Did Trump cash in on his inauguration?

And yet again we see indications that Trump let himself be surrounded by shady dealers. The ultimate goal of his opponents is to beat him in 2020. Will a constant stream of reports of illegal activity by everyone around him, Trump's " I didn't know " defense will become tenuous and then unsustainable. The real question is: will that matter?

These are strange times....his cult cares only about annoying liberals. And every time the Trump opposition has a mini parade over criminal allegations, the Trump cult makes hay...so, in a way,his cult has almost come to like and appreciate the constant stream of reports of criminal activity. Strangely, I think these reports serve to affirm and even reinforce his cult's position.

Every time a similar report came out on Nixon, while some of his base may have bunkered down, it dwindled in size and power. This does not appear to be the case with Trump.
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Not being a great lawyer with a staff of 17 hand picked investigators I'll wait for Mueller to answer that Talking with Russians trying to get info on Hill means nothing to you?
First of all opposition research isn't a crime....If it were then Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS, and Hillary should all be in jail.

Secondly, the whole story about Trump jr meeting with the Russians is all fucked up...In the first place, there's Roger Stone alleged to have got in touch with Assange (which never happened) to get the dirt on Hillary....After which there's the meeting in Trump Tower, to negotiate to get the dirt on Hillary, that was already allegedly already obtained by Stone from Wikileaks.

And the Trump Tower meeting was such an obvious set-up that even a dithering dumbass like Trump jr sniffed it out for what it was.

So now, where's the specific criminal act?
There are 100's of ways to steal money and chump knows them all ,,175000 per day paid to Trump washington hotel in overpayments??
Innuendo that doesn't address what I just said.

All I can conclude from this exchange is that you have nothing keeping you going but your hate.
How can you say that with all those close to trump indicted or running FROM the WH as fast as they can go ? Never heard about you're known by the friends you have ? And Putin and trump are best buds
I can say that because none of the things that they've been charged with and convicted for have anything to do with anything Trump has done.

Turn this around...How would you have acted if there were an independent council badgering and bullying Tony Rezko, Tim Geithner, and Obammy's welfare leech aunt?....You would still be shitting yourself over it, and we both know it.
What a patriot!
A spokesman confirmed that the nonprofit 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee paid the Trump International Hotel a rate of $175,000 per day for event space — in spite of internal objections at the time that the rate was far too high.

The inaugural committee also spent at least $1.5 million at a hotel in which the investment firm of the committee’s chairman, Tom Barrack, held a small stake.

New Evidence Emerges of Possible Wrongdoing by Trump Inaugural Committee — ProPublica
OMG!! I read the story and I can't believe it! That scoundrel that refuses to take a salary while being president
paid for an event space to the amount of $175,000 at Trump Tower! THE CAD!

And then, the Inaugeral committee spent $1.5 million which Tom Barrack (whoever the hell that is,,,) had a small stake. THE OPPORTUNIST....BET IT WAS MORE THAN $100!

How do you know he refuses his salary?

You seen his tax returns?
Well if you can believe the liar and chief ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,He said so
Turn this around...How would you have acted
...if Barack Obama had invited the top spy to the white house and enjoyed a good laugh with them at the expense of our institutions.

...if Obama had then sided with Putin on live tv against own intelligence and military ..

...if Obama had appointed a foreign agent to head our national security, with said agent then going to jail for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russian spies....

I could go on and on. So the next time one of you goobers trots out your "whataboutism," (which will be every single time), try to keep in mind that it cuts both ways.
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What a patriot!
A spokesman confirmed that the nonprofit 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee paid the Trump International Hotel a rate of $175,000 per day for event space — in spite of internal objections at the time that the rate was far too high.

The inaugural committee also spent at least $1.5 million at a hotel in which the investment firm of the committee’s chairman, Tom Barrack, held a small stake.

New Evidence Emerges of Possible Wrongdoing by Trump Inaugural Committee — ProPublica
OMG!! I read the story and I can't believe it! That scoundrel that refuses to take a salary while being president
paid for an event space to the amount of $175,000 at Trump Tower! THE CAD!

And then, the Inaugeral committee spent $1.5 million which Tom Barrack (whoever the hell that is,,,) had a small stake. THE OPPORTUNIST....BET IT WAS MORE THAN $100!
You didn't really read the story, or at least you didn't understand it. The committee paid $175,000 per day for spaces valued at $85,000 per day at the outside, while it's customary to donate the spaces.

