Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?

Did the MSM and liberals in general give Palin the very respect they are now demandin

  • Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy

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The funny thing..the things they attacked her about...motherhood, intelligence, and her looks...are the things they claim are symptomatic of the objectification of women. Even in this thread they try to marginalize her by pointing out her looks and sexuality, and then when they can't get her discounted that way, they claim she's just stupid. Without reason..one presumes it's because she's female.
She had the audacity to have a child that doctors told her could have a problem...

She chose to do so of free will...

Imagine that?

Stupid bimbo! How dare she get a job outside the home!
Kina torpedos the left's argument of a "War on women" doesn't it? Or rather is it just Ms. Palin is a 'woman of wrong political stripe' and practices personal responsibility for raising a family?
The right cannot rationalize LimpBall's behavior so they jump in circles and point fingers at comedians who HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH SANDRA FLUKE. THen it's an easy jump to Sarah Palin who was called derogatory names when she made an ASS of herself in front of Katie Couric and the entire country.

The far right learned these sort of tactics from Karl Rove's campaign book on how to make a stupid, rich lazy boy the 43rd president of the United States. You learn well, little grasshoppers.

I don't believe I've heard anyone on the right trying to rationalize what Limbaugh said about Fluke. As a matter of fact, most said he was wrong and he was right to apologize for his comment. What the right is saying, is that the left is making such a big issue of this, yet there are many people on the left who have used the same term Rush did and even worse, in reference to Sarah Palin and no one has called them on it. It is hypocrisy plain and simple. You can disagree with her political views, you can think she's dumb, stupid, or whatever else, you want to think Referring to her in those derogatory terms is just as unacceptable as it is for Ms. Fluke to be referred to in that manner by Rush.
When these things were said about Palin, was the media all up in arms about it, having some spokesperson from a women's group talking about how the comment about Palin was really a comment about all women in general and that everyone should be outraged? Because that's what happened with Fluke.
But see, apparently it's "different" when progressives degrade conservative woman (or woman in general)...

They totally degraded that poor woman and her family, even to the point of stalking her. She held no office at the time and was merely a civilian...

Hell, even to this day progressives still degrade Palin..

Progressives are the biggest fucking hypocrites.

Palin is still an active political pundit and therefore a valid target for ridicule and such.

You do not have to be a progressive to see the humor in Palintologists.

Too god damn funny. And ironic to boot.

Palin was villefied for targeting a district yet her you sit targeting her individually.

Some of you are so fucking hypocritical you can't even see it in yourself.

Thanks for perfectly validating my thread.

We get it...you want women politicians treated differently than men politicians. You do not take them seriously.
But see, apparently it's "different" when progressives degrade conservative woman (or woman in general)...

They totally degraded that poor woman and her family, even to the point of stalking her. She held no office at the time and was merely a civilian...

Hell, even to this day progressives still degrade Palin..

Progressives are the biggest fucking hypocrites.

Palin is still an active political pundit and therefore a valid target for ridicule and such.

You do not have to be a progressive to see the humor in Palintologists.

Too god damn funny. And ironic to boot.

Palin was villefied for targeting a district yet her you sit targeting her individually.

Some of you are so fucking hypocritical you can't even see it in yourself.

Thanks for perfectly validating my thread.

villified for targeting a district?
I need further explanation on that.

I think she is great entertainment and her Palintologist followers are an even bigger hoot.

Not sure that I have ever villified her.
I jjust think she is not really very bright.
Palin is still an active political pundit and therefore a valid target for ridicule and such.

You do not have to be a progressive to see the humor in Palintologists.

Too god damn funny. And ironic to boot.

Palin was villefied for targeting a district yet her you sit targeting her individually.

Some of you are so fucking hypocritical you can't even see it in yourself.

Thanks for perfectly validating my thread.

We get it...you want women politicians treated differently than men politicians. You do not take them seriously.

I get it perfectly well. Women politicians should be treated like politicians. Period. Palins treatment was far from politics. Period.
Too god damn funny. And ironic to boot.

Palin was villefied for targeting a district yet her you sit targeting her individually.

Some of you are so fucking hypocritical you can't even see it in yourself.

Thanks for perfectly validating my thread.

We get it...you want women politicians treated differently than men politicians. You do not take them seriously.

I get it perfectly well. Women politicians should be treated like politicians. Period. Palins treatment was far from politics. Period.

Simply not true...when you compare her treatment to other, male, politicians. They all get the....Treatment. You want her to be handled with kid gloves. It is quite evident.
Too god damn funny. And ironic to boot.

