Did Putin’s statement mean he will nuke nations that interfere with Ukraine war?

Assuming the other guy thinks like we do is the first mistake made in international politics.

That assumption has not been made no matter how many times you repeat that falsehood.

If he thought like we did then sanctions would work. The reality is he does not think like we do, prosperity is NOT a goal of Russia. Reconstituting the old soviet block is.

And that goal is unattainable with a nuclear strike.
Speaking at a meeting with his top officials, Putin directed the Russian defense minister and the chief of the military's General Staff to put the nuclear deterrent forces in a "special regime of combat duty."

This morning on my news feeds.

I would not have thought that Putin's statement of "like you have never seen" meant nuclear war. Now, I am not so sure. If he is leaning that direction already, then he is an even bigger maniac than I thought.
Apples and oranges.

Pearl Harbor was a strategic maneuver that had a chance of gaining them dominance in the Pacific. It failed, yes, but that does not mean said failure was inevitable.

OTOH, a nuclear strike is a guaranteed failure, period. The only thing that would guarantee is a retaliatory strike. Russia can not withstand the world coming down on it and that is a simple fact knows by everyone.
A retaliatory strike is not at all inevitable. Russia launches one and immediately calls for a stand down, telling western leaders that there won't be any further attacks if the west doesn't retaliate and they bow to Russia's wishes.

Or just count on the fact that western leaders are weak and don't have the balls to kill 100 million Russians. And China would probably immediately threaten retaliation against us in defense of Russia.

Tell me which nuclear-state leader would not cave? Which would stand up to the threat of a nuclear attack? Reagan, yes. Bush 1, yes. Trump, yes. No one else from Carter to today would have retaliated.

I'm already hearing, even on Fox, the talking heads on TV and in government suggesting that we need to back off under the threat of Putin's raising the state of his nuclear forces in the past 48 hours.

Our leaders are weak and feckless. I don't believe any western leader today has the balls to retaliate.
Speaking at a meeting with his top officials, Putin directed the Russian defense minister and the chief of the military's General Staff to put the nuclear deterrent forces in a "special regime of combat duty."

This morning on my news feeds.

I would not have thought that Putin's statement of "like you have never seen" meant nuclear war. Now, I am not so sure. If he is leaning that direction already, then he is an even bigger maniac than I thought.
He's been reminding the west, in very clear and certain words, that he is the leader of one of the largest holder of nuclear weapons in the world. There was never any doubt about his intention when he talked about what would happen if the west interferes. The scary part is that the Biden administration is pretending he means something other than nuclear.
Apparently the president isn't taking it too seriously in a weekend in Delaware. If Biden doesn't know how the hell would we know?
Apparently the president isn't taking it too seriously in a weekend in Delaware. If Biden doesn't know how the hell would we know?
What does that have to do with anything?

The president is NEVER off the job and his location is irrelevant.
Putin's brass but not stupid. Mutually assured destruction

now if hes mentally unstable thats another story. and if that the case there should be an assassination being planned!!!!

hes not going to risk his beloved Russia becoming a glass parking lot.

KYIV, Ukraine — Russian troops launched a wide-ranging attack on Ukraine on Thursday, as President Vladimir Putin cast aside international condemnation and sanctions and warned other countries that any attempt to interfere would lead to “consequences you have never seen.”

That means NUKES to me.
He won't if you don't. What's there to not understand?

But then again, you will not find me stating otherwise at any time.

That you assume I am a partisan says more about you than me.
My statement was just general. Truly wasn't aimed at you. I dont think I have read a single post of yours. As to whether you are a partisan, Ill decide that after seeing more of what you post.

Ive never known a partisan liberal to admit they are a partisan liberal though.
My statement was just general. Truly wasn't aimed at you. I dont think I have read a single post of yours. As to whether you are a partisan, Ill decide that after seeing more of what you post.

Ive never known a partisan liberal to admit they are a partisan liberal though.
lol, well I have not known many partisans period that admit they are partisans.

However, my statements apply equally. The optics in certain situations may be poor but the reality is where the president is located is immaterial, be it Martha's Vineyard, the golf course or a ranch.

The tired old complaint about the president being on 'vacation' or on the road has always been a rather moronic one.
lol, well I have not known many partisans period that admit they are partisans.
well you know one now.

I am absolutely a partisan conservative. liberalism is a mental disease and destroys EVERYTHING it gets control of.

Im a PROUD PARTISAN CONSERVATIVE and very unapologetic for being one.
Speaking at a meeting with his top officials, Putin directed the Russian defense minister and the chief of the military's General Staff to put the nuclear deterrent forces in a "special regime of combat duty."

This morning on my news feeds.

I would not have thought that Putin's statement of "like you have never seen" meant nuclear war. Now, I am not so sure. If he is leaning that direction already, then he is an even bigger maniac than I thought.
Putin puts his military on combat duty.
We just destroy our military.

well you know one now.

I am absolutely a partisan conservative. liberalism is a mental disease and destroys EVERYTHING it gets control of.

Im a PROUD PARTISAN CONSERVATIVE and very unapologetic for being one.
Conservative isn't a party.

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