Did you know that Trump has an "Evangelical Christian Advisory Board"? Who's on it?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
These are the members of Trump's Evangelical Christian Advisory Board:

Michele Bachmann
Mark Burns
Tim Clinton
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
James Dobson
Jerry Falwell Jr.
Ronnie Floyd
Jentezen Franklin
Harry Jackson
Robert Feffress
David Jeremiah
Richard Land
James MacDonald
Johnnie Moore
Robert Morris
Tom Mullins
Ralph Reed
James Robison
Tony Suarez
Jay Strack
Paula White
Tom Winters and Sealy Yates

Yea, THAT Michele Bachmann. Who believes 9/11 was punishment from God for letting gays live. And the Belgium attack was God mocking Obama. And that is only the beginning. Not to mention her husband. I'xe seen men more macho on Drag Race.

The council does have a small split. Not all Evangelicals believe in the "new" right wing Christian "Prosperity Gospel". Basically, the Prosperity Gospel teaches that if you turn your life over to Jesus, you will be set upon the road to prosperity and riches. Most of the time, when something bad happens, you are told you haven't been honest with Jesus. That you are still harboring some sin. In other words, using spiritualism as a stick and money as a carrot.

Burns who said Bernie needs to get saved and accept Jesus.

Tim Clinton who, in the past has been a major gay hater. But now says gays should forget the "Converstion therapy fiasco" and just remain celibate. Pointing out that many times when someone had such a change of heart, it's because a family member came out. Just sayin'.

The Copeland's, one of those TV mega preachers with jets and mansions.

James Dobson, who insisted that the children murdered at Sandy Hook, by the son of a right wing survivalist was really God's doing for allowing gays and women's rights.

Jerry Falwell Jr. who was forced to resign from Liberty's board. They said Trump does not reflect Christlike behavior, which they have been promoting for 40 years.

Ronnie Floyd who said gay is not an orientation, but, get this, "an idea".

Jentezen Franklin who has two mega churches. Uses his private jet to give sermons at both every Sunday.

Jack Graham, who was accused of protecting a child molester who was later convicted. He said Jesus didn't answer false accusations either. So me must be like Jesus.

Harry Jackson hates gays.

Robert Jeffress, gay leads to child molesting and Catholicism is a pagan religion.

I'm stopping. I'm sickened looking up the odious beliefs of these awful and evil people. They aren't all completely evil. A few believe the prosperity gospel is misguided and wrong. Two maybe.

Basically a rouges gallery of hate and connived wealth.

Member of Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board resigns over 'conflict in values'
Hating everyone who disagrees with you....isn't that hateful?
Hating everyone who disagrees with you....isn't that hateful?
. These people like the poster you are responding to think that they are the last word or the most intelligent on all of the issues. They see whites or conservatives be it black, white or whatever as being hayseeds, hillbillies, uneducated, primitive, Neanderthal's.
An ‘advisory board’ that will advise Trump on how to attack the privacy rights of women, attack the equal protection rights of transgender Americans, and how to attack settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence in an effort to violate the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.
An ‘advisory board’ that will advise Trump on how to attack the privacy rights of women, attack the equal protection rights of transgender Americans, and how to attack settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence in an effort to violate the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.
Total unequivocal nonsense. Most presidents have had religious advisers. A quick refresher for all to see and some to cry over.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
what is "trumps evangelical board"? Are they paid public servants? when was this OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT BOARD FORMED (or not)
what is "trumps evangelical board"? Are they paid public servants? when was this OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT BOARD FORMED (or not)
When they can determine policy, then yes, they are official. Sanctioned or not.
That the likes of Michele Bachmann – an ignorant, hateful rightwing bigot – is associated with Trump comes as no surprise.

Indeed, Trump himself is an ignorant, hateful rightwing bigot.
Imagine a board of people advising a President whose priority is not reality, but an imagined eternal afterlife. Where a group could be examining the ramifications of invading North Korea, and finding that the consequences are far too damaging than any benefit... but then a guy comes in and says "God told me that we should invade North Korea," and we go ahead with it.

