Did Pelosi give up a 2nd $1200 stimulus check when she refused to back off $600/mo in UI and aid to States?

Now the Illiteracy of Ray From Cleveland poster is Raving!

Raving Ray posts:
"Unemployment is not to stimulate the economy, it's to keep people going in between jobs. Not replacing jobs. The stimulus money is designed for stimulating the economy." Corrected response from mascale is that personal spending is expected to happen from the benefits, and so is a stimulus in lieu of lost spending. Anything additional is even more stimulus--prompting more spending, more consumption, more employment. . . and on and on.

Then Raving Ray posts
"You people are like trained seals. Tax cuts create debt. Planned parenthood spending doesn't create debt, The funding of the arts, NPR, PBS doesn't create debt, all our social programs don't create debt, foreign aid doesn't create debt, funding green energy doesn't create debt, only tax cuts do."
Corrected response from mascale is that tax cuts during federal deficits--and solely for the rich--create further deficit expansion. Raving Ray is opposed to paying the federal bureaucracy, the US Military, NASA, National Parks, CONTINUED PERSONAL CONSUMPTION FROM SPENDING ON SOCIAL PROGRAMS, NATIONAL BROADCAST CAPABILITIES, NATIONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSES, AND THE PURCHASE OF US GOODS AND SERVICES--ENHANCING PERSONAL CONSUMPTION AND SPENDING: THROUGH THE FOREIGN AID PROGRAMS! Against all of that, Tax Cuts are clearly designed to avoid paying for any of it, creating debt! Raving Ray at least might cut the military spending: First, Forever, and Completely!

Then Raving Ray posts:
"You people are so unbelievably brainwashed you don't even know it. You say what you are told to say, but never think before saying it."
Corrected Response from mascale is to start from Raving Ray's first line, "Unemployment is not to stimulate the economy. . . . and so on to more Raving Ray illiterate nonsense. Anyone notices that people spend, inventory is needed, people become employed to create it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Prayers with basis in Matt 25: 14-30, are illiteracy, prima facie!)

Which is what unemployment does without the additional fed contributions. What the federal government is constitutionally charged with is the protection of our country. To protect our country in modern times, we need to spend money on the military and military equipment. We need a a lot of training and housing. It's justified according to our founders. Planned parenthood and NPR are not.

We don't have a tax problem, we have a spending problem. The top 20% of earners in this country pay over 87% of all collected income taxes for the rest of us. If anybody deserves a tax cut, it's them since they pay almost all of it.

On one hand your claim is government goodies contribute to our economy. Well...what do you think the wealthy do with their money, put it under their mattress? They buy things, they invest, they support the stock market where many of us have our retirement plans in. With tax cuts they have the ability to expand business and create more jobs. They are just as instrumental to our economy as the average American consumer. If they don't produce products and services, there is nothing for us to spend our money on.

And remember: At least raving illiterate Ray knows how to use the forum, particularly the quote feature; something you apparently don't know how to use yet.

"I cannot lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Raving Ray From Cleveland further fails even at common military reasoning. Nations already have, "Mutually Assured Destruction!" Even liberals notice, but don't much comment--No new Trumped-Up wars so far.

Even USPS can apparently spot a giant area of spending reductions, just doing the arithmetic: The Defense Spending money. When the rich put money into an investment--they take on arithmetic risk. They can spread it all around--rich enough--so the risk is reduced. They create no jobs. They expand no businesses. The investment becomes a source of funding, for organizations.

The funding is used by people expecting the funding to be repaid from consumer spending. The rich have done that already-the spending: Hence, the funding. There is lots left over. Customers at lesser incomes do the spending. The rich do not.

Raving Ray the Asylum Lunatic instead posts--"if they don't produce products and services. . . .(?)" The news unknown to Raving Ray the Asylum Lunatic: Is that the rich do not. They don't produce goods and services, at all. A market needs consumers willing to spend.

All the spending from the federal government barely goes to enough people spending to keep the economy running. Hence, there was a stimulus only a few months ago. The US Economy of the Trumped-Up problems was slowing last summer. The rich do not spend. The spending was slowing. Then in came the Pelosi Stimulus. The Trumped-Up Administration was hunting bats with Chinese passports, not the Euro-Virus contagion, instead. NRA! NRA! That's The Way For USA!"

For Target Stores--The recent Stimulus worked monster bundles really well. For Tiffany's--the rich weren't so interested, in taking that kind of risk to go into their stores. You might say, "They'd had enough of that crap!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 25: 14-30: Is not about a friendly marketplace!"
Raving Ray From Cleveland further fails even at common military reasoning. Nations already have, "Mutually Assured Destruction!" Even liberals notice, but don't much comment--No new Trumped-Up wars so far.

That doesn't mean we can not be prepared for war. In time of peace, prepare for war. You can't be the world police and not be prepared for war until it comes out.

