Did the Obama administration commit 'the biggest accounting fraud in history'


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Did the Obama administration commit 'the biggest accounting fraud in history' with student loans? Experts weigh in

This is the problem. Universities charge whatever they want but the taxpayers not necessarily the borrowers are on the hook. I saw this from a mile away and finally other people are seeing it too. Giving someone a loan for $200k who is a business major and will make $75k or more post graduation with an upward trend is not the same as giving someone $200k who is a music major with a slim to none chance of ever repaying that loan.
The biggest accounting fraud in human history is the Federal Reserve.....Though the college loan scam is indeed a whopper.
Did the Obama administration commit 'the biggest accounting fraud in history' with student loans? Experts weigh in

This is the problem. Universities charge whatever they want but the taxpayers not necessarily the borrowers are on the hook. I saw this from a mile away and finally other people are seeing it too. Giving someone a loan for $200k who is a business major and will make $75k or more post graduation with an upward trend is not the same as giving someone $200k who is a music major with a slim to none chance of ever repaying that loan.

Of course, he being the biggest fraud in American history.
I saw this happening as I was on the outro. They lowered the admission standards in order to get more students so they could write more loans.

It's not fair to all those after my generation because we had the advantage of unbloated and affordable classes.
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hence the rise of angry socialist college aged youth that blame capitalism on there debt !!! its no surprise that it was a far left piece of American hating shit that is the real culprit !! but leftist like rightwinger and other communist idiots will never accept the truth !!
I saw this happening as I was on the outro. They lowered the admission standards in order to get more students so they could write more loans.

It's not fair to all those after my generation because we had the advantage of unbloated and affordable classes.
Happened in the housing debacle as well.

Demon-crats never worry about the pay back, because they believe in the government as their ultimate saviours. Problem is that they got to have me and you being forced through heavy taxation to pay for it all. The word FORCE is their favorite word in the vocabulary.
Did the Obama administration commit 'the biggest accounting fraud in history' with student loans? Experts weigh in

This is the problem. Universities charge whatever they want but the taxpayers not necessarily the borrowers are on the hook. I saw this from a mile away and finally other people are seeing it too. Giving someone a loan for $200k who is a business major and will make $75k or more post graduation with an upward trend is not the same as giving someone $200k who is a music major with a slim to none chance of ever repaying that loan.

Agreed with everything you say here with the caveat that people honestly do make a living making music, but do not always or even often need a degree to do so. I have a music major....but needed one to do what I do. You often don't. (Randy Jackson of "American Idol" often made fun of music majors and in some cases he wasn't wrong. But that's another story for another day.)

There are other degrees however that are completely fabricated and have absolutely little use in the "real world". The much-maligned "gender studies". You feed right into the university system to make more "gender studies" professors who feed into the university system. There are other degrees like this as well.

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