That's some scary shit.
An ‘advisory board’ that will advise Trump on how to attack the privacy rights of women, attack the equal protection rights of transgender Americans, and how to attack settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence in an effort to violate the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.
. So your thinking is that Christianity has no place in the so called new society in which the left have been strong arming America into accepting ?? So what is your plan to destroy Christianity then ? Will you try and re-interpret the Constitution to do it or rewrite laws in favor of it's destruction ?? Do tell Clayton. Let us know how your side plans to take out the Christians in this country ?
Hating everyone who disagrees with you....isn't that hateful?
There is a different between hating them and hating their hate.

But you wouldn't understand.

^^^^ Fighting Hate With Hate Isn't Hateful.

The Leftist's new Talking Points Slogan :rolleyes-41:
. Hate will always fight hate on either side of the issues, but just figuring out who is right and who is wrong anymore is the problem faced today. Everything is upside down, so where is "right" anymore or who is right anymore ?? I'm not sure if anyone knows these days. God still knows, but man has lost his way now.
An ‘advisory board’ that will advise Trump on how to attack the privacy rights of women, attack the equal protection rights of transgender Americans, and how to attack settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence in an effort to violate the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

Would you comment the same thing if it was an Advisory Board full of Islamists? Or wouldn't that be Politically Correct?
Imagine a board of people advising a President whose priority is not reality, but an imagined eternal afterlife. Where a group could be examining the ramifications of invading North Korea, and finding that the consequences are far too damaging than any benefit... but then a guy comes in and says "God told me that we should invade North Korea," and we go ahead with it.

That's some scary shit.

That is a very unlikely scenario.
Imagine a board of people advising a President whose priority is not reality, but an imagined eternal afterlife. Where a group could be examining the ramifications of invading North Korea, and finding that the consequences are far too damaging than any benefit... but then a guy comes in and says "God told me that we should invade North Korea," and we go ahead with it.

That's some scary shit.
. If this nation stood up for itself, we would find you where ? Under your bed in a fetal position crying "there is a God, there is a God, there is a God, there is a God" ?? Too late !!
Hating everyone who disagrees with you....isn't that hateful?
There is a different between hating them and hating their hate.

But you wouldn't understand.

^^^^ Fighting Hate With Hate Isn't Hateful.

The Leftist's new Talking Points Slogan :rolleyes-41:
. Hate will always fight hate on either side of the issues, but just figuring out who is right and who is wrong anymore is the problem faced today. Everything is upside down, so where is "right" anymore or who is right anymore ?? I'm not sure if anyone knows these days. God still knows, but man has lost his way now.

The Left feel they get to define Right and Wrong and it's simply that everyone who isn't a Leftist is Wrong and this is from a group of people Leftists who are devoid of any moral compass.

People only have to pay attention to the issues that Leftists are obsessed with to illustrate they have no moral compass.

What are the two main things that Leftists are obsessed with? Transgendering and Abortion, the moral compass is just not there. Period.
Imagine a board of people advising a President whose priority is not reality, but an imagined eternal afterlife. Where a group could be examining the ramifications of invading North Korea, and finding that the consequences are far too damaging than any benefit... but then a guy comes in and says "God told me that we should invade North Korea," and we go ahead with it.

That's some scary shit.
. If this nation stood up for itself, we would find you where ? Under your bed in a fetal position crying "there is a God, there is a God, there is a God, there is a God" ?? Too late !!
An ‘advisory board’ that will advise Trump on how to attack the privacy rights of women, attack the equal protection rights of transgender Americans, and how to attack settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence in an effort to violate the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.
. So your thinking is that Christianity has no place in the so called new society in which the left have been strong arming America into accepting ?? So what is your plan to destroy Christianity then ? Will you try and re-interpret the Constitution to do it or rewrite laws in favor of it's destruction ?? Do tell Clayton. Let us know how your side plans to take out the Christians in this country ?
That's where your mistake is assuming that these people are traditional Christians. Clearly, you missed this part:

Jerry Falwell Jr. who was forced to resign from Liberty's board. They said Trump does not reflect Christlike behavior, which they have been promoting for 40 years.

Most of those so called Christians on Trump's advisory board are NOT traditional Christians.

What would Jesus think of Trump's mob ties, his stiffing his workers, stealing from children with cancer, his constant lies and his boasting about infidelities and sexual assault?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you are either woefully ignorant or one of the new breed of dirty so called Christians who will have a lot to answer for.

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