Even USPS can apparently spot a giant area of spending reductions, just doing the arithmetic: The Defense Spending money. When the rich put money into an investment--they take on arithmetic risk. They can spread it all around--rich enough--so the risk is reduced. They create no jobs. They expand no businesses. The investment becomes a source of funding, for organizations.

Yes, they do create jobs, they do provide services, and they do create products. Where do you think your computer comes from, the homeless people? Where do you think your internet service comes from, two cans with a string tied between them?

The post office problem is one of technology: More email, more fax, more online billing, more online paying, more texts, more Skype. The Democrats loyal to their union buddies and supporters are trying to pay them back by pressuring us into mail voting. In that process, wanting more tax dollars to save their campaign donations from those unions.

The funding is used by people expecting the funding to be repaid from consumer spending. The rich have done that already-the spending: Hence, the funding. There is lots left over. Customers at lesser incomes do the spending. The rich do not.

They don't? Then how is it the rich have more items, higher priced items, more services than the average consumer? They live in larger home with more amenities than the average worker. Of course the rich spend money. Many business people spend half their life traveling on airplanes.

Raving Ray the Asylum Lunatic instead posts--"if they don't produce products and services. . . .(?)" The news unknown to Raving Ray the Asylum Lunatic: Is that the rich do not. They don't produce goods and services, at all. A market needs consumers willing to spend.

I never said they didn't. But you can't spend money on items or services that aren't there. That's the point. Again, if the rich don't create products and services, then who do you think does?

All the spending from the federal government barely goes to enough people spending to keep the economy running. Hence, there was a stimulus only a few months ago. The US Economy of the Trumped-Up problems was slowing last summer. The rich do not spend. The spending was slowing. Then in came the Pelosi Stimulus. The Trumped-Up Administration was hunting bats with Chinese passports, not the Euro-Virus contagion, instead. NRA! NRA! That's The Way For USA!"

The economy and spending last summer was fantastic. We never had such a good economy in most of our lives. In fact spending was such that many people didn't have any savings accounts. Surveys showed that if an $800.00 emergency came up, most people didn't have the funds to cover it. Why is that? Because they were making money and spending it as fast as they got it.
Illiterate Raving Ray Again: Where do you think your computer comes from, the homeless people?

Corrected from mascale. Illiterate Anti-prosperity, Trumped-Up LETHAL ILLITERATE--Ray From Cleveland poster--CLAIMING STEVE JOBS OWNED A $15.0 BIL. GARAGE, WITH LANDED ESTATES IN 40 NATIONS, FROM WHICH HE CREATED THE PHONE-TECH: Misrepresents the concept, even--of "Apple Shares of Stock!" So he posts, right above--there are no shares of Apple Stock, and there never have been, and there never will be. The claim is that rich people have no money, and so never bought the stock. Inventing the phone tech, they did not do.

Ray From Cleveland poster appears in fact to claim that Steve never existed!

A part of the stupid legend is that Steve Jobs was nearly homeless, at the start.

People did not have the $800 to cover an emergency, just a few months ago: Per Raving Ray from Cleveland. A few months ago, The Stimulus One did $600 per week, and not a concept supported from the Illiterate brands.

That is how bad the Trumped-Up are for the planet, even worldwide. Socialists don't have the problem, even.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, is not a pretty sight--and so it is what people pray for(?)!)
Illiteracy is this tragic--"And yet you leftists never move to any of these socialist utopias."

People live in those nations, and millions are immigrants to them.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, has remedies in place worldwide!)
Illiteracy is this tragic--"And yet you leftists never move to any of these socialist utopias."

People live in those nations, and millions are immigrants to them.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, has remedies in place worldwide!)

Then move to one of them, and take the rest of your leftist brothers and sisters with you. Be happy.
The Blessings of Socialism are noted by Raving Illiterate Ray From Cleveland--Lands to move to, even with Social Security(?)! (We have that here, and welfare, and Medicare, and Medicaid, and public education, and Government hospitals and clinics, and even Eisenhower admired the Socialist highways! He had been up against some!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Casting even entire programs out(?): Matt 25: 14-30
meanwhile, Trump's exec order won't have any effect till after labor day and has funding for at most four weeks.

and a drop of 40% in consumer spending.

While imo the $600 a month was causing people to not take jobs in places even as affluent as Denver, I can't fault Pelosi for not anticipating Meadows would just walk away from any deal because his actions are counterproductive to Trump's reelection chances. But Meadows never succeeded in getting anything passed while he was in the House, and the failure to deal didn't come as a total surprise.

The Blessings of Socialism are noted by Raving Illiterate Ray From Cleveland--Lands to move to, even with Social Security(?)! (We have that here, and welfare, and Medicare, and Medicaid, and public education, and Government hospitals and clinics, and even Eisenhower admired the Socialist highways! He had been up against some!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Casting even entire programs out(?): Matt 25: 14-30

We are also now 26 trillion dollars in debt which can never be paid for. When we can no longer pay the interest on this debt, nobody will ever lend us a dime. When that happens, the country will financially collapse.

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