Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?

Did the MSM and liberals in general give Palin the very respect they are now demandin

  • Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy

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Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?
What you perceive as attacks on Palin are due to:

1. she is a political figure and as such, open to political criticism.

2. she is not ready for the national stage. She needs to study harder, get a grip on the issues and get intensive coaching in debate and speech so she won't sound so utterly stupid.

3. Palin a A woman. The Right wing of the Republican party is waging war on WOMEN as a group.

This thread isn't about Palins acumen as a politician. It's asking if the media treated her in a respectful manner. Ie all the name calling prior to the 08 election. Now stop being a chickenshit and vote.

Palin IS a politician. You cannot separate the two...just like you cannot separate the two when talking about Obama, or Bush, or Santorum. To try to do so is having a double standard for female politicians which leads to female politicians coming across as weak, and not to be taken seriously. Case in point....lots of very ugly things are also said about Nancy Pelosi...but she too is a politician and her gender and political life cannot be separated....nor should it.
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.

Anthony Weiner didn't do anything illegal. He texted his penis to a woman. BFD.

Let me explain your hypocricy. Ready Gramps? Follow this.

You guys stood behind Herman Cain when you heard that he had been sexually assaulting women. His approval ratings went up. It was only after you found out that he was in a long term loving extramarital affair that you threw him under the bus.

So you didn't care that he was basically like Jerry Sandusky towards women who worked for him but you did care that he had a goomba on the side?

Fact is Gramps, you think 98% of the women out there are whores. Put that on a bumper sticker.
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?
Of course she was not, But the conservatives hate the PC police so much that the MSM was never called upon it!

I blame Boooosssshhhh for that as well!

Bush is to blame for everything wrong in AMERICA!
Liberal madness!
The Teaparty not having a say in the primaries!
William F Buckley dying
And A socialist in the Whitehouse!

I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

No, it demonstrated that Anthony Weiner was a pervert who couldn't keep it in his pants. Says nothing about Democrats in general. Much like David Vitter demonstrates that he believes women are prostitutes, but doesn't say anything about the GOP in general.

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.
Why vote? You've got two loaded options. Neither fits my view of what happened, so why vote?
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

Sorry troll, Palin brought most of the negative press on herself. "I can see Russia from my porch"; not even you're dumb enough to suggest 'seeing' Russia is a substitute for knowing Russia in terms of an understanding of our long term relations with Russia and the nations which made up the former USSR.

Palin lacked even the rudimentary knowledge needed to pass a blue book exam in an undergrad Foreign Relations exam, or one in Geography or Psychology; her ignorance must be what attracted you and others like you to her.

Palin was and is all partisan all of the time. Of course that is what attracts the 28%ers to whom she appeals; as a demagogue she's a failure, she forgets the other 72% of Americans have open minds and open hearts and the callous conservative theme is anathema to them.

So your answer is "yes, her treatment was appropriate because I think she deserved it cuz she's stupid."

Do you think rape victims also bring it upon themselves?

Of course you do.

Talk to Katzdogz about that one.
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.

Anthony Weiner didn't do anything illegal. He texted his penis to a woman. BFD.

Let me explain your hypocricy. Ready Gramps? Follow this.

You guys stood behind Herman Cain when you heard that he had been sexually assaulting women. His approval ratings went up. It was only after you found out that he was in a long term loving extramarital affair that you threw him under the bus.

So you didn't care that he was basically like Jerry Sandusky towards women who worked for him but you did care that he had a goomba on the side?

Fact is Gramps, you think 98% of the women out there are whores. Put that on a bumper sticker.

How the fuck is that my hypocrisy? I even started an anti Cain thread when I thought the evidence was clear. Before you make further stupid ASSumptions you should do a bit of research first. Idiot
I do think some folks crossed the line with Palin, much like on the Right some folks cross the line (Limbaugh on contraceptives, Malkin and Coulter on the weather and everything else).

Obama was born in Kenya, a socialist, Muslim radical who....................Could it be because she is FEMALE? Asking what newspapers she reads is not a trick question.

Was there some sort of reply in there?
YES. Palin was examined perhaps TOO MUCH; female, and not well known.
Many in the Left Press even attacked her children. So obviously it's a big HELL NO!

That was totally unacceptable, I agree. But Palin was and is a politician. Unless you want a double standard for women politicians, she gets just what the men get.
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

No, it demonstrated that Anthony Weiner was a pervert who couldn't keep it in his pants. Says nothing about Democrats in general. Much like David Vitter demonstrates that he believes women are prostitutes, but doesn't say anything about the GOP in general.

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.
Why vote? You've got two loaded options. Neither fits my view of what happened, so why vote?

Yet another excuse. It's pretty basic. Either she was treated properly or she wasn't.
They attacked her because she is a republican. Woman was secondary and brains is last.

GOP politicians are thin-skinned.

You could well have asked the same question about how Hillary was treated.

And palin invited the responses she got. Though I still wouldn't have called her a c**t or a skank. on the other hand, the rightwingnut boys got a little out of hand about her for the sole reason that they liked how she looked.

Just for the record, pointing out that palin is stupid isn't an "attack". It's merely truth.
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Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?
What you perceive as attacks on Palin are due to:

1. she is a political figure and as such, open to political criticism.

