Did Trump Just Cancel a Meeting With Putin?

Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.
No matter your political affiliation you would have to applaud this decision?
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin
Well, perhaps we shouldn’t complain when he gets something right? :)
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.
No matter your political affiliation you would have to applaud this decision?
You would think. But, in the political climate, it will be difficult for a lefty to give any credit to Trump.
He didn't check with Putin first?

Trump proves daily he really isn't good at this collusion thingy.
Once again shattering the radical ridiculous Left's False Narrative of how Trump supposedly support Putin and is his guy, Trump snubbed Vlad today, cancelling their Argentina meeting over Putin's continued march towards what seems to be turning into Russia 'putting the band (USSR) back together again.....

PUTIN HIS PLACE: Trump snubs Russian leader, canceling Argentina meeting over Ukraine tension
Trump cancels meeting at G20 with Putin over Ukraine tensions

When Putin began putting troops on the Ukraine's border right before Russia militarily annexed Crimea, Barry didn't stop meeting with Putin...of course, Barry was trying to get Putin's permission to invade Syria at the time. I guess sacrifices needed to be made in order to get that permission: Crimea, 20% of the US supply of uranium, and no challenge to their attempts to hack the US electrical grid, to their counter-intelligence Op using US social media, and their gaining all of the TOP SECRET DATA on Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server....


Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin
Well, perhaps we shouldn’t complain when he gets something right? :)

This is a bit deeper than an individual decision. The thought process behind it is far more important.

The fact that he changed his mind in less than an hour is troubling for me.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.
OK. Putin instructed Trump to cancel the meeting because by doing so it would prove that there was no collusion, ... or something like that I'm sure.
No matter what you start with in a post, it always ends up being about Obama, doesn't it?

You started a thread about Trump/Putin chill due to Russia's current antics harassing Ukraine (again). How about a link or some discussion on what that is all about?
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin
Well, perhaps we shouldn’t complain when he gets something right? :)

This is a bit deeper than an individual decision. The thought process behind it is far more important.

The fact that he changed his mind in less than an hour is troubling for me.
Nevertheless, and all that...
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Cohen's guilty plea made him change his mind to try and look not so bad.

That is why he canceled it less than an hour after saying it would be a great time to meet with Putin
What day was that?
That will only benefit Deep State and it puppets, neither USA nor Ukraine, which has been running by Deep State puppets since 2014 Obama/Soros coup there. In fact, post-coup Ukraine has only 2 goals: to harm Russia and to decrease its own population. Both have been successfully fulfilled.

It's Ukraine who has violated Russia's borders, not vice versa. And they did it intentionally to destroy Trump/Putin meeting, 5 days prior to it.

So, in USA the tail is wagging the dog.

P.S. If Trump really wants to drain the Swamp he need an ally like Russia, not Ukraine. Putin can help him while Ukraine can sink him.
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Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.
Ahead of the meeting, experts and administration officials fretted that the President could emerge from his meeting with Putin without condemning Russia's actions toward Ukraine, or perhaps even having accepted Putin's interpretation of the incident -- one in which Russia was blameless.
Now, the President will have neither the opportunity to confront Putin publicly about the incident nor to accept his denials, as he did during their last meeting in Helsinki.

Problem solved.
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Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.
Trump doesn't want the embarrassment of being publicly owned by Putin again.

REPORTER: President Putin, your soldiers have invaded Crimea and the Ukraine-

PUTIN: Nuh-uh!

TRUMP: I have to bleev him since he denied it so strongly.
Once again shattering the radical ridiculous Left's False Narrative of how Trump supposedly support Putin and is his guy, Trump snubbed Vlad today, cancelling their Argentina meeting over Putin's continued march towards what seems to be turning into Russia 'putting the band (USSR) back together again.....

PUTIN HIS PLACE: Trump snubs Russian leader, canceling Argentina meeting over Ukraine tension
Trump cancels meeting at G20 with Putin over Ukraine tensions

When Putin began putting troops on the Ukraine's border right before Russia militarily annexed Crimea, Barry didn't stop meeting with Putin...of course, Barry was trying to get Putin's permission to invade Syria at the time. I guess sacrifices needed to be made in order to get that permission: Crimea, 20% of the US supply of uranium, and no challenge to their attempts to hack the US electrical grid, to their counter-intelligence Op using US social media, and their gaining all of the TOP SECRET DATA on Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server....


Nothing has been shattered. Trump is currently shitting his pants over the Russia probe, and Cohen's guilty plea. Totally shitting his pants. He spent 10 minutes lying about Cohen on the way to his helicopter today. It was spectacular!!!

Trump doesn't dare meet with Putin now. If he does, and he rolls over on his back the way he did in Helsinki, what's left of his supporters in the Senate will desert him. They're already on the attack hoping to hold onto their jobs in 2020, having seen what happened to Trumps' supporters in the House Mid-terms.

Now that the mid-terms are over with, Mueller has come out with both barrels blazing and Trump is changing his underwear several times a day.

I can't wait to see what happens at the G20. Trudeau and Macron clearly have no time for Trump. Only the recent election of strong men overseas will see Trump not completely isolated. Instead of being shunned by everyone, Trump can joined the despots table with MBS, Erdovan (although I doubt these two will be sharing a table), the Italian PM, and Putin. I love these big :popcorn: events. Trump is in shit with other world leaders every step of the way. People laugh at him. And the American people are embarassed. It just never gets old.
Wow! The liberals will have a field day with this, I want to see how it will be spun by the left.

Trump abruptly cancels planned Putin meeting - CNNPolitics

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

Looks like he lied again.
So the logic goes that the CIA finds Prince MBS killed a Washington Post journalist and that's OK with Trump. Arms deal on!

But Putin's continued aggression in the Ukraine is not.

You don't need the liberal media to spin this.
You just need to take the bag off head.

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