Did you see tragic Sarah Huckabee Sanders whining about being mistreated at the News Conference?

Starting at 19:00.

Sarah Sanders refuses to say the press is not ‘enemy of the people’

I (Sarah) should be choked?

WH pushes pure conspiracy from the podium


She made it all about her.

Wow, for a woman who lies so much, I don't see how she can get mad at those who call her out on her lies?

No other press secretary has lied like she has and to the extent she has.

There are prostitutes and then there are real whores.
She's a real whore for the top media whore in the country, temporarily occupying the White House.
I've been waiting for the preacher's daughter to start developing facial tics as a result of defending every violation of all that is holy.

"That wasn't adultery with Stormy Daniels. He had his fingers crossed."
It's sad that you can't even admit that Sarah Sanders was in fact treated rudely by some of the journalists at the news conference. If any conservative journalists had treated any of Obama's press secretaries like that, I would have been the first to condemn their conduct as rude and inappropriate.

Starting at 19:00.

Sarah Sanders refuses to say the press is not ‘enemy of the people’

I (Sarah) should be choked?

WH pushes pure conspiracy from the podium


She made it all about her.

Wow, for a woman who lies so much, I don't see how she can get mad at those who call her out on her lies?

What she did is point out what a bunch of douchebags the media are, and you are too stupid to realize that the media were shown to be the jackasses they are.
I thought it was funny that she was bitching about the WH Correspondent's dinner. She was bitching about the comedienne who made fun of her smoky eyes, and blamed the media as being the reason she needs SS protection.

Hey Sarah, get over it. Everyone knows that the WH Correspondent's dinner is basically a roast of the person occupying the WH and the people who work for the WH. When a person is roasted, people tell jokes at the expense of those being roasted. She really needs to grow a sense of humor.
You got to be kidding. That is the lowest any comedian has ever gone at the WH Correspondent's dinner. Going after the president is one thing, but going after the appearance of the press secretary is way way over the line.

All you proved is that you're a scum sucking asshole.

Starting at 19:00.

Sarah Sanders refuses to say the press is not ‘enemy of the people’

I (Sarah) should be choked?

WH pushes pure conspiracy from the podium


She made it all about her.

Wow, for a woman who lies so much, I don't see how she can get mad at those who call her out on her lies?

That's exactly what I pointed out to my wife while we were watching it....."why is she doing nothing but whine whine whine".

/——-/ Tell your wife he should know republicans aren’t allowed to defend themselves from the left’s hate and venom.

Whining and victimization is all trumpanzees got these days.

Nope, they have a lot more and you're not going to like it.

Victimization? You people on the left made a political career out of victimization. Lowlifes attacking Trump's people at a restaurant isn't being victimized? A big loser roughing up a kid eating a hamburger and taking his hat isn't being victimized? A renown politician in Congress encouraging aggressiveness and even hinting at violence is not victimization? And let's not forget all the other attacks by you violent people that only get local reporting thanks to your precious MSM.

Whining? Your people made a story about what kind of shoes Trump's wife wears.
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Sanders made the media look really small today....

You missed the press briefing, then.
Acosta was very empathetic and almost apologetic and asked her one last time if she believed the press was the enemy of the people.
She's a coward, just like her mob boss.
Because the press really is the enemy of the people. Yes she should have said so.

What she should have told him is that she doesn't take suggestions or orders from him. The only person she takes suggestions from is the President.
Sarah ruined fake news douchebag's butts. Prep H and a new product they sell on FOX news to help with the retards.
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Did you see the conference today? Aug 14?

She couldn't say Trump didn't use the N word.
Sarah Sanders doesn't always mop the floor in the white house. When she does Jim Acosta is the mop.
I thought it was funny that she was bitching about the WH Correspondent's dinner. She was bitching about the comedienne who made fun of her smoky eyes, and blamed the media as being the reason she needs SS protection.

Hey Sarah, get over it. Everyone knows that the WH Correspondent's dinner is basically a roast of the person occupying the WH and the people who work for the WH. When a person is roasted, people tell jokes at the expense of those being roasted. She really needs to grow a sense of humor.
The press is the reason she needs SS protection, you fucking douchebag.

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