Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
THe removal of SADDAM, was a benefit of the war.

According to you removing SH was necessary not because of the WMD threat to peace and security in the world but in order to install our Christian culture ‘style’ of Democracy in a Muslim nation. So now you are claiming that your idea for the ‘necessity’ for war was a benefit of the war.

You keeping forgetting that in a moral universe a war that takes the lives of innocents must be grounded in necessity as a last resort - there must be no other choice for a moral nation to make.

I submit that you are confused about America because you are brainwashed into believing America is a Christian nation and therefore it is a moral nation even when it is the aggressor in a war of choice crossing an international border to impose its Christian will on whatever nation it chooses needs it.

You are confused because America had no moral right in any sense to Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe Iraqis into democracy on March 19 2003. NONE WHATSOEVER!
THe removal of SADDAM, was a benefit of the war.

According to you removing SH was necessary not because of the WMD threat to peace and security in the world but in order to install our Christian culture ‘style’ of Democracy in a Muslim nation. So now you are claiming that your idea for the ‘necessity’ for war was a benefit of the war.

You keeping forgetting that in a moral universe a war that takes the lives of innocents must be grounded in necessity as a last resort - there must be no other choice for a moral nation to make.

I submit that you are confused about America because you are brainwashed into believing America is a Christian nation and therefore it is a moral nation even when it is the aggressor in a war of choice crossing an international border to impose its Christian will on whatever nation it chooses needs it.

You are confused because America had no moral right in any sense to Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe Iraqis into democracy on March 19 2003. NONE WHATSOEVER!

Boy, you nailed it.. Such a disgusting mindset and the source of so many cruel failures. These American morons who think they can force another country to change their religion, cutlure and traditions.

The Americans were successful in KSA because we were VERY clear that we weren't there to "fix" them or change them ..

So often this idiocy is couched in religion.. Christians who have NO respect for others or their ways. NO better than the Taliban or the Zionists.
What would have happened, if I had spent all this time assuming that you were a Ba'athist fascist yourself, and was anti-war because you personally idolized Saddam Hussain?

Nothing different because you are required in this discussion to make arguments based on facts and only facts. ....

Except you don't do that, as I pointed out, in the portion of my post you cut.

So, your answer is a lie.

Moving on, Question: DO you believe that Iranian adults are fully developed humans?
THe removal of SADDAM, was a benefit of the war.

According to you removing SH was necessary not because of the WMD threat to peace and security in the world but in order to install our Christian culture ‘style’ of Democracy in a Muslim nation. So now you are claiming that your idea for the ‘necessity’ for war was a benefit of the war.

You keeping forgetting that in a moral universe a war that takes the lives of innocents must be grounded in necessity as a last resort - there must be no other choice for a moral nation to make.

I submit that you are confused about America because you are brainwashed into believing America is a Christian nation and therefore it is a moral nation even when it is the aggressor in a war of choice crossing an international border to impose its Christian will on whatever nation it chooses needs it.

You are confused because America had no moral right in any sense to Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe Iraqis into democracy on March 19 2003. NONE WHATSOEVER!

1. You admitted that Saddam being gone was a good thing.

2. This point has nothing to do with my motive for the war. It is a separate discussion.

3. I have forgotten no such thing. We are discussing a minor point of semantics, ie the meaning of "unmitigated".

4. Your submitted opinion does not match my stated positions on this thread. So, i can only conclude you pulled it out of your ass.

5. We have plenty of just cause for war against Saddam. Your denial is silly.
1. You admitted that Saddam being gone was a good thing.

Now you need to confess that your support for killing Iraqis to remove him was a terrible immoral despicable thing and you are sorry that you wanted them to suffer and die.
What would have happened, if I had spent all this time assuming that you were a Ba'athist fascist yourself, and was anti-war because you personally idolized Saddam Hussain?

Nothing different because you are required in this discussion to make arguments based on facts and only facts. ....

Except you don't do that, as I pointed out, in the portion of my post you cut.

So, your answer is a lie.

Moving on, Question: DO you believe that Iranian adults are fully developed humans?

Of course the Iranians are fully developed human beings. Are you crazy? You sound like some rube who has never been out of Kansas.
What would have happened, if I had spent all this time assuming that you were a Ba'athist fascist yourself, and was anti-war because you personally idolized Saddam Hussain?

Nothing different because you are required in this discussion to make arguments based on facts and only facts. ....

Except you don't do that, as I pointed out, in the portion of my post you cut.

So, your answer is a lie.

Moving on, Question: DO you believe that Iranian adults are fully developed humans?

Of course the Iranians are fully developed human beings. Are you crazy? You sound like some rube who has never been out of Kansas.

I'm not asking you, you drooling retard. I am asking Not.
5. We have plenty of just cause for war against Saddam. Your denial is silly.

No you don’t. You are a liar and a fascist and a racist. You did not mitigate civilian deaths when you called for Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe against Iraq. You caused every single innocent Iraqi death when you shocked and awed them with your Christian nation military firepower.

You are the dumbass who admitted that during the ramp up to war the threat of WMD in the dictator’s hands was not a threat and WMD was not why you supported war.

You have admitted that you will kill civilians in a sovereign nation at your whim to make their lives better no matter what they want. You are a fascist. You demonstrate your willingness and eagerness to kill thousands who are zero threat to us just because we can. You have no moral restraint. You admit it and then whine because that identifies you with fascists that have no respect for human life except fir fellow fascists.
5. We have plenty of just cause for war against Saddam. Your denial is silly.

No you don’t. You are a liar and a fascist and a racist. You did not mitigate civilian deaths when you called for Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe against Iraq. You caused every single innocent Iraqi death when you shocked and awed them with your Christian nation military firepower.