Now do you see the problem?
What a patriot!
A spokesman confirmed that the nonprofit 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee paid the Trump International Hotel a rate of $175,000 per day for event space — in spite of internal objections at the time that the rate was far too high.

The inaugural committee also spent at least $1.5 million at a hotel in which the investment firm of the committee’s chairman, Tom Barrack, held a small stake.

New Evidence Emerges of Possible Wrongdoing by Trump Inaugural Committee — ProPublica
OMG!! I read the story and I can't believe it! That scoundrel that refuses to take a salary while being president
paid for an event space to the amount of $175,000 at Trump Tower! THE CAD!

And then, the Inaugeral committee spent $1.5 million which Tom Barrack (whoever the hell that is,,,) had a small stake. THE OPPORTUNIST....BET IT WAS MORE THAN $100!
You didn't really read the story, or at least you didn't understand it. The committee paid $175,000 per day for spaces valued at $85,000 per day at the outside, while it's customary to donate the spaces.

Now do you see the problem?
They even paid for EMPTY rooms
who cares?

The type who object to a Robber Baron and his minions pillaging the taxpaying public, anyway.
you do see the word POSSIBLE??
Covington/Jussie Smollet/etc etc etc wolf wolf wolf wolf
nothing but a witch hunt since he got elected-BECAUSE he got elected
in December said she only passed on the note and said that the inaugural should pay a “market rate.”
this is just more blah blah blah
So, not real familiar with the way these things work then? Let me help you.

Crimes are always "possible" and "alleged" to.the press until there is a conviction. It's a legal thing.
who cares?

The type who object to a Robber Baron and his minions pillaging the taxpaying public, anyway.
you do see the word POSSIBLE??
Covington/Jussie Smollet/etc etc etc wolf wolf wolf wolf
nothing but a witch hunt since he got elected-BECAUSE he got elected
in December said she only passed on the note and said that the inaugural should pay a “market rate.”
this is just more blah blah blah
So, not real familiar with the way these things work then? Let me help you.

Crimes are always "possible" and "alleged" to.the press until there is a conviction. It's a legal thing.
blah blah blah worthless crap--just like the MSM
Turn this around...How would you have acted
...if Barack Obama had invited the top spy to the white house and enjoyed a good laugh with them at the expense of our institutions.

...if Obama had then sided with Putin on live tv against own intelligence and military ..

...if Obama had appointed a foreign agent to head out national security, with said agent then gling to jail for lying to the FBI about contacting ts with Russian spies....

I could go on and on. So the next time one of you goobers trots out your "whataboutism," (which will be every single time), try to keep in mind that it cuts both ways.
If any of that had happened with the Cheeto, I'd be foursquare against it....But it didn't so I'm not.

who cares?

The type who object to a Robber Baron and his minions pillaging the taxpaying public, anyway.
you do see the word POSSIBLE??
Covington/Jussie Smollet/etc etc etc wolf wolf wolf wolf
nothing but a witch hunt since he got elected-BECAUSE he got elected
in December said she only passed on the note and said that the inaugural should pay a “market rate.”
this is just more blah blah blah
So, not real familiar with the way these things work then? Let me help you.

Crimes are always "possible" and "alleged" to.the press until there is a conviction. It's a legal thing.
McConnell sure cashed in
McConnell Received $3.5M In Campaign Donations From Russian Oligarch-Linked Firm - The Intellectualist
[QUOTEThe collision between Fitzgerald and Crystal was avoidable and resulted from an accumulation of smaller errors over time, ultimately resulting in a lack of adherence to sound navigational practices. Specifically, Fitzgerald's watch teams disregarded established norms of basic contact management and, more importantly, leadership failed to adhere to well-established protocols put in place to prevent collisions. In addition, the ship's triad was absent during an evolution where their experience, guidance and example would have greatly benefited the ship.][/QUOTE]
Navy Releases Collision Report for USS Fitzgerald and USS John S McCain Collisions
Trump not accepting a salary is just another bright shiny object for the cult to gape at while he robs us all blind violating the emoulements clause.

Trump is a moron with larceny running thru his veins. And he's a born liar. Trump has been barred by the NYSAG from engaging in philanthropy because he can't be trusted with charitable donations. People who donate to charities need to be protected from Trump!

