Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?

Did the MSM and liberals in general give Palin the very respect they are now demandin

  • Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy

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whatever, the way Palin was treated was not right by ANY measure.

If that is true, then the way that Obama was treated and is still treated is not right by ANY measure. But that's politics. If we want to take women politicians seriously, they have to be able to take it like the "big boys". If not, they will not be taken seriously by us....or by the world.

Obama is treated like the messiah by the press.

Only in your whiney little fantasy world.
I saw Obama treat Ed Henry like dirt last week in that news conference. Obama was laughing at his question and Henry is one of the most respected reporters on The Hill.
Obama is one arrogant SOB when dealing with press he deems as beneath him.
It's not just that he thinks they're beneath him (which he believes of everybody). It's that he doesn't believe in freedom of the press to begin with. Yes he scorns them, he scorns everybody. But what is frightening is that he thinks he has the right to shut them down.
It's not just that he thinks they're beneath him (which he believes of everybody). It's that he doesn't believe in freedom of the press to begin with. Yes he scorns them, he scorns everybody. But what is frightening is that he thinks he has the right to shut them down.

How has freedom of the press been curtailed under this current administration?
I didn't say it had. Can you stick to the subject, just ONCE?

I'm going by YOUR comment right here:
It's that he doesn't believe in freedom of the press to begin with.

So, again....what has the current administration done to curtail freedom of speech since, as you claim, our President doesn't believe in it? (You'd think he'd do something to get rid of something he doesn't believe in......)
Again. I didn't say they'd done anything to curtail freedom of speech. Go back and read it again.
It's not just that he thinks they're beneath him (which he believes of everybody). It's that he doesn't believe in freedom of the press to begin with. Yes he scorns them, he scorns everybody. But what is frightening is that he thinks he has the right to shut them down.

What utter nonsense. What evidence do you have that he doesn't believe in the Freedom of the Press, or that he believes he has the right to shut them (any of them) down?
Do you remember when he wanted the gov't to buy out a couple of big newspaper companies?

And then there's this:

Jon Leibowitz, the chairman of Obama’s Federal Trade Commission, is at the epicenter of a quiet movement to subsidize news organizations, a first step toward government control of the media. In our book, 2010: Take Back America — A Battle Plan, we reported that he had commissioned a study to examine plans for a federal subsidy for news organizations. Among the measures under consideration are special tax treatment, exemption from antitrust laws and changes in copyright laws.
Now Leibowitz has begun to pounce. A May 24 working paper on “reinventing” the media proposes that the government impose fees on websites such as the Drudge Report that link to news websites or that it tax consumer electronics such as iPads, laptops and Kindles. Funds raised by these levies would be redistributed to traditional media outlets "

But The Wall Street Journal reported six months ago that Leibowitz had commissioned a study to determine “whether the government should aid struggling news organizations which are suffering from a collapse in advertising revenues as the Internet upends their centuries-old business model.” Among the steps under consideration are changing “the way the industry is regulated, from making news-gathering companies exempt from antitrust laws to granting them special tax treatment to making changes to copyright laws.”

These are exactly the kind of subsidies that could and would trigger government oversight and control."

Obama vs. press freedom - TheHill.com
I don't find her entertaining, just boring as shit. It's like you say something once, and then you have to say it 10 more times before she comprehends it.
Are you kidding? Louie Ck went on Opie and Anthony and called her a ****, her child a retard that looked like it just fell out of her retard producing ****.

Nary a peep.
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

Sure they did. If you run for president, vice president, senate, congress and so on, you're fair game.
I have no problem with the attacks on Hillary Clinton either but Hill was used to the national spotlight and much, much better equipped to handle the heat.
I don't feel sorry for Sarah at all. She turned on her marketing skills, blamed the "evil media" and became a multi-millionaire as a result of the whole debacle. I wish her all the success in the world, outside of government.
respect isn't inherited. One earns it. She was initially given the benefit of the doubt until she removed such doubt.
You aren't expected to respect her. You're expected not to actively attack her sex.
Watch the right wing go ballistic when Tebow is traded to Jacksonville for a 4th rounder when Manning signs with them.
They will find some way to blame the anti God, anti religous media and label Manning a Satan worshiper.
Watch the right wing go ballistic when Tebow is traded to Jacksonville for a 4th rounder when Manning signs with them.
They will find some way to blame the anti God, anti religous media and label Manning a Satan worshiper.

Wont happen.
Watch the right wing go ballistic when Tebow is traded to Jacksonville for a 4th rounder when Manning signs with them.
They will find some way to blame the anti God, anti religous media and label Manning a Satan worshiper.

OMG... what a fucking idiot.

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