Did You Vote for Biden?

5% growth in GDP? Yes. I voted for that.
Record stock market highs? Yes. I voted for that.
Near-record low unemployment? Yes. I voted for that.
A regained respect from our allies around the world? Yes. I voted for that.
A decimated Russian military? Yes. I voted for that.
Largest energy production in the history of the world? Yes. I voted for that.
Manufacturing and jobs returning to the United States? Yes. I voted for that.
5% growth in GDP? Yes. I voted for that.
Record stock market highs? Yes. I voted for that.
Near-record low unemployment? Yes. I voted for that.
A regained respect from our allies around the world? Yes. I voted for that.
A decimated Russian military? Yes. I voted for that.
Largest energy production in the history of the world? Yes. I voted for that.
Manufacturing and jobs returning to the United States? Yes. I voted for that.
Did you vote for the Afghan withdrawal fiasco?
Did you vote for a border so porous that 8 million illegals have entered the country...now threatening to bankrupt American cities across the country?
Did you vote for a border so porous that Fentanyl smuggled into the country has killed more Americans in Biden's three years than we lost in Vietnam?
Did you vote for rampant inflation that cost the average American family $11, 500 a year to buy the same things they bought before Biden was in office?
Did you vote for taking half of the Strategic Oil Reserve simply to lower the cost of gas before the midterms and still not replacing it?
Did you vote for wars in Europe and the Middle East?
Did you vote for American troops to be targeted by Iranian proxies while we STILL try to negotiate a "deal" to give the Mullahs billions of dollars and a nuke?
Did you vote for a DOJ that let's criminal charges against the President's son expire while charging the opposition Party's foremost candidate with multiple indictments?

Did you REALLY vote for this piece of shit, Synth? What were you smoking?
Did you vote for a border so porous that Fentanyl smuggled into the country has killed more Americans in Biden's three years than we lost in Vietnam?
Excuse me, who is forcing fentanyl down anyone’s throats? What happened to The Party of Personal Responsibility?

I can buy all the liquor I want and drown in it. But I don’t.
I can abuse all the prescribed painkillers I want. But I don’t.
in the 80s and 90s I could have smoked crack every day if I had wanted to. But I didn’t.
As someone in the music industry, I was around cocaine constantly. I could have easily abused it. I didn’t.

If people are taking fentanyl that’s on them, and I have very little sympathy. It’s certainly not Joe Biden’s fault.
Excuse me, who is forcing fentanyl down anyone’s throats? What happened to The Party of Personal Responsibility?

I can buy all the liquor I want and drown in it. But I don’t.
I can abuse all the prescribed painkillers I want. But I don’t.
in the 80s and 90s I could have smoked crack every day if I had wanted to. But I didn’t.
As someone in the music industry, I was around cocaine constantly. I could have easily abused it. I didn’t.

If people are taking fentanyl that’s on them, and I have very little sympathy. It’s certainly not Joe Biden’s fault.
Did you vote for rampant inflation that cost the average American family $11, 500 a year to buy the same things they bought before Biden was in office?
No, you voted for that when you elected an incompetent who failed to manage a pandemic that created massive supply chain issues that lasted long after he did.

And that figure is horseshit.
Excuse me, who is forcing fentanyl down anyone’s throats? What happened to The Party of Personal Responsibility?

I can buy all the liquor I want and drown in it. But I don’t.
I can abuse all the prescribed painkillers I want. But I don’t.
in the 80s and 90s I could have smoked crack every day if I had wanted to. But I didn’t.
As someone in the music industry, I was around cocaine constantly. I could have easily abused it. I didn’t.

If people are taking fentanyl that’s on them, and I have very little sympathy. It’s certainly not Joe Biden’s fault.
Whatever happened to the Party of Empathy, Synth? Got to love you folks on the left! You decriminalize drugs. You let drug cartels smuggle them across our border. Then you blame addicts for dying?
The Party of Personal Responsibility is also the Party that thinks Government's number one job is to protect American citizens...be it from terrorists, foreign threats or drug cartels! This isn't a small problem. This is killing hundreds of thousands of Americans and you don't care because you think an open border is "cool"!
Talk to Trump’s boss over in Moscow. The U.S. didn’t start that war, but Biden’s brilliant handling of his support for Ukraine will finish it - if traitorous Republicans stop actively trying to help Russia.
If Biden hadn't enriched the Russians with his energy policies and hadn't told Putin that he was OK with a "minor incursion" into Ukraine that war wouldn't have happened in the first place! Biden's a foreign policy idiot. He always has been!

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