Did you know food prices drive the price of oil

Liking the price of gasoline is short sighted, so I am short sighted. But thinking that the price of oil is good for the country is just down right fool hardy.
What many of us average grocery shoppers are beginning to ponder is, why, now that gas is half the cost it was a couple years ago, is our grocery bill not going down?
From the report:
The next thing that's fascinating is that changes in the Food Price Index appear to lead changes in the price of oil by a few months. Since food prices don't drive oil prices as far as I know, this implies that they are both responding to the same underlying situation, but that food prices are a more sensitive indicator.
What many of us average grocery shoppers are beginning to ponder is, why, now that gas is half the cost it was a couple years ago, is our grocery bill not going down?
According to narcissistic complex right wingers, it's Oblama's fault...

According to left wing apologists, after 7 years nothing is still Obama's fault.
What many of us average grocery shoppers are beginning to ponder is, why, now that gas is half the cost it was a couple years ago, is our grocery bill not going down?
According to narcissistic complex right wingers, it's Oblama's fault...
I once gave MG some rabbit turds and told him they were smart pill, MG said,"These taste like crap." I replied, "You're getting smaaarrterrr."
What many of us average grocery shoppers are beginning to ponder is, why, now that gas is half the cost it was a couple years ago, is our grocery bill not going down?
According to narcissistic complex right wingers, it's Oblama's fault...
I once gave MG some rabbit turds and told him they were smart pill, MG said,"These taste like crap." I replied, "You're getting smaaarrterrr."
Tyrone once though his cock was a milk lever...

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