Did the Democrats start the trend of interrupting Presidential speeches?

why? is he a puppet?
sure and if we are not going to ask him to apologize for callin republicans liars then joe wilson has no reason to apologize either. it's just that simple.
Why did the GOP leadership make him do it then?

why? is he a puppet? it's your fault I abused my office? pathetic.
I think I'm going to need a WillowBee to English dictionary for that one.

We'll try again. See if you can answer cogently, and hopefully without answering a question with a question:

Why did the GOP leadership make him do it then?
You're asking the President to apologize for the truthful content of his speech? Yeah, that's gonna happen. Are you always this crazy, or are you just a bit off today?

Contradicting what the president had to say is what the Republican response is for.

Not to mention the fact that Republicans had been calling the president a liar and blatantly lying about his health care plan for weeks before the speech, which was the reason for the speech in the first place.

I'll tell you what, if you get every Republican that called the president a liar, and lied about his health care plan to apologize first, I'm sure he'd be happy to apologize to them.

sure and if we are not going to ask him to apologize for callin republicans liars then joe wilson has no reason to apologize either. it's just that simple.
the point he was making was the republicans had every opportunity to speak their opinion after the speech like usual. There is a time and a place.
wilson has no reason to apologize either. it's just that simple.

I'm sorry, was this speech called "Joe Wilson Addresses Congress"?

Was Joe Wilson given some sort of special dispensation to deliver his own speech on the floor of congress that night?

No, I didnt' think so.

The reason why there are rules in place is so the PRESIDENT of the United States can address Congress in a coherent manner, without a shouting match occurring. The Republicans are then given a chance to respond immediately afterwards.

I know that regular viewers of FoxNews find it hard to understand any spoken debate where the participants don't shout over one another to be heard, but that's the way it works among rational people.
Why did the GOP leadership make him do it then?

why? is he a puppet? it's your fault I abused my office? pathetic.
I think I'm going to need a WillowBee to English dictionary for that one.

We'll try again. See if you can answer cogently, and hopefully without answering a question with a question:

Why did the GOP leadership make him do it then?

why? is he a puppet? it's your fault I abused my office? pathetic.
You're asking the President to apologize for the truthful content of his speech? Yeah, that's gonna happen. Are you always this crazy, or are you just a bit off today?

Contradicting what the president had to say is what the Republican response is for.

Not to mention the fact that Republicans had been calling the president a liar and blatantly lying about his health care plan for weeks before the speech, which was the reason for the speech in the first place.

I'll tell you what, if you get every Republican that called the president a liar, and lied about his health care plan to apologize first, I'm sure he'd be happy to apologize to them.

sure and if we are not going to ask him to apologize for callin republicans liars then joe wilson has no reason to apologize either. it's just that simple.
the point he was making was the republicans had every opportunity to speak their opinion after the speech like usual. There is a time and a place.

the point is the leader of the free world should call his opponents liars on the campaign trail not in front of both houses of congress. Neither should have done it.
wilson has no reason to apologize either. it's just that simple.

I'm sorry, was this speech called "Joe Wilson Addresses Congress"?

Was Joe Wilson given some sort of special dispensation to deliver his own speech on the floor of congress that night?

No, I didnt' think so.

The reason why there are rules in place is so the PRESIDENT of the United States can address Congress in a coherent manner, without a shouting match occurring. The Republicans are then given a chance to respond immediately afterwards.

I know that regular viewers of FoxNews find it hard to understand any spoken debate where the participants don't shout over one another to be heard, but that's the way it works among rational people.

if your dear leader doesn't want a shouting match then perhaps he should not call his opponents liars in front of the world and both houses of congress, on the other hand if he is the leader he should lead,, Joe followed his lead.
why? is he a puppet? it's your fault I abused my office? pathetic.
I think I'm going to need a WillowBee to English dictionary for that one.

We'll try again. See if you can answer cogently, and hopefully without answering a question with a question:

Why did the GOP leadership make him do it then?

why? is he a puppet? it's your fault I abused my office? pathetic.
Ah. I guess we know the answer to the question Vast_LWC asked earlier:
Are you always this crazy, or are you just a bit off today?
why? is he a puppet? it's your fault I abused my office? pathetic.

The President responding to accusations made by the opposition party during HIS SPEECH is not, in any way, "abuse of office".

I'm not sure what bizarro world you're from exactly, where the President's address to congress, was actually "Joe Wilson's address to congress", or where the President is not allowed to speak his mind during his own address, but it must be in an entirely different universe from the rest of us.
I think I'm going to need a WillowBee to English dictionary for that one.