Palin was villefied for targeting a district yet her you sit targeting her individually.

Some of you are so fucking hypocritical you can't even see it in yourself.

Thanks for perfectly validating my thread.

We get it...you want women politicians treated differently than men politicians. You do not take them seriously.

I get it perfectly well. Women politicians should be treated like politicians. Period. Palins treatment was far from politics. Period.


For you:

We get it...you want women politicians treated differently than men politicians. You do not take them seriously.

I get it perfectly well. Women politicians should be treated like politicians. Period. Palins treatment was far from politics. Period.

Simply not true...when you compare her treatment to other, male, politicians. They all get the....Treatment. You want her to be handled with kid gloves. It is quite evident.

whatever, the way Palin was treated was not right by ANY measure.
You hacks just don't fucking get it.

I don't expect Palin or any other gop politician to be treated in any fashion other than that equally comparable to how you treat your own party.

Idiots just don't seem to grasp the concept of why everyone should be held to the same standard. If you want to call Palin a whore, fine just don't fucking bitch when someone on the right offers the same level of childishness to your candidates or representatives.

I'm done her as obviously I'm dealing with the mentally challenged who think their fully functioning adults.
I get it perfectly well. Women politicians should be treated like politicians. Period. Palins treatment was far from politics. Period.

Simply not true...when you compare her treatment to other, male, politicians. They all get the....Treatment. You want her to be handled with kid gloves. It is quite evident.

whatever, the way Palin was treated was not right by ANY measure.

If that is true, then the way that Obama was treated and is still treated is not right by ANY measure. But that's politics. If we want to take women politicians seriously, they have to be able to take it like the "big boys". If not, they will not be taken seriously by us....or by the world.
You hacks just don't fucking get it.

I don't expect Palin or any other gop politician to be treated in any fashion other than that equally comparable to how you treat your own party.

Idiots just don't seem to grasp the concept of why everyone should be held to the same standard. If you want to call Palin a whore, fine just don't fucking bitch when someone on the right offers the same level of childishness to your candidates or representatives.

I'm done her as obviously I'm dealing with the mentally challenged who think their fully functioning adults.

No, we get it and this thread of yours blew up in your face. Palin is a politician. Politicians get nasty stuff said about them. It's part of the game. Period. You want her treated with kid gloves. Sorry, if she's gonna be a politician, she needs to suck it up.
Simply not true...when you compare her treatment to other, male, politicians. They all get the....Treatment. You want her to be handled with kid gloves. It is quite evident.

whatever, the way Palin was treated was not right by ANY measure.

If that is true, then the way that Obama was treated and is still treated is not right by ANY measure. But that's politics. If we want to take women politicians seriously, they have to be able to take it like the "big boys". If not, they will not be taken seriously by us....or by the world.

Please show me where Obama's children were used as a weapon to bludgeon him with, and we will agree that that wasn't right. Show me where he was called a whore? Oh , it didn't happen?
We get it...you want women politicians treated differently than men politicians. You do not take them seriously.

I get it perfectly well. Women politicians should be treated like politicians. Period. Palins treatment was far from politics. Period.

Simply not true...when you compare her treatment to other, male, politicians. They all get the....Treatment. You want her to be handled with kid gloves. It is quite evident.

Name a male politician who has been pilloried for not staying home with his children. Name a male politician who has been lauded as eye candy only, or accused of switching babies with his daughter.

If you can find those things, then maybe we can discuss it. Otherwise, your stance is that it's okay to attack women because they are women, if they are also politicians. Which is, of course, sexism, and hate speech in it's purest form.
whatever, the way Palin was treated was not right by ANY measure.

If that is true, then the way that Obama was treated and is still treated is not right by ANY measure. But that's politics. If we want to take women politicians seriously, they have to be able to take it like the "big boys". If not, they will not be taken seriously by us....or by the world.

Please show me where Obama's children were used as a weapon to bludgeon him with, and we will agree that that wasn't right. Show me where he was called a whore? Oh , it didn't happen?

His children have been attacked (but that, I agree, is not right....though you will be aware that happened to Bush's daughters and Clinton's daughter, and Reagan's kids too). And Obama has been called gay, a druggie, a marxist, a pretender foreigner, a muslim, etc.

You and I know politics is a nasty business...don't insult our intelligence by pretending that Palin is the only politician who has gone thru the fire. Or do you too believe that women politicians should be treated with kid gloves?
whatever, the way Palin was treated was not right by ANY measure.

