but Obama is working for what America was founded on you dumb fuck.

Though he is not very effective, at least he respects this nation's original ideals, the extremists despise liberty, AND justice.

How does fast and furious respect those ideals....?

Be specific please...........
The march to a better country and a better world will not be a straight and smooth path, that is a given. It is the mornic chanting of, "He said we did not build it!" and crowds wildly cheering 'Freedom!' and waving signs for clean coal that are IED's on that road. And the ones on this message board who are attacking 'Libtards' like me are some sort of slimy growth.
Awww... Upset that the evil Republicans wont allow your puppet masters to fulfill your Liberal utopian dreams, and destroy what America was founded on? Closed door meetings indeed.

I do hate to disillusion you but Obama is working for what America was founded on you dumb fuck.

Utterly stunning...
Perhaps you should share with us what it was that this greatest of nations was in fact founded on.

Obama is all about "social justice", "fair shares" and in the interest of Cloward-Piven, proving that capitalism is a failed system.

So you think Obama is against capitalism? Before I say something harsh I just want to get a measure of your cranium.
With all due respect? Why would you even START a string with an article from The Daily KOS?

If you want to be taken seriously...either use a credible source or craft your own criticism of Ryan.
The march to a better country and a better world will not be a straight and smooth path, that is a given. It is the mornic chanting of, "He said we did not build it!" and crowds wildly cheering 'Freedom!' and waving signs for clean coal that are IED's on that road. And the ones on this message board who are attacking 'Libtards' like me are some sort of slimy growth.

The "moronic chants of, He said we did not build it" are an attempt to get drones like you to admit what this Euro-socialist failure is really all about.

It's not often we get words from Obama that have not been carefully plotted and planned in advance. So when it happens and those words run so contradictory to all that America has stood for, it tends to leave an impression...or in your case, not.
The march to a better country and a better world will not be a straight and smooth path, that is a given. It is the mornic chanting of, "He said we did not build it!" and crowds wildly cheering 'Freedom!' and waving signs for clean coal that are IED's on that road. And the ones on this message board who are attacking 'Libtards' like me are some sort of slimy growth.

What is slimy, is hooking your campaign contributors up with green energy dollars.

Of course they went tits up, But Obumble managed to make the deal so they didnt lose a personal dime.

We could discuss the justice dept but you dont appear to be above the rank of knee pad, so there is no point.......
'this Euro-socialist failure'???

America is great and you are a moron. Thanks for playing.
The march to a better country and a better world will not be a straight and smooth path, that is a given. It is the mornic chanting of, "He said we did not build it!" and crowds wildly cheering 'Freedom!' and waving signs for clean coal that are IED's on that road. And the ones on this message board who are attacking 'Libtards' like me are some sort of slimy growth.

What is slimy, is hooking your campaign contributors up with green energy dollars.

Of course they went tits up, But Obumble managed to make the deal so they didnt lose a personal dime.

We could discuss the justice dept but you dont appear to be above the rank of knee pad, so there is no point.......

You have a picture of you with your new-born as an avatar and a chain-gunning smilie in your signiture. You wack off a lot?

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