Let that sink in , Trumptards.
who cares?

The type who object to a Robber Baron and his minions pillaging the taxpaying public, anyway.
you do see the word POSSIBLE??
Covington/Jussie Smollet/etc etc etc wolf wolf wolf wolf
nothing but a witch hunt since he got elected-BECAUSE he got elected
in December said she only passed on the note and said that the inaugural should pay a “market rate.”
this is just more blah blah blah
So, not real familiar with the way these things work then? Let me help you.

Crimes are always "possible" and "alleged" to.the press until there is a conviction. It's a legal thing.
blah blah blah worthless crap--just like the MSM
Does that mean you still don't understand it, you didn't read it, or you just don't care about the facts anyway?
Did Trump cash in on his inauguration?
What a patriot!

Possible Wrongdoing

a possible violation

It could be

It just gets funnier and funnier that the only thing you leftards work harder at than trying to find any unpaid parking ticket non-crime under Trump's mattress to rail about, from:
  • his liking pretty girls,
  • a few of his roughly 500 businesses not panning out,
  • eating fast food when on the run,
  • misspelled tweets,
  • possibly using spray tan,
  • actually liking to play golf on some of his many courses, to
  • having trouble getting the Swamp Congress to follow him on all of his agendas like anyone thought they would-- --
Is how you jackals bury your heads in denial at the literally Himalayan mountains of actual lies, crimes and wrongdoings that went on between the Clintons and Obamas whose every investigation has been either blocked, thwarted or corrupted that you SHOULD be really worried about! :auiqs.jpg:
Did Trump cash in on his inauguration?
What a patriot!

Possible Wrongdoing

a possible violation

It could be

It just gets funnier and funnier that the only thing you leftards work harder at than trying to find any unpaid parking ticket non-crime under Trump's mattress to rail about, from:
  • his liking pretty girls,
  • a few of his roughly 500 businesses not panning out,
  • eating fast food when on the run,
  • misspelled tweets,
  • possibly using spray tan,
  • actually liking to play golf on some of his many courses, to
  • having trouble getting the Swamp Congress to follow him on all of his agendas like anyone thought they would-- --
Is how you jackals bury your heads in denial at the literally Himalayan mountains of actual lies, crimes and wrongdoings that went on between the Clintons and Obamas whose every investigation has been either blocked, thwarted or corrupted that you SHOULD be really worried about! :auiqs.jpg:
I just don´t like Trump.
Did Trump cash in on his inauguration?
What a patriot!

Possible Wrongdoing

a possible violation

It could be

It just gets funnier and funnier that the only thing you leftards work harder at than trying to find any unpaid parking ticket non-crime under Trump's mattress to rail about, from:
  • his liking pretty girls,
  • a few of his roughly 500 businesses not panning out,
  • eating fast food when on the run,
  • misspelled tweets,
  • possibly using spray tan,
  • actually liking to play golf on some of his many courses, to
  • having trouble getting the Swamp Congress to follow him on all of his agendas like anyone thought they would-- --
Is how you jackals bury your heads in denial at the literally Himalayan mountains of actual lies, crimes and wrongdoings that went on between the Clintons and Obamas whose every investigation has been either blocked, thwarted or corrupted that you SHOULD be really worried about! :auiqs.jpg:
Well won't that be comforting to all those people with federal prosecutors climbing up their asses.

Did Trump cash in on his inauguration?
What a patriot!

Possible Wrongdoing

a possible violation

It could be

It just gets funnier and funnier that the only thing you leftards work harder at than trying to find any unpaid parking ticket non-crime under Trump's mattress to rail about, from:
  • his liking pretty girls,
  • a few of his roughly 500 businesses not panning out,
  • eating fast food when on the run,
  • misspelled tweets,
  • possibly using spray tan,
  • actually liking to play golf on some of his many courses, to
  • having trouble getting the Swamp Congress to follow him on all of his agendas like anyone thought they would-- --
Is how you jackals bury your heads in denial at the literally Himalayan mountains of actual lies, crimes and wrongdoings that went on between the Clintons and Obamas whose every investigation has been either blocked, thwarted or corrupted that you SHOULD be really worried about! :auiqs.jpg:
I just don´t like Trump.
Then you don't like a devious vile lying crooks Pity so many rockheads out there do

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