You are the dumbass who admitted that during the ramp up to war the threat of WMD in the dictator’s hands was not a threat and WMD was not why you supported war.

You have admitted that you will kill civilians in a sovereign nation at your whim to make their lives better no matter what they want. You are a fascist. You demonstrate your willingness and eagerness to kill thousands who are zero threat to us just because we can. You have no moral restraint. You admit it and then whine because that identifies you with fascists that have no respect for human life except fir fellow fascists.

Here, let's strip your post of all the personal attacks.

"No you don’t.You did not mitigate civilian deaths when you called for Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe against Iraq. You caused every single innocent Iraqi death when you shocked and awed them with your Christian nation military firepower.

You admitted that during the ramp up to war the threat of WMD in the dictator’s hands was not a threat and WMD was not why you supported war.

You have admitted that you will kill civilians in a sovereign nation at your whim to make their lives better no matter what they want. You demonstrate your willingness and eagerness to kill thousands who are zero threat to us just because we can. You have no moral restraint. "

Now, let's strip out all the false accusations based on self serving assumptions from you, about me.

"No you don’t.You did not mitigate civilian deaths when you called for Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe against Iraq. You caused every single innocent Iraqi death when you shocked and awed them with your Christian nation military firepower.

You admitted that during the ramp up to war the threat of WMD in the dictator’s hands was not a threat and WMD was not why you supported war.

You have admitted that you will kill civilians in a sovereign nation at your whim to make their lives better no matter what they want. "

Now, let's strip out all the emotional appeal hype.

"No you don’t.You did not mitigate civilian deaths .

You admitted that during the ramp up to war the threat of WMD in the dictator’s hands was not a threat and WMD was not why you supported war. "

So, all that is left, all that you actually said, stripped of the bullshit, is a statement that doesn't make any sense.

I did not claim that removing Saddam "mitigated" the civilian deaths.

My point was that the overall judgement of the war, had to include the admission, as you have done, that removing Saddam was a good thing.

Thus, AT WORST, the outcome of the war, was "mitigated".

That you have use such dishonest tactics, is you dealing with the fact that your position is not defensible.

That you stone wall on such a minor sematic point, shows that you know that your positions is fragile as a house of cards.

Please stop filling your post with so much trash. It is sad.
Here, let's strip your post of all the personal attacks.

"No you don’t. You did not mitigate civilian deaths when you called for Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe against Iraq. You caused every single innocent Iraqi death when you shocked and awed them with your Christian nation military firepower.

Why not try to dispute the facts I presented instead of trying to strip them away so you don’t have to deal with facts by playing your stupid games.

YOU really did not mitigate civilian deaths when you called for Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe against Iraq.

Do you think you mitigated deaths in Iraq when you supported Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe?

If not, then you must admit what I’m saying is a fact. You are a wanton killer fascist.

You caused every single innocent Iraqi death when you shocked and awed them with your Christian nation military firepower.
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My point was that the overall judgement of the war, had to include the admission, as you have done, that removing Saddam was a good thing.

Your point is stupid. There is no ‘overall judgment’ that values the removal of SH over one single Iraqi that you condemned to death by Blitzkrieg Shock And AWE.

The innocents you killed cannot opine that judgment - and you their killer have no right to decide it was worth it for them. The more you whine the more fascist you become. You think you speak for the people you killed in your nation building project. You are sick and demented.
Here, let's strip your post of all the personal attacks.

"No you don’t. You did not mitigate civilian deaths when you called for Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe against Iraq. You caused every single innocent Iraqi death when you shocked and awed them with your Christian nation military firepower.

Why not try to dispute the facts I presented instead of trying to strip them away so you don’t have to deal with facts by playing your stupid games.

YOU really did not mitigate civilian deaths when you called for Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe against Iraq.

Do you think you mitigated deaths in Iraq when you supported Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe?

If not, then you must admit what I’m saying is a fact. You are a wanton killer fascist.

You caused every single innocent Iraqi death when you shocked and awed them with your Christian nation military firepower.

The vast majority of what you post is just trash.

The way you open this post by lying about what I said in regards to "unmitigated".

That is trash. Nothing but trash. .

That you claim it to be a fact is just you lying.
My point was that the overall judgement of the war, had to include the admission, as you have done, that removing Saddam was a good thing.

Your point is stupid. There is no ‘overall judgment’ that values the removal of SH over one single Iraqi that you condemned to death by Blitzkrieg Shock And AWE.

The innocents you killed cannot opine that judgment - and you their killer have no right to decide it was worth it for them. The more you whine the more fascist you become. You think you speak for the people you killed in your nation building project. You are sick and demented.

Here you pretend to be too stupid to understand the concept of "overall judgement".

That is really stupid. To be that stupid, you would have to be profoundly retarded.

you are obviously not that stupid. So, you are lying.
Here you pretend to be too stupid to understand the concept of "overall judgement".

No, you are a liar. I am not pretending anything. Your tricks don’t work with me. I mean what I say and always make sure that I am sticking with facts. You cannot make an overall judgment about the war because you killed half a million who have no say. They were victims of your military aggression. We don’t ask murderers to judge if the people they killed was for their benefit and their own good.

You killed half a million to experiment with nation building. You were a dumbass to admit that and there is no way out for you except to express some remorse for all those you needlessly decided to kill.
@NotfooledbyW, do you believe that Iranians are functional adults equal to say, Americans in their understanding of morality?

Yes of course.

You've waxed quite poetic about the human cost of the war and cited mine and Bush's nationalism, race, and faith in the process of assigning ALL responsibility for ALL the human cost of the war to your partisan enemies.

YOu never seem to assign any moral responsibility to the Iranians for their role in the war.

Why is that?

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