2. she is not ready for the national stage. She needs to study harder, get a grip on the issues and get intensive coaching in debate and speech so she won't sound so utterly stupid.

3. Palin a A woman. The Right wing of the Republican party is waging war on WOMEN as a group.

Are you by any chance forgetting that there appears to be a double standard here with not only your comments but also the fact that the left and their media lapdogs went after Sarah Palin in a manner that makes Ms. Fluke's encounter with Rush Limbaugh look like a summer sprinkle?

And by the way, Ms. Fluke made herself a public figure open to political criticism. She definitely is not ready for the national stage and she is a woman (singular) without a group.

So, what's the difference between Sarah Palin and Sandra Fluke? (R) and (D).


Ms. Fluke is not a politician now, is she?
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.

Anthony Weiner didn't do anything illegal. He texted his penis to a woman. BFD.

Let me explain your hypocricy. Ready Gramps? Follow this.

You guys stood behind Herman Cain when you heard that he had been sexually assaulting women. His approval ratings went up. It was only after you found out that he was in a long term loving extramarital affair that you threw him under the bus.

So you didn't care that he was basically like Jerry Sandusky towards women who worked for him but you did care that he had a goomba on the side?

Fact is Gramps, you think 98% of the women out there are whores. Put that on a bumper sticker.

How the fuck is that my hypocrisy? I even started an anti Cain thread when I thought the evidence was clear. Before you make further stupid ASSumptions you should do a bit of research first. Idiot

I remember once upon a time on this vewy board that stupid drunken salioronabike,, said Palin's vagina looked like chopped hamburger meat cause she'd had so many kids.." he's real respectful of women that one is.
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

Sorry troll, Palin brought most of the negative press on herself. "I can see Russia from my porch"; not even you're dumb enough to suggest 'seeing' Russia is a substitute for knowing Russia in terms of an understanding of our long term relations with Russia and the nations which made up the former USSR.

Palin lacked even the rudimentary knowledge needed to pass a blue book exam in an undergrad Foreign Relations exam, or one in Geography or Psychology; her ignorance must be what attracted you and others like you to her.

Palin was and is all partisan all of the time. Of course that is what attracts the 28%ers to whom she appeals; as a demagogue she's a failure, she forgets the other 72% of Americans have open minds and open hearts and the callous conservative theme is anathema to them.

My God you are the biggest fucking moron on here
They attacked her because she is a republican. Woman was secondary and brains is last.

GOP politicians are thin-skinned.

You could well have asked the same question about Hillary.

And palin invited the responses she got. Though I still wouldn't have called her a c**t or a skank. on the other hand, the rightwingnut boys got a little out of hand about her for the sole reason that they liked how she looked.

oh really? in what way?
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

Sorry troll, Palin brought most of the negative press on herself. "I can see Russia from my porch"; not even you're dumb enough to suggest 'seeing' Russia is a substitute for knowing Russia in terms of an understanding of our long term relations with Russia and the nations which made up the former USSR.

Palin lacked even the rudimentary knowledge needed to pass a blue book exam in an undergrad Foreign Relations exam, or one in Geography or Psychology; her ignorance must be what attracted you and others like you to her.

Palin was and is all partisan all of the time. Of course that is what attracts the 28%ers to whom she appeals; as a demagogue she's a failure, she forgets the other 72% of Americans have open minds and open hearts and the callous conservative theme is anathema to them.

My God you are the biggest fucking moron on here

No, I think you harbor that mantle of greatness.
Being the biggest moron on the board.
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

Sorry troll, Palin brought most of the negative press on herself. "I can see Russia from my porch"; not even you're dumb enough to suggest 'seeing' Russia is a substitute for knowing Russia in terms of an understanding of our long term relations with Russia and the nations which made up the former USSR.

Palin lacked even the rudimentary knowledge needed to pass a blue book exam in an undergrad Foreign Relations exam, or one in Geography or Psychology; her ignorance must be what attracted you and others like you to her.

Palin was and is all partisan all of the time. Of course that is what attracts the 28%ers to whom she appeals; as a demagogue she's a failure, she forgets the other 72% of Americans have open minds and open hearts and the callous conservative theme is anathema to them.

Except, you lied. She never said "I can see Russia from my porch".

"GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.

And.... for the record, she was absolutely correct.... Russia is visable from certain areas of Alaska.

Left wing mythology is not fact.
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.

Anthony Weiner didn't do anything illegal. He texted his penis to a woman. BFD.

Let me explain your hypocricy. Ready Gramps? Follow this.

You guys stood behind Herman Cain when you heard that he had been sexually assaulting women. His approval ratings went up. It was only after you found out that he was in a long term loving extramarital affair that you threw him under the bus.

So you didn't care that he was basically like Jerry Sandusky towards women who worked for him but you did care that he had a goomba on the side?

Fact is Gramps, you think 98% of the women out there are whores. Put that on a bumper sticker.

Spin of the truth...massive spin.

Cain got added support when the controvbersy came out becuase of the fact that the left was willing to try, convivcvt and sentence him based strictly on the words of one person at the time.....during a presidential campaign season.

We were fair enough to wait until there was actual evidence.

When that evidence came out, Cain saw his support slipping...as it should....and he bowed out.

I guess people like you didnt learn a dam thing about the Duke Lacrosse case.

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