We'll try again. See if you can answer cogently, and hopefully without answering a question with a question:

Why did the GOP leadership make him do it then?

why? is he a puppet? it's your fault I abused my office? pathetic.
Ah. I guess we know the answer to the question Vast_LWC asked earlier:
Are you always this crazy, or are you just a bit off today?

ask me if I give a shit whydonchya?
The booing isn't an issue. The Democrats booed during parts of Bush's addresses and Republicans did it to Clinton.
if your dear leader doesn't want a shouting match then perhaps he should not call his opponents liars in front of the world and both houses of congress, on the other hand if he is the leader he should lead,, Joe followed his lead.

It's his speech, he can say whatever the hell he wants. Especially when he has been attacked by members of congress for months beforehand.

Did anyone interrupt the Republican respondent when he gave the official Republican Response?

So, again, as soon as every single Republican, and their talking head puppets, makes a public apology to President Obama for spreading lies about health care in the first place, and for calling Mr Obama a liar, I'm sure the President would be happy to apologize for speaking his mind in HIS speech.
You're asking the President to apologize for the truthful content of his speech? Yeah, that's gonna happen. Are you always this crazy, or are you just a bit off today?

Contradicting what the president had to say is what the Republican response is for.

Not to mention the fact that Republicans had been calling the president a liar and blatantly lying about his health care plan for weeks before the speech, which was the reason for the speech in the first place.

I'll tell you what, if you get every Republican that called the president a liar, and lied about his health care plan to apologize first, I'm sure he'd be happy to apologize to them.

She's notorious around here for talking bunch of shit over and over again like a broken record. Don't expect much deep analysis or sensible critique from her.
wilson has no reason to apologize either. it's just that simple.

I'm sorry, was this speech called "Joe Wilson Addresses Congress"?

Was Joe Wilson given some sort of special dispensation to deliver his own speech on the floor of congress that night?

No, I didnt' think so.

The reason why there are rules in place is so the PRESIDENT of the United States can address Congress in a coherent manner, without a shouting match occurring. The Republicans are then given a chance to respond immediately afterwards.

I know that regular viewers of FoxNews find it hard to understand any spoken debate where the participants don't shout over one another to be heard, but that's the way it works among rational people.

Now you hit the nail on the head ... One can't expect cavemen to have table manners.
if your dear leader doesn't want a shouting match then perhaps he should not call his opponents liars in front of the world and both houses of congress, on the other hand if he is the leader he should lead,, Joe followed his lead.

It's his speech, he can say whatever the hell he wants. Especially when he has been attacked by members of congress for months beforehand.

Did anyone interrupt the Republican respondent when he gave the official Republican Response?

So, again, as soon as every single Republican, and their talking head puppets, makes a public apology to President Obama for spreading lies about health care in the first place, and for calling Mr Obama a liar, I'm sure the President would be happy to apologize for speaking his mind in HIS speech.

don't hold your breath crybaby,, you like to dish it but you cannot take it.. time for a diaper change.
don't hold your breath crybaby,, you like to dish it but you cannot take it.. time for a diaper change.

I don't even know what you're talking about here.

I do know that you've succeeded in devolving the conversation (or your half of it, at least) to the level of an 8-year-old. Good Work.

This is a false premise.

Cheering and booing have been a part of these speeches for some time now, not starting in 2005.

The Republicans ALL booed this time around also.

The difference was Joe Wilson loudly calling the President of the United States a liar in the middle of the speech.

Which is why Wilson was singled out.

The fact that Wilson was incorrect in his accusation is another matter altogether.

watch that video, you can hear the democrats shouting out words at bush too, but they are hard to understand.

I'm just saying whats the beef, presidents are interrupted all the time....wilson called obama out inappropriately then apologized, obama accepted it...then the congress got to work making the wording stricter in the bill in regards to illegals.

Job done.
YouTube - Democrats Boo Bush During 2005 SOTU

Just saying, Wilson is not the first time a president speaking in front of congress was interrupted by a member or members of that congress.

And in reality people stop and cheer constantly, interrupting presidents, is that tacit approval of a comment giving an opening to those who may want to boo instead? Could be...its an interesting thought excercise to think of at least.

EDIT: I think yelling out liar was out of line.

There's a big difference between collective boos and cheers and a single idiot blurting shit out.

(and the collective booing didn't first happen in 2005)

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