If that is true, then the way that Obama was treated and is still treated is not right by ANY measure. But that's politics. If we want to take women politicians seriously, they have to be able to take it like the "big boys". If not, they will not be taken seriously by us....or by the world.

Obama is treated like the messiah by the press.
You hacks just don't fucking get it.

I don't expect Palin or any other gop politician to be treated in any fashion other than that equally comparable to how you treat your own party.

Idiots just don't seem to grasp the concept of why everyone should be held to the same standard. If you want to call Palin a whore, fine just don't fucking bitch when someone on the right offers the same level of childishness to your candidates or representatives.

I'm done her as obviously I'm dealing with the mentally challenged who think their fully functioning adults.

No, we get it and this thread of yours blew up in your face. Palin is a politician. Politicians get nasty stuff said about them. It's part of the game. Period. You want her treated with kid gloves. Sorry, if she's gonna be a politician, she needs to suck it up.

Fluke is also a politician. Furthermore, Democrat politicians don't get treated one hundredth as nastily as the press treated Palin. When did hoards of press fly to Chicago to dig up mud on Obama?

Your claims don't pass the laugh test.
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

"War on women"?

The war on women exists, and it exists in the corporate world most commonly in terms of a glass ceiling - the invisable yet unbreachable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder no matter how qualified they maybe.

It also exists in the political world as seen by the successful effort of the Republican Party in defeating the Equal Rights Amendment.***

Reading the posts above by conservative supporters of the GOP blaiming progressive Democrats for treating women with contempt because Sarah Palin was disparaged is one more Big Lie echoed by the fools on the right.

*** Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.
Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.
You hacks just don't fucking get it.

I don't expect Palin or any other gop politician to be treated in any fashion other than that equally comparable to how you treat your own party.

Idiots just don't seem to grasp the concept of why everyone should be held to the same standard. If you want to call Palin a whore, fine just don't fucking bitch when someone on the right offers the same level of childishness to your candidates or representatives.

I'm done her as obviously I'm dealing with the mentally challenged who think their fully functioning adults.

No, we get it and this thread of yours blew up in your face. Palin is a politician. Politicians get nasty stuff said about them. It's part of the game. Period. You want her treated with kid gloves. Sorry, if she's gonna be a politician, she needs to suck it up.

Fluke is also a politician. Furthermore, Democrat politicians don't get treated one hundredth as nastily as the press treated Palin. When did hoards of press fly to Chicago to dig up mud on Obama?

Your claims don't pass the laugh test.
Fluke is no more a politican than you are. She is NOT RUNNING FOR NATIONAL OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!

Palin, sadly, was.
I love it when I hear "liberal media attacked her and her handicapped kid" and then they produce unknown whack job sites as proof.
How many sites out there that claim Obama is a Kenyan spy and his kids are monkeys?
One of the biggest problems most Americans have these days be they Republican or Democrat is thaty THEIR MILK IS WEAK.
The entire nation is becoming mama's boys.
If that is true, then the way that Obama was treated and is still treated is not right by ANY measure. But that's politics. If we want to take women politicians seriously, they have to be able to take it like the "big boys". If not, they will not be taken seriously by us....or by the world.

Please show me where Obama's children were used as a weapon to bludgeon him with, and we will agree that that wasn't right. Show me where he was called a whore? Oh , it didn't happen?

His children have been attacked (but that, I agree, is not right....though you will be aware that happened to Bush's daughters and Clinton's daughter, and Reagan's kids too). And Obama has been called gay, a druggie, a marxist, a pretender foreigner, a muslim, etc.

You and I know politics is a nasty business...don't insult our intelligence by pretending that Palin is the only politician who has gone thru the fire. Or do you too believe that women politicians should be treated with kid gloves?

I agree they are all treated in a disgusting manner. Liberals are beaten up by Fox and the few conservative bloggers while conservatives have to deal with the rest of the media. Everyone has their detractors who go for the heart and try to bring them down by whatever means possible.

On the other hand, some are treated like darlings by their own side and this particular election is a fine example of that. President Obama has been treated like a god by the left for four years now. The heir apparent on the right (Romney) is being treated like a leper by his own side. I can't stand Romney. I definitely won't vote for him or Obama.

There are a lot on the right who "support" Romney, but it is not at all hard to believe them when what you are really reading is "Anybody including Romney but Obama". Few conservatives seem to be saying they like Mitt and mean it.

It is this that makes me think we are headed for four more years of The One.


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