Zone1 Did You Know That If You Support Palestinians You Are Supporting The Continuation Of Nazism?


Haj Al Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem was a card-carrying Nazi who fled the Mandate and worked to exterminate Jews in the Balkans.

Anybody want to venture a guess as to the real last name of Yasser Arafat?
Hamas, Gaza, Palestine, Yasser Arafat, the 3rd Reich......all are historically related.

Here's the background of the Palestinian movement:
The complexity of the politics there boggles my small brain and it has a 5,000 year history. Every group there periodically swaps their friends for their enemies and vice versa. Would any sane person say the US is a communist-loving country because we were allied with the Soviets during WWII.
The complexity of the politics there boggles my small brain and it has a 5,000 year history. Every group there periodically swaps their friends for their enemies and vice versa. Would any sane person say the US is a communist-loving country because we were allied with the Soviets during WWII.
The very REASON they aligned with Hitler was because of the promised extermination of Jews, you idiot, and nothing since has indicated anything contrary to that agenda.

Haj Al Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem was a card-carrying Nazi who fled the Mandate and worked to exterminate Jews in the Balkans.

Anybody want to venture a guess as to the real last name of Yasser Arafat?
That's just one guy.

There were pro-Axis people in every Allied country.

The majority of Palestinians didn't support the Axis and volunteered to fight for the allies, only to get screwed again.
The very REASON they aligned with Hitler was because of the promised extermination of Jews, you idiot, and nothing since has indicated anything contrary to that agenda.
Except they didn't allign with the Nazis, and the Nazis initially tried to export their Jews to Palestine, but the British said "no".
The very REASON they aligned with Hitler was because of the promised extermination of Jews, you idiot, and nothing since has indicated anything contrary to that agenda.
How did they know Hitler was going to exterminate the Jews, I don't believe he ever admitted that publicly. And the hated they had for Britain was not a factor?
Everything is historically related .
Even You and I , if you search long enough .
The Mufti was a card-carrying Nazi, you idiot.
He was also - 1 dude who had spent years fighting the British who were occupying his country and was happy to take help from wherever.

The problem with WWII is that we see "good guys" and "bad guys", when in fact most of our allies were not good guys. The British weren't. The Soviets weren't. The Kumoatang weren't.
Topic Title a complete fabrication
Israel is a country run my an insane coterie of people acting like Nazis.

Palestine is run by Freedom Fighters using violence to overthrow Nazis .